What resolution do you use and why?

What resolution do you use and why?

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theres like 3 people choosing other tell me what it is you fucking cucks



>16:10 version of 4k
a man can dream

Mine is 1234x4567. It's about a 37:10 monitor, defnitely the future of widescreen and cinema. enjoy your inferior lack of horizontal real estate, plebs

where/how the fuck did you get a resolution like that?

from the same store that sells 4k 16:10s


I see the issue, it says "please specifify", when it should say "tell me what it is you cuck"


>Not having 2 1440p 75hz monitors for $420 total

1920x1080. Because I only had $100 left over when I first built my desktop.

Fell for the 16:10 memes and got myself a HP dream colour monitor.

Desktop: 2x 1920x1080
Laptop: 1600x900



I prefer resolution 60fps

can you tell me what each of those stand for

ips is in plane switching
tn is tshitty niggercrap
va is something

ips has way better color reproduction but worse refresh rates (not input lag) and viewing angles than tn

idk what va is


for what purpose

1024x768 because of higher refresh rates

1600x900 on this particular pile of shit. It's acceptable.

16:10 900p master race here

>16:10 version of 1080p

What the fuck am I reading. So 1680x1050?

1280 * 1024

so comfy :^)

1080p on both monitors. Because it's the most common for reasonable prices and i'm not even sure my GPU can do 4k stuff

1680x1050, I'm upgrading to 3840x2400

Have to live with 1336x768 shitty tn panel on my x230 for another 8 months because I'm in Asia and moving around lots. Honestly love the machine but this screen is so shit.

got my dads old ips monitor for free when he went 4k.

>using strawpoll
here, use this
will post results later

(also tell me if i missed some common res)

it doesn't even show the results
nice data collection there NSA

only 2 people have answered
google forms doesnt show results but you can link it to a spreadsheet here it is

The "multiple monitors" option was a mistake. I have a 1440p main and a 1080p secondary. Do I choose "1440p" or "multiple"?

1440 is a meme

2x 1080p because I got the first one for free and the second one is a cheap 144hz monitor and those are only in 1080p

1366x768 is for winners

UltraWide all day, every day, bby.

1680x1050 because I'm too fucking poor to use anything else