How is this possible that Apple displays look better despite having same or worse specs than competitors?

How is this possible that Apple displays look better despite having same or worse specs than competitors?

they don't

I've owned many imacs, and macbooks and all look like garbage compared to my real 10-bit oled monitor.

Because they're glossy. PC fags think matte is good for some reason.

a mac is a PC

Hahaha sure you are, mac

Control over their hardware, it's calibrated out of the box
Windows has to have a default for literally any display it connects to

Last time i debated a macfag on the subject, his fagbookpro's display "looked" better than my dell's led, although every fucking measurement on reviews prooved the opposite.
When you are getting ripped for a poc, you have to bend reality in order to avoid getting disappointed in your purchase and necking yourself.

You fell for the most retarded marketing campaign ever. A mac is a PC, you can even install Windows on it.

Maybe one of your "Hackingtoshs".

How is this possible that Apple products perform far worse despite having better benchmarks and far better hardware specs than competitors?

Yes but pc = personal computer not fashion accessory which is what a mac all is.

Of course you can hack a constantly overheating and thermal throttling pile of shit to pretend to be a pc but it's not the same.

This is the most retarded argument I have ever heard. Just because it looks better than your clunky autistic spaceship "rig," doesn't mean it's a fashion accessory.

No, you literally just install Windows on it, you fucking retard. Jesus christ I don't even own a mac but I swear winfags are more retarded than macfags. With everything you mouth-breathers post, I am more and more convinced that winfags are the niggers of the tech world.

they used LG panels but they use A grade ones that usually have no dead pixels and zero light bleed so normies think they're the gold standard of laptop displays.
to be honest if most companies weren't still using 1333x768 TN panels they wouldn't be right.

Did you not fucking see the image I just posted? I literally saw 3 of these faggots with imacs loitering my local starbucks yesterday.

>I don't even own a mac

You sure know a lot about them then

Yeah because knowing what you're talking about is actually a GOOD thing, what a fucking revolutionary idea huh?

Yeah so what? I saw a fat fuck with a fedora and a Windows tshirt. And those people are fucking everywhere.

dude fucking stop
you have to be 18 to post here


I'm not buying a mac. Just stop.

C'mon. Nobody likes Windows.

Point is apple computers are fashion accessories.

Prove me wrong. You can't.

Anything can be used as a fashion accessory.

Because Apple actually puts care into its brand, unlike all these are cheap chink plastic shit brands that flood the market.


goddamn I can smell the euphoria from here, son HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Not a Thinkpad X220

You really think Windows users care about how their computer looks? They can't even be bothered to make themselves look presentable.

Fuck you, those look great

ah new windows feature update and new surface products are announced and the spergs creep out their basement crawl spaces to bitch about how their 20 year old thinkpad is "better' hahaha

and then confused autists come in and just start bitching about apple and dumping their folder from 2005

thinkpads are nice, fuck you I like macs too

boogie did nothing wrong

hey you seem like you have a shred of self awareness, what the fuck are you doing here?



I tried reddit once but I literally couldn't hold an argument without resorting to name calling and insults. But here our identities are hidden so you can just say whatever you want with no repercussions

I realize this isn't a healthy way to live but I literally can't leave and I have tried so many times

yeah me too

for example I'm like 90% of the posts in this thread but I reply to myself and often insult myself to make it seem more believable

dumb burd

>putting CPUs in laptops that can't handle the heat

You're literally torturing these CPUs Apple, pls stop.

>mfw you can drop £200 on an ivy bridge quadcore laptop that'll beat that macbook


why have you done this

>t. mactoddler

you piece of trash

wtf is wrong with you m8?

t. poorfag video gaymer
