There are people on Sup Forums right now who run Linux as their primary and only OS

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who run Linux as their primary and only OS
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Other urls found in this thread:

ur mom is a whore

Got work to do nigga

You mean GNU/Linux right?

Give me one reason not to. I don't like the alternatives, I am extremely productive under Linux and it has most tools I need in my line of work.

I recently bought a Macbook for Photoshop and Video Editing but I usually boot it once or twice a month. I usually use it to create promotional content lile videos and 2d graphics. I don't like the OS and have no reason to use it for anything else.

I don't play video games, so I have no reason to own a single Windows machine.

>not GNU ft. Linux
shaking my head senpai

< tfw to inteligent

My mom died in childbirth and when I asked my dad about it he said it was because my brain was so big she was torn in half

I'd rather half the features worked than be spied on and waste resources.

Largest enterprises and corporations in the world use Windows and have trust in Microsoft. Yet you, an irrelevant faggot, care so much about being "spied on" that you refuse to use a perfectly functioning OS and instead choose an attention whore's OS of choice. How does it feel to be on the same level as vegans?

>Largest enterprises and corporations in the world use Windows
[citation needed]
>trust in microsoft
literally who
>perfectly functioning OS
literally a half-baked, clusterfucked, buggy mess
>attention whore's OS of choice
stop going to /r/unixporn and get a job retard
>how does it feel to be on the same level as vegans?
they're the most healthy human beings and help save on this planet's resources so we can live an another day because third world countries' birth rates are sky high. so it feels good to be a human who actually contributed something to society.

I work for the largest bank in Europe. All of our servers and workstations run either W7 or W10. Therefore, fuck yourself pretentious prick.

>I work for the largest bank in europe
why should i even believe you, i can state that i work as a rocket scientist at NASA
>all of out servers and workstations run W7 or W10
one, one place doesn't count the industry
two, most banks use HP-UX
three, W7/10 on a server? that bank must be ran by a complete utter retard.
>therefore, fuck yourself you pretentious prick
i like that, you didn't even try to respond, you just went to calling names
i mean this is Sup Forums afterall, the average IQ here is 3

>I work for the largest bank in Europe. All of our servers and workstations run either W7 or W10.

We Europeans are fucked

The doc should just blow it up.

Well, most ATM runs W7 here. It's not like it would be better with anything else. It's just a fucking ATM. Even retarded Deutche Telecom uses wangblows to manage their chink linux servers. kek

>perfectly functioning
far from it, trying to develop anything on it without installing some 20GB IDE bloatwareis either impossible or a nightmare
>le my bank uses windows so that means it's perfect
your bank, just like mine, uses windows because they need solutions that offer support and they decided based on what people had experience with. So naturally most people are used to having a Windows workstations so along with that you'll use a windows server for managing the domain.
This is the same shit as the java vs .net argument, all other subgroups of the bank used Java but since we had the opportunity to choose we took .net because most of the developers here were familiat with it

I dopped .net because the extremely shit backward compatibility.

It just werks

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who aren't using BB Keyone ad their daily driver
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No NSA spying like in Windows 10

All stock exchange run on Linux

Passport should be enough.

For how much I love the form factor of the Passport, I can't deny that Android runtime will make it useless soon. Keyone has Android and it's a truly wonderful phone, hopefully it won't be ditched as quickly as the Priv was.

Why would I use anything else?

>i like that, you didn't even try to respond, you just went to calling names
Says the guy who calls others retards
just kys already

>Pic related

Weak bait.
>muh macbook for photoshop

half this board is running linux

even I'm running linux

Why do you consider it a bait? I used to use Gimp but now that my company has grown and I decided to start creating promotional videos, I got a MacBook. Decided to instal Photoshop on it because why not.

lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os

GNU doesn't require Linux. It is trivial to replace Linux with another kernel.

>On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with

Macbooks arent as powerful as other workstations
They are a meme, just a lifestyle choice which promote a certain flaire "i can afford to spend 1,5grand for a 700bucks device"

It is trivial to kick gnu out.
I wouldnt do that since it is useful and does its job. But i feel pressured by a fsf-stallman police to refer to certain Products in certain way. His fight is not 100% for liberty and freedom, it is as well for recognition.


Your point being? I don't give a shit if it's powerful. I just needed some proprietary software and I hate Windows with passion. Mac has Bash, Brew and some other nice stuff, but I still can't bring myself to use it as much as I use Loonix. Way too many fucking dumb gestures to learn. At least it looks nice on a table and integrates nicely with my phone.

By any chance... Are you a fag?

What an argument! Congratulations.

No, I'm not gay. I just don't play video games and have no need for a powerful machine. However, the state of the software market forces me to use proprietary operating system every now and then. I have Linux on my main laptop, but I decided to get a MacBook on the side. It's quite light and has its uses. I definitely prefer the OS to Windows. Now, hush, back to you go.


It works for me. Why would you use a tool that doesn't work for you?

Guess there's no point arguing with a winbabby who wastes his time playing videogames.

fuck you fags

>comes from Sup Forums to make fun of linux users because they have no games
>gets solid answers with good arguments
>resorts to "are u a fag", "" and "fuck off fags"
Great thread OP, you sure showed us. Maybe we'll switch to the superior Windows 10 now.

Maybe you should. Windows 10 is superior in every way. I'm sorry you feel otherwise.

Let me know when it has a shell/terminal emulator that doesn't blow ass



>Using a desktop OS
>On a server

Pick one, retard