How does this make you feel Sup Forums ?

how does this make you feel Sup Forums ?

whitey getting btfo

they are in college , all the top gpa scores are by indians and chinks . whites are even worse than arabs and persians

CEOs are not innovators. Thanks, but I think outside the bun. The US, UK, EU and Russia are full of innovative glorious white skinned angels. Get out, niggers.

>leading startups isn't innovative
and indians also work in normal tech jobs too
Russia didnt contribute anything to tech in the last years while uk and usa are full with pajeets.

>and Indians also work in normal tech jobs too
There exist white CEOs and there are white in normal technology related sectors, as well. Russia is a developing country and has made incredible progress. Your point is that niggers need the recognition from the white population so they too can be respected. How about rather than skirting the issue and hiding the "we niggers are superior" mentality, let us have the individual achievement of a nigger stand on its own without turning to racially biased arguments. We should not forget that niggers can be perpetrators of racism, too. Let's come to together and be friends by thinking outside the bun.

Why the fuck are you speaking about niggers you autist.

>Did you know
>More than 1/3 of Microsoft's workers are indian
Yeah we know

>CEO with family values and isn't a massive degenerate who hates his parents and divorced 5 times
based as fuck

>pic related
>op's text related

kek this is real

>mfw we buy a nutanix appliance because latest sccm requires "a lot of storage"

doesn't matter. you will always be indian.

Now they can stop doing tech support scams.
Micro$hit only hires pajets to fill diversity quotas.
The more of them there are the worse the curry smell is.

>diversity quota
big meme indians are considered asian in america so the quota just like college is actually against them

>US, UK, EU, Russia

let's play spot the russian

nobody cares as long as they are legal/naturalized, and will of course be educated because we don't let the average street shitter in, those against border control do their best to lump unskilled illegal immigrants with skilled legal immigrants

>9 companies in the fortune 500 list have Indian CEOs

Is this list old? Make that 10.

What sanjay mean by this ?

No, just a handsome, Anglo-Saxon American sharing his opinion.

Very good shitlord >:^P
Soon the cishet white males will be gone, and society will finally be Utopian :D

Good, it's about time somebody did some fucking work around here. I might be white but that doesn't mean I'm a fucking dipshit REEEEEEEEEEtard thinking Pajeet is going to take my job. I'm not worried about the college graduate Indian bro who has an awesome idea for blockchain based credit processing, he's cool, it's an interesting idea, and I wish him well. I am worried about his goatfucking currybreath cousin back in New Delhi who works in a call center for $2 an hour and the piece of shit companies who outsource to his fucking backwater of a town. Let me say something Sup Forums might not agree with, America is a country by and for the best in the world, no matter where you're from or what color you are, but if you're some lazy fuck who thinks he's entitled to a free ride just because he's white then fuck you, you deluded sack of human garbage you're almost as bad as the currybreath goatfucker, but at least I don't have to worry about your NEET ass taking my job you fat fuck.

That's really outdated you stupid fucking autist

>America is a country by and for the best in the world, no matter where you're from or what color you are
Nope, the country was built for/by Europeans. At least for almost all of US history. Its only recent that we are forced to take on diversified immigration for some "benefits". Those that come from India, China, or wherever will take a slice of the country for themselves. After all, we must support other cultures/customs


I also find it funny how easy you Americans are to selling out your own people for cheap labor and cheap goods. In the end this will only hinder your growth and ultimately cause you to disappear. Since many white Americans don't have money or opportunity to have a family. Whilst all the other groups seem to grow just fine

>Le Asians r smart xDD
Iranians are the ones with the highest score. Chinks have worse grades than Arabs and the only reason why the latter two is allowed to study despite having shitty grades is because of money. Pajeets breed like rats and they're not dumb but they're not capable of thinking for themselves. When you have one of the biggest world populations and corruption, it makes you smart? Fuck off.

Both Chinks and Pajeets rely on copying other people's work and that's about it. Whites are ok if you exclude the hipsters.

Like shit

>Russia is shit
>EU is shit
>China is shit
>USA is literally shit
This is what happen then you start dick waving contest I guess.

>More than 1/3 of Microsoft's workers are indian