Builds $10,000 rig

>builds $10,000 rig
>installs linux

Other urls found in this thread:

>builds $500 million supercomputer
>install linux

>builds $300 computer
>makes it a hackintosh

>Posts gayme
>Says something unintelligent

>Doesn't understand what a server is.

>installs directx 12
>plays 2D games

>builds $9999 dollar rig
>installs linux

>buys HCC processor
>only plays games

>buys ryzen
>only uses single-core tasks

running game in hypervisor is hard on CPU and you need two graphic cards. Also two monitors.

Yeah no this is literally me.

However now i have a shitty lapyop i run linux on and I've installed windshit 10 on the PC now and use it to gayme.

>buys raspberry pi
>sticks it in pooper

You fucking what. Its not "hard" on the CPU, its only as involved as the game is. Youccan use the igpu as well. On and? Buy a cheapo card.

>runs 20 VMs webserver without a hitch

>buys hardware
>gets welfare software


for personal projects involving pooper
>never heard of docker

>build $3,000 gaming rig
>pirate Windows
>pirate all your games, programs, movies, TV, music, and porn

it's amazing what even a poorfag can afford when you don't waste money buying things you can easily download for free and don't spend it on drugs.

If you're going to use the games argument, how about you not post a game like cuphead that ruins your argument because it works completely flawless in wine. Seriously, it's a very simple game and has zero DRM, the devs are pretty based. Not only that, the devs have planned a mac and linux port in the future as well.


>builds $10,000 rig
>plays games

Said noone ever

I made mine for 30€

>builds server
>serves files

>single-core tasks

This is the true patrician way

Yeah, turns out you can use the power for something else than gay ming.

>implying I don't dual boot

Is this a bug or an implemented feature?

You're only supposed to go through physical objects if you have the smoke grenade charm, so it's clearly a bug.

I haven't played Cuphead. I was thinking that was more of a jab at the retarded reviewer.

can you play cuphead on linux?

recipe please, kind sir.

No, Microsoft published it.

if I will use an hypervisor, at least I will buy good parts. Also, using VM to host game server and play with myself.

I have a $10,000 rig with only Linux on it. Because It's a work computer that does heavy calculations.

The microsoft exclusive is only for the xbox one. On the PC it was put onto the windows store, GOG, and steam. There are plans to port it to MacOS and Linux as well.

>buys $100 laptop
>installs osx

>buys a $11000 server
>installs windows

To be fair it didn't have this much RAM from the factory, and Windows is running in a VM

Literally no supercomputer runs winshit.

They call them supercomputers.

There's probably a way to do it with Wine but I couldn't get the controller to work so I'm just playing it on my Windows dual boot

no, the chad developers have no time to waste making a linux port


>It's a render farm or build server
>No problems here.


>The computers that are "almost all the fastest" run linux
>The computers that *are* the fastest aren't listed.
Really makes me think

Thinkpad users will know this.

>le meme 500 list
Actual real-words supercomputers run Windows HPC though. I work in scientific computing and I have literally never seen a university or private research supercomputer running anything but Windows.

>498 out of 500 of the speediest computers on the planet are running Linux
>Other than systems running Linux, there are two Chinese supercomputers running IBM AIX, a Unix variant. This pair, tied at 386 and 387
Did you even read it?

>only the most powerful supercomputers run linux
but why though? why wouldn't the trend continue after 500?
>I work in scientific computing and I have literally never seen a university or private research supercomputer running anything but Windows.
Pic related.

Its a meme you dip

>spending 10k on a work computer

holy shit the state of this board, yes you can play cuphead on linux using wine-staging with mono, it plays very well

>> build $10,000 rig
>> installs windows just to play games
>> games which use only 1 of the 64 cores and 1% of installed memory
>>could be using 100% of the cores and memory to cure cancer, invent nanomachines, and make anime real

You can't do science on windows.

This is a hardware issue, faulty RAM

that's only because they wasted all their money on components and couldn't afford to buy windows afterwards

>buy $200 Thinkpad
>put brand new SSD and RAM on it
>install Linux

you surely showed him

thats the shit

So because you only managed to get work at worse places, the list is wrong. Right.

tfw Windows is part of "Others - 5%" and literally everything else in the chart is Linux

source:, category: operating system

There's not a single Windows computer in the top 500 list. It's 99.6% Linux, the rest being Unix.

In 2012 there were apparently 2 Windows HPC machines.

It was a dig at the retarded reviewer. a 17 minute dig. The glitch was unintentional however

>builds $70 billion wall
>makes America great again

I can't tell if they are trolling or are legitimately brain dead.

It's a troll video aimed at this video
some nippon played it at gamescom and was goddawful at it

ohhh. well I guess that answers it. That's pretty bad and that guy should feel bad.

>is a kike

>sees something is free
>pirates it anyway

>interjects for a moment
>becomes the most overused meme on Sup Forums

that same nip managed to cook up mass effect 3 review and gave a low score because he didn't know you can allocate stat points after levelling up

€1800 PC owner reporting in

That's the joke.

>buying 500 licenses for a supercomputer
>lying this hard on cuckchan

>>builds $10,000 rig
Who the fuck would run wangblows on this shit? W10 can't recognize this amount of memory and server is licensed by the number of the cores. Epic cucks.

Its funny because its true

I also work in scientific computing (public university and private research combo) and all three of our supercomputers run Linux, RHEL, and SUSE. I actually have yet to see anyone running Windows HPC

Literally never found a single HPC system running Windows
Are you from the past or something?

This is usually the best way to deal with bullshit DRM sheanigans even when you legally own the software

>You can't do science on windows.
A lot of science programs can be compiled for Windows, and quite some of them are common on Windows, specially those from distributed computing projects

>Says something unintelligent without posting a gayme

Same thing for the big storage / processing clouds which aren't necessarily regarded as "one" supercomputer.

> Inb4 trashzure and some retarded entity running a single petabyte on SOFS or something
Retarded MS admins exist, yes. Everything big and useful is basically still Linux.

Whether it's Google, Twitter, Netflix, Amazon, Aliexpress or eBay, they all run their shit off Linux.

Doesn't Azure primarily runs Linux?

Every game except pixel shit indies uses multiple cores. You're thinking of memethreading which hasn't caught on yet

>You can't do science on windows.

>builds $10,000 PC
>Windows Experience score: 6.9

It saves us months of waiting time for each calculation

>wastes 2250$ on a PC that will be obsolete in 5 years
>can't afford software

>9999 dollar dollar

windows will not run on 256bit processors ever
filthy plebs need to stay in the 32bit box and shut their pie holes

>Attends Apple conference
>Buys $15 Android phone
>Watches porn

>Buys Ultra high tech gaming machine for "Price doesent matter"
>Puts oversised HDD he wont even fill in 10% instead of SSD.
>Complains he has shit PC because it loads OS alot slower than some 3 years laptop with SSD

I remember doing a job shadow with some dip at Goodwill. He had such complete faith in Microsoft that he formatted his storage drives with FAT16 because "that's what it said to use" when it was actually just him not bothering to check his options or do research. On top of that, he was cramming Windows 7 onto laptops with =

>puts $ after the currency value

Everyone gets a 64 core workstation. Your employees' time is worth more than a few lousy workstations (unless you're a pajeet in a call center of course).

>1680 x 1050
>weebshit all over the place
>Intel processor
It's like you made every bad decision you could all at once.

>1680 x 1050
I kept my old monitor, I love 16:10 too much
>weebshit all over the place
Can't see a problem here
>Intel processor
I waited for Ryzen, but the PCIe lines just aren't enough, I need high performance NICs, and Thunderbolt too, which my motherboard supports
>It's like you made every bad decision you could all at once.
I don't recall giving you birth