

>>Sup Forumsay

not gonna use it

>letting Google scan your entire computer
No thanks


>oy goy, don't download that floppy!

Ultimately a good idea for the normalfags, but if this isn't feature creep I don't know what is.

it very clearly said extensions/settings changes, nothing outside of the browser was mentioned.


$20 it hits on DMCA'd files and suggest their removal.

This is how Google gets access to the computer outside of the browser since people won't use their OS

>Google says it will prompt you when it finds suspicious or unwanted programs on your PC
Doesn't specify browser folders only anywhere there, friend

No, they do it via google drive.

Oh nvm I'm a moron

It's all good, user. That happens to me sometimes too.
But even that only scans the files in the drive. This will scan the entire computer

Can I trust google after the google home"bug"?

ofcourse not

>using chrome

>steam does this
>discord does this
>that minecraft launcher I can't remember the name of does this
I pity the younger generations that will never understand the importance of privacy

I never said they didn't, but they weren't really the point of discussion in the thread

It's their way of molesting you

>harmful software

>people won’t use their OS

...are you forgetting android?

>harmful software
G00gle is trying to act as thought police. Yet more of their mind control BS. "Beware dogs bearing gifts"!

just feed me internet