Does it trigger anybody else when all your non technical friends talk about how "realistic" the hacking in this show is? The only thing realistic is SSHing and terminal. Just because composing a terminal window over Elliots face is all it takes to be ahead of the curve in hollywood tech realism doesn't mean the show is close to realistic, the technobabble is so half assed for a "tech" show.
Does it trigger anybody else when all your non technical friends talk about how "realistic" the hacking in this show is...
Other urls found in this thread:
An Exeggutor running Linux?
Well... He does use proper pen-testing tools apart from just SSHing.
drug abusing suicidal anarchist homosexual
That one episode where they're teaching the blonde bitch how to "hack" in 1 day and the characters were freaking out about how hard it was going to be. Her job was literally just plugging in a router and memorizing a one line terminal command to execute a script. And she still forgot the full command. Dumb blonde chicks shouldn't be around a computer...
>the technobabble is so half assed for a "tech" show.
pls provide examples to back up your argument
no, it triggers me how boring this series is, yet people still watch it
There was one scene where some guys were hacking a car, looking at the CAN BUS data. I've done some ECU hacking, this got points in my book. Good show.
the show is accurate. op is an edgy retard grasping for shit to complain about
and they don't make up jargon.
only thing that doesn't make sense is the fact that hes a super genius hacker that can except penetrate anything in 5 minutes (unless the plot requires otherwise)
is this thread tech virtue signalling ?
>hes a super genius hacker that can except penetrate anything
well i can include penetrate anything so fuck you
Those dumb blondes are real
I've spent 2 hours trying to teach one how to navigate My Computer and moving files around but she didn't get it
Too bad she was engaged tho
I can also penetrate everything and finish in less than 5 minutes, many women have yelled at me for it.
Beautiful girls don't need to learn anything because they know they can get a man to do it for them
It's about how much ammo you have, if you go limp after the first magazine consider castration
To be fair do you think you would have been able to do if you never ever had experienced a terminal?
I remember the first time i was installing arch, i had only one computer so i had to boot windows and write all the instructions i needed to open the INSTALLATION readme on a piece of paper and even that i had to reboot once or twice because i got stuck
I guess I don't go limp straight away, but why continue when I'm finished?
Come again?
most people that work in the industry are;
social retards - check
drug users - check
anarchist - check
suicidal - check
paranoid - check
not sure about the faggot part, haven't actually met that many gay sec dudes
Why not? You don't enjoy sex?
not him but how can you enjoy it further when your dick is busy recovering from the previous session. it's like fapping, if you have a fap session after another it's not as satisfying.
inb4 what is kamasutra
You haven't been to programming generals
stop samefagging, it's obvious by the way (You) type.
Bet you haven't hacked anything in your life, you don't know shit. All the hacking sequences are just the main character navigating CLI tool menus and executing scripts that must have been written off camera because he doesn't actually code shit.
The way this show portrays hacking is two steps beyond pic related. They never show Elliot or any of the characters writing the actual executables or discussing the logic behind the vulnerability. The entire show is just elliot being a fucking script kiddie who has the perfect script for any situation including hacking into the FBI and blowing up buildings.
The way the show represents technologies like TOR and bitcoin is so off base, it's embarrassing to even have to point that out to someone on a "technology" board. Also apparently multifactor auth hasn't been invented in the Mr Robot universe.
Did you miss the sequence where he typed up a metasploit module to exploit Android?
>itt op bitches that there isnt any technomagic happening in a somewhat realistic depiction of cracking
most stuff is just proper leg work you can get most stuff build for your needs ready of the shelf on some tracker somewhere and just need to apply it to your case.
It's as realistic as we'll get from tech illiterate.
Social engineering parts made sense
programmers are faggots alright, that i know, but sec dudes, actually none of the sec dudes i know or met were gay, they were either married or had real ltgf, no feminine benis
however shot the portrayal could be, it still will be ahead of 98 % of anything else that's produced
They are all scripted to work out. The dialogue is fantasy and it makes sense when it works on screen and the outcome is positive. In real life you'll get busted and thrown in jail for impersonating an FBI agent or police officer or whoever.
how hard is it to c/p the one wiki page you need onto the USB stick and vi/less/whatever into it during installing?
>They never show Elliot or any of the characters writing the actual executables or discussing the logic behind the vulnerability
That would be some dramatic television: characters sitting in front of computers debugging code and discussing dry technical details for 40 minutes. You should quit your day job and become a professional screenwriter, user
i feel bad for you
every god damn animu does this.
"if i don't have enough power i can't make my super attack, that penetrates the anus of the akuma-sama, which is his only weak point."
followed by 2 month of fillers how the MC masturbates so long until he charged his power level to go full autismo on random evil guys anus
what the fuck are you even attempting to say, because youve just strengthened the point the guy youre replying to made, that that shits shit writing.
Mr Robot would be so much better if Elliot was an average Sup Forumstard:
>wake up
>turn on PC
>update Arch
>something broke
>spend the next 40 minutes in the Arch Wiki copying and pasting commands to fix it
>it's finally fixed
>take 50 screenshots of the "desktop" to post them on Sup Forums
>followed by a montage of he typing frenetically while "x is finished and bankrupt", " y in suicide watch", "feminine penis", " (((parentheses)))" and "SJW cuck dindu" fly across the screen.
>it's nighttime. Now we see Elliot fapping to transvestites and pre-op transsexuals
>he wipes the cum on his shirt and goes to sleep
Now that's quality television right there.
There should be a subplot were Elliot spends an entire season in jail because his "ethical black-hat hacking" came back to bite his ass.
Oh, wait.
>Implying you wouldn't watch this
and people watch that shit, thousands of people watch it
cause yall are turbo nerds who need a fuckin life
>watching the latest ep
>mr reddit uses linux mint
if 2-3 days since last time and edged or caressed enough i can remain stiff, but sometimes its also painful or overwhelming to continue pen-testing
other times i need a 15min break
what sucks is that in the first buffer overflow the other person hasnt reached the end yet, and wait impatiently
just yesterdey i fapped twice in a row in the morning, and at night i was still horny upon meeting with gf, managed to keep a good rhythm and she came moments before i reached exaustion, fatigue and orgasm, but the whole thing wasnt too pleasureful, best fuck is 48h - 72h of retention even if you have to take it so slow that the woman sometimes dries up and gives up midway.
install gentoo
Nobody cares to watch him make pajeet scripts, you fucking retard.
When you watch an action movie, do you shit on the director for not including a 30 year long training sequence?
Do you want to see the good guys take a shit every 12 hours?
>Do you want to see the good guys take a shit every 12 hours?
To be honest this and not eating are the two biggest things that always bothered me in fiction. I don't expect the best world building ever but you don't go running around saving the day non-stop without eating or drinking something. Especially in desert scenarios, often see people somehow survive long exposure in dry areas and getting back into the shade makes them better even without water.
is their a anime counterpart to this normie shitshow?
wow dude, I feel like it is 2016 all over again
I like this more.
>does it bother me when people ask me about the authenticity of a show from people who don't know that side of things
No. Of course not. I'd be an absolute moron for being upset at that.
Fuck you op. Why did you even bring this up? It's obviously not prioritizing an accurate description of reality. It's a fucking TV series.
Go to /sci/ and ask if doctors there are upset that people ask them if zombies are plausible.
>uptime 47minutes
What a casual.
any more?
>implying the best hacker in the world doesn't use linux mint
I wonder how much these companies paid for product placement if anything.
They mention real tools, but the way they use them is still not believable.
Expecting Mr Leddit to be realistic is like expecting police dramas to be like real policing. No one wants to watch a real hacker spending 14 hours at a pc eating pizza, smoking weed and taking the odd break to fap to his 2d waifu.
God gave you fingers and a tongue for a reason. You gotta get a women warmed up before you go at it so it doesn't become a chore trying not to blow your wad before she orgasms.
That doesn't count, most those retards are NEETS.
A netsec IRC channel I used to hang out in had around a dozen regulars and a good 2-3 were confirmed homos. Not a huge amount but that is more than the 0 I usually see in online communities.
Nobody I know watches it.
This. Going straight into it ruins the tension. Sometimes I barely pentest, just tease vulnerabilities til I find a good exploit. Once you are prepared and ready, you can complete your work in under 10 minutes.
I only saw the first season, but I was impressed with the attention to detail and relative realism with the computer stuff.
The only thing that stood out was the over-explaining of the 'ironmountain' hack, especially re: arduino or whatever they installed.
Hacking was probably realistic, but how fucked in the head Elliot is clearly isn't.
Are you a KDE guy?
Shit show. I'm gonna go watch it
Thinking people would believe a beautiful person could be le anonymooose hacker
>To be fair do you think you would have been able to do if you never ever had experienced a terminal?
It's barely a step better than average Hollywood shit.
What triggers me more is that most Sup Forums seems to watch it, implying how technologically illiterate they are.
Very because I'm still not sure what this of yours sentence even means
bug eyes
indicates poorly developed eyeballs that are shaped wrong
t. have bugeyes, my eyeballs are shaped like footballs instead of spheres
guy probably needs glasses and/or had eye surgery
>about hacking
>the romanticization people have for hacking in this thread
This lol.
Uses preconfigured distro which got exploited few years ago. Kinda odd.
>being this much of an autist.
Stop romancing hacking you fuckhead. You're the reason Sup Forums is shit
homos make up 2-3% of the population
I always see that pic around and I never know whats up with it, I obviously dont know jack shit about coding so please, spoonfeed me so I can laugh too.
Not just Linux Mint, but a version of it that's been out since 2015
Yeah, same with the IRC thing, although all the guys I know personally are just edgelords
basically its her being clueless about what she's doing.
cd = change directory
cd code = I want to open the 'code' directory
cd .. = go up a directory
ls = list files
pwd = tell me what directory I'm in
So you open a terminal and type:
pwd = /home/usr (current directory)
ls = documents pictures videos music file1.txt file2.txt hornytraps.mp4
cd documents = go into the documents directory
In that image she tries to open her code directory, it doesn't work, she tries to go up a directory but types 'cd..' instead of 'cd ..', three times. Then she finally goes up a directory (into /labs) and uses ls to list the files. She gets a list and then cd's into another folder with a longass name, then tries to cd into the code directory again, then cd's up a couple directories
what it makes clear is that she has no clue where any of her files or folders are and seems to be aimlessly meandering around her filesystem
she's basically pretending for the picture
cd = change directory
ls = list files in the current directory
Better than Kali at least. Good episode though.
>hurrr is not realistic enuff
No shit, famalam, but do you want to watch him spoonfeed the audience or continue onward with the plot? If we had it the way half you nigs are suggesting we'd still be discovering that Elliot is also Mr Robot.
I bet you're the same fags that complain about sci-fi movies being unrealistic because explosions can't happen in space without oxygen.
At least they actually try to make it realistic, while still understandable for normies. But >muh sekret club still prevails, because you feel obsolete when normies try to infiltrate it.
I swear if the Sup Forums mods actually did their jobs instead of fapping to /mlp/, 90% of you hipster fucks would flee back to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums
What show has more realistic hacking then?
Let's see you walk into an FBI office, install backdoor hardware, and calmly type in one line of code.
fucking this
This is the state of Sup Forums
What do you think hacking is like then?
This show gives the most accurate representation I've seen.
If mods did their jobs "what pc should I buy" and "loonix users are FINISHED" threads would be permabans and thus board would be usable again.
Nice Reddit spacing faggot
>1. stare at something
>2. poke
>3. doesn't work
>4. cry
>5. GOTO 1
Is this hacking/hacker memes thread?
I haven't watched the latest episode. Does it have any Trump stuff?
what episode was this? Was this the break out of prison one, where he gets the police car. I thought that was just him exploiting the blue tooth keyboard to type commands on cop's computer that was on a wider police network. How did that part work anyway? Does this mean any police car has the ability to access prison systems?
Nah, this is the one where the black guy and the fat one steal a car to drive to the data storage facility