
*fetch thread. macOS Windows Linux, anything welcome

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based user


Arch distros don't like my 940MX goodnight

I can instantly spot KDE by the awfully huge clock

I really want a smaller clock. Someone help me.



feet owo

I'm on XFCE, then I've never had that problem, but I guess that you can change the size by changing some options of the panel

post wallpaper please

You got it.

Ubuntu on netbook


> He's not using an Intel Celeron 335

I didn't even know this was possible.


all i got cuz my other machines are fucked up

also stop trying to make screenfetch happen

hello friendsters




is that mc on the top right? if not what is it
what wm? also how did you make borders dissapear?



any guides you followed? can you sum up what you did and where you got those configs?

enjoy your ban faggots

didnt really follow any guides
there is probably a similar polybar config out there, i saw an image of it here on Sup Forums and recreated it the way i thought it would work
i3 configs are custom
color scheme is gruvbox
firefox configs are via stylish plugin and firefox edge (light & dark) with gruvbox colors for the dark variant
.Xresources are also gruvbox and some custom settings
been tweaking the settings on and off for a month or so

thanks mijo

New to this, need to work on my colors

you can make it smaller, the options on KDE are terrible though. I had to add the date

I tried making a wallpaper.
I wish iTerm actually had proper MacOS blurring.
I should kill myself for being such a pathetic piece of shit.

k hi havent been here in a while

>not genuine


uh, why do you have a problem with one of the most important characters in indic religious literature?

send help



this is basically adding to the cia database through names so i made sure to censor mine out

hare krishna hare ram
I have absolutely no problem with them

>one of the most important
isn't he the main character in the main book?
doesn't that make him the most important in vedic literature




that would be an arguable position, sure.

OṂ AIṂ HRĪṂ SAUḤ friend :3

Fuck off faggot

>muh gnome
If you like GNOME and your PC is capable of running it, use it! If you need other people to tell you what to use, you have a weak personallity :^)



>Sup Forums client

I Browser Sup Forums trough Browser with 4chanx and oneechan like every sane Person. The client is just for downloading images and rescan the threads

>When 2 pajeets meet

i want to renew my desktop, now it looks like shit and i would a new set of refreshing wallpapers, preferable something artistic typical from before the post modernism apocalypse. Also a replacement for that top menu would be apreciated

Hello, John. Nice name

>he makes a DE based on how it looks
Furthermore material design is shit

apt install advancecomp

advpng -z -4 neofetch-2017-10-15-09-04-27-12192.png

I really want to use bsd but my aren't supported and i've been waiting since 2014!

Don't worry about it.
You won't want to use bsd after you've used bsd.

i wish i could configure polybar to work to but bumblebee-status is pretty good also

But I did use it. and i really enjoyed it but the only thing keeping it back for me was the lack of graphics acceleration

post wallpaper please

fuqq this looks amazing user

It's 25MB so I can't post it here.

It's better than Google and it's got a cute Duck.

I dropped it because of the lack of everything.

Images in terminal. How?

Thanks, friendo

neofetch supports multiple image backends (listed somewhere on the github page).
In this case the w3m-image companion to w3m web browser.

So that's in a web browser? I thought they might be rendering images in their terminal sorta like templeOS. That's something I've long wanted to do.



As long as it has hatari, wine and firefox-esr it's good enough for me

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I want my top panel like this i don't know how tho.

That's gnome terminal.
neofetch is using w3m as a backend.

she's not a pedo


shit. i forgot to say graphics drivers

gonna need salsa on that wp, bro


pretty sure that's a tycho album cover


One question, what's the point of the top bar if you have so much space left in the bottom bar? I don't mean to insult, just want opinions because I'm forcing myself to use GNOME 3.

yeap, found it


a fellow gentooman

Your wallpaper is nice desu

thanks reddit


Funny how Japanese people can just open the door and take a picture and make it a wallpaper

Citizens of pretty much every nation except for USA can.

Your forgetting Hawaii.

Arjuna here. I'm not indian, I'm just an enthusiast of ancient sanskrit literature. Arjuna is the name of the main character from Mahabharata, indian greatest epic poem.

get better colors
>dat package count
macos has xeyes?
p-please dont hack me
nice thumbnail
nice botnet
nice trashbin
screenfetch -t
is this the i3 community edition?



that's really comfy
what is the de/wm?

Just Aqua

I was thinking that he's already posted here, why is he posting again, but then I realized your reply got deleted. Which makes me wonder, how often do you check desktop threads? It's quite impressive.