/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)
>How to install Win7 on Ryzen

If you want help:
>State the budget & currency for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, try to include information like response time, refresh rate, resolution, and size

>G4560/G4600 or A8 9600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds without a dedicated graphics card
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM)
>i3 8100 - Better budget CPU, but wait for cheaper motherboards, only coffee lake cpu in steady stock
>R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming (8400) or multithreaded/general (1600) use CPUs, The 8400 is having stock issues and the platform cost is more than that of the 1600 so keep that in mind
>R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use

>Check your Mobo's QVL before buying RAM or look for user reports
>Ryzen CPUs benefit a lot from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal

Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon)
>GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4Gb 580 if you want to overpay a little
>GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match, Vega 56 if you can get it for under $450
>GTX 1070 / 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match

>Consider a 240GB or larger SSD.
>Consider a Wireless Network Adapter, either 2.4 or 5GHz

Other urls found in this thread:


Has anyone used the m9i? Ordered it for my locked 8400 to keep it quiet

AMD doesn't have this problem, just pinch out a mud monkey and put it on the cpu, its better than whatever jewish shit intel includes with their cpus nowaday and


>locking multipliers
>disabling ECC
What does Intel mean by this?


>having to buy a overclocking mobo
>having to by a aftermarket heatsink
>probably going to delid next
your a living meme and one of only 90 people in the world with that paperlauch, your posta are so beyond predictable that you might as well tripfag



I plan on using this mostly for gaming and occasional photoshop. Aimed a little low just to be safe but I feel I can spend a bit more. Budget is around $1500 maybe $1700ish if I can keep from upgrading for a few years.


Just buy something. Waitfags are always wrong, unless you buy 2 weeks before a release

Used compact prebuilt recommendations, apart from HP EliteDesk Mini?
Core i3 is enough, any generation
should have 8 GB RAM or be extendible to 8 GB
Where do you find cheap used ones?


Is there any major difference between SATA RAID using a high end motherboard's SATA ports and SATA RAID through a RAID controller?

>things that never happened
Including "locked" was a dead giveaway.

It's fine but overkill if you're playing on a 1080p 60Hz monitor

your mother is fat

Fuck off faggot i just want someone to answer the fucking question about the cooler and not be a fucking shill. People usually use the m9i for stock and locked chips, thats why i specified

Okay, really in a shit position now. I tripped, hit my desk and splashed a part of a glass of water on the top of my case, it crashed to a blue screen, rebooted normally after cleaning and drying, now it wont start.

Using Fractal Des. R4 case, with the two top vents still covered. Opened the case and popped it on its side, unplugged then took off the top fan covers to clean and dry. Could not see any water inside. Left to dry, then after an hour it booted normally.

Then, realised some of the connections that I'd done poorly or missed (front audio and front case fan). Turned off machine and unplugged again to redo.

Now it wont start up - pressing start button on case doesnt do anything and switching reset & power on did nothing.
Power IS running through the mobo; board RGBs are on, external HDD starts, green PWR_LED is on

I've left it for an hour but still nothing.
What the fuck do I do?

9 0

ryzen exists and is in stock virtually everywhere

>Core i3 is enough, any generation
>any generation
>advocating for near $200 dual cores
fuck off

>when intel shills completely blank on this image and call it fake

No one? I'm dreading the fucking thought of having to wait several more weeks to get shit replaced, I only had this machine complete three weeks ago

have you tried turning it on and off again?

What has been done about the infamous VRM overheating problem that plagued the 1000 series from nvidia? I'm on the market for a 1080ti and the cheapest one around is this one, pic related:


I remember that EVGA was one of the most affected brands. How do I know this shit has been fixed or not? I don't want to buy some faulty POS.

>infamous VRM overheating problem that plagued the 1000 series from nvidia
Welcome back nvidia



but seriously though it was a problem with only the evga 1070 and 1080

Make sure you plugged everything in right, since it worked before you fucked with it. I switched my reset and power button by accident once, but luckily i was smart enough to check the other button

I've triple checked the seating of everything from all the front case jacks, ports and the fan, to the power to all SATA drives, the main 20pin power, power buttons, everything.

Power from the PSU runs though to the power LED, the RGBs that flash their pattern set in the UEFI, and through to an external hdd hooked up by USB so I'm pretty sure its not that

What GPU would work well with the A8 9600?, is for a future upgrate

no gpu, if you are getting a gpu get a r3 1200 or 1300x instead

Hello my dudes, interested in building a PC in the next year, as for the last couple i've been using a toaster with a couple of cracks in the screen, so i have a few questions that i would appreciate if someone could answer for now.

1. how quickly does computer parts become obselete? if i buy some bits now will they be significantly worse in 6 months?

2. What sort of gaming pc should i aim to get, as in i was thinking of trying to build a pc that was GOOD, but not overkill, as i only want 1 monitor and 1080p

3. i own a mouse and keyboard but nothing else, how much would you suggest as a budget for the moderatly good PC?

4. any important tips for beginners? as once again i am a retarded ausposter who has never done this before

Look up your questions on youtube. Even linusshill tips will give you better advice for a beginner than your average gentooman.


>Expecting water to dry in under an hour

Your a goddamn moron, you should've completely disassembled everything and slow baked it in the oven at the absolute lowest temperatures your oven will goto for like 2 hours

that is the best idea i have ever heard, i think everyone should put their computers in the oven for 2 hours

Why not just get the Asus?

i think the markets saturated at this point, second hand stuff is becoming more expensive, so their is less demand for cheap 1st hand products, not to mention there are millions of each computer part just sitting around nowadays, its going to crash the market at some point

Well check the fucking thing regularly obviously, and of coarse be mindful of any ridiculous fucking low temp soldered parts (which shouldn't be an issue)

It's basically like blow drying a T-shirt dry or something.

Used it to fix an HD7870 I bought that my son spilt water on.

My motherboard blew up and took the power supply with it. It was sparking near the cpu so that is probably fucked too. So I pretty much have to replace everything. Hoping my HDD and video card didn't get fucked too.

How is this for gaming? Any recommendations? I'm a poorfag so $400 is pretty much my limit.

8400 is better for gayman but 1600 is aight

>under an hour
A waited a whole hour and change, and I don't exactly have hot lamps or hair dryers to get that shit going. I don't really have the tools to do shit, this is my first PC build.

Tried to jump the mobo by shorting the power switch headers, couldn't.
Have I fucking fried it?

the evga is the cheapest one

Pulled the trigger and bought a X399 Taichi when I got a 20% off promo code for it.

Yeah but nobody has them in stock and the mobos are expensive.

Educated guess on volta release?
780 ti ded and running on a 660 with a 1440p and 1080p monitor.

Thinking of getting a 1050ti and waiting for next gen.
Other option is buying higher (1070-80) now and sticking with it for a couple years.
Other other option is sticking with my mangled ass 660 until next gen.

Why dont they just put a massive rebate on video cards so miners can only get one check from their dozens of cards and the normal consumer can still save?

I've been encoding video for the last week and a half. 24 hours a day. My CPU has been pinned to 100% usage for the entire time. Pic related are its temperatures, voltages, etc. Does this look safe for bone stock Ryzen? In the sense that is my chip in risk of pre-mature death?

Because companies don't give a fuck about you the consumer. They give a fuck about making money. First come first server motherfucker.
What do you do on your PC and how did your 780ti randomly die?

Im sorry to hear that


Any necessary changes for this build?

Couple things I need to add:

I don't want to wait for the 8-series, I'm buying this today. I realize the 7700k is weaker because of the lack of cores, but I'm getting a second, 1600 streaming/editing, rig in a few months.

Also, I currently have a 1080p 144hz monitor in my build right now, that I'll be gaming on. I plan on getting a 1440p 165hz in a few weeks.

So, that being said, any suggestions on the mobo/psu/ram/ssd/cooler/case?


That was the ACX cooler. The iCX cooler was a direct response to that and has temperature sensors and thermal pads absolutely fucking everywhere. They have the best VRM cooling of any 1080 Ti, at the cost of slightly more noise.

For 144hz gaming, the 7700k is the recommended chip anyhow. If you're pushing 144hz 1080p, you're golden. For 165hz 1440p, I hope you're getting a g-sync monitor or are OK with playing with almost no AA because you'll be hard pressed to achieve that frame rate.

Memes aside, I sincerely hope you intend to delid your 7700k because their temps are ridiculous.

if you have the budget, get the FTW model of that card. Easily one of the best cards out there.

How's this build? My friend wants to sell his old rig to me for $500.


That build you posted is the one your friend wants to sell you? Because for $500, that's a steal other than that abomination of case they're in. That RX580 alone makes it worth it.

Done the paperclip short between pins 16 and 17 on the 24pin mobo cord.

Getting power through to optical, hard disk and presumably the SSD (can hear them start up) but fans don't.
Confirms that its motherboard centric, but what do I need to do to find out whether its something fixable or I fucking fried the board?

Thanks for the serious advice. So far a bunch of people have told me that 1080p 144hz for a 7700k is horrible, which is untrue.

Also, in regards to delidding, isn't that really only necessary if you overlock? And if I decide my CPU temps are too high, it's fine to take it apart and delid it later, right? If so, I'm prepared to do that if it's really bad enough where I have to.

Any other advice on the build?

Hey Sup Forums

Not trying to be your average novice sperglord but I have some questions. This is for a gaming PC.

I want to upgrade my PC, but need some advice. My computer is probably over 6 years old and it's definitely time to upgrade it. My friend built this PC, and I am a novice when it comes to actual hardware. So I went to the local Micro Center and had the guy in the computer section check out my diagnostics and recommend what I should do. He said either I start off fresh from motherboard to OS (which I don't think I need to buy it. It's on my HD and they are fine) or I can buy a FX 8350 processor (not sure if it was intel) for $99 and it will significantly increase the performance levels.

So, what should I do? Buy the $99 processor or start new? Finances are tight and I'm not trying to build something today, but if I should rebuild, what is a cheap build to play most games at high quality?

I have pictures of the internals if you need them, but I'll admit now it's dirty af in there. I haven't regularly booted this thing up in over a year. Also if there is anything I can salvage to help with the rebuild will save any money.

tl;dr budget: 500-600 if possible, and I want to play the new games at a decent graphic quality.

every time I look at past hardware it feels painful

No problem. As far as a de-lid being necessary now or later, I'd say the i7-7700k requires it off the bat. I say this because no matter what you do, when you really start cranking up the Ghz and subsequent voltage required, the chip is going to start getting insanely hot. 90C+ easily. Yet as soon as you de-lid, you'll see temps drop almost 25C.

As far as advice, I'd look into a different 1080ti. The Strix model is OK but seems overpriced when you put it side by side with a 1080TI FTW3 from EVGA. Or the Zotac 1080TI AMP! Extreme.

DDR its about 1200 mhz

You know you wanna see inside this nest.

Aiight sweet

I am not a smart man

If it makes a difference, the Strix model is usually in the $750 range. It's overpriced today ($800+) because it's out of stock with some sellers. I was going to check again tomorrow to see if it's back down to $750ish.

Case is trash, ssd, hdd, psu and rams are meh, rest is great and worth the price alone.

Technically that simply means that the RAM is running at 1333mhz. But yea. Especially seeing RAM these days closing in on 4,000.
>$99 for an FX-8350

Start anew user. Save money and begin anew. In single threaded applications, the FX line of CPUs aren't much faster than your Phenom 2 x4. You're better off getting a Ryzen 1600. Leaps and bounds better than the FX-8350.

gimme some time I'll see what I can throw together.

Even my just as old shitbox isn't that bad, without cleaning.

You're just lazy.

building a media box/pre 2007 game machine has anyone actually used a A8-9600 or A10 9700? do they include coolers?
what is a good mobo to pair one with?
also matx or itx cases with room for 4+ HDD do they even exist?

Nah, it's just been in storage for about a year now since I moved across country. I just havent bought a can of air, and for some reason back in Louisiana the dust collected like crazy.

Here you go user.


Take away the SSD if you don't care about it and I'm assuming you're using all your old parts. Case, PSU, etc.

Thank you based user. Another user told me to take my Seagate out sell it to some schmuck for ~$150 and then buy this and buy an upgraded graphics card and put my Seagate in this cause it's a nice hard drive.


Those APU's are capable enough for general use and old games without issue. They should come with a cooler. As for cases with HDD space, I can recommend the Fractal Design Node 302. Capable of holding 6 full sized 3.5" drives.

But contradicts you in almost every way, do you mind explaining?

Also my friend admits he cheaped out on the case

>not knowing that Asrock makes some of the best and most feature packed motherboards without the premium price tag

It's like you're stuck in 2006. What are we still avoiding MSI as well because of their garbage VRM sections on 760g chipsets?
You could, but eh. Sure you're saving money, but you're buying a less efficient and older standard having workstation as opposed to something newer that runs cooler/less power.

A friend is considering a 1030 for some reason. I told to another friend to get that one but a fanless edition because he just records and edits videos from his PS4 for youtube.

Is there a better alternative to it? Maybe the 1050 or 560? Or a used card like the 750ti?

1050 is the best bang for buck imo, anything below a 560 shouldn't be considered

>GTX 1050 Ti
1060 3GB is much better.

He is not contradicting me in any way, we both agree for $500 it's a great deal.

thank you for the build sheet user. Basically if I buy those parts and replace them, everything else will work with them? Again I'm fairly a novice at this but I do know that some hardware doesnt work with other hardware.

also is my 600w power source still fine? I saw there were way higher wattages and the Radeon cards I saw at the store were recommending a minimum of 400w. I just feel like after using up that 400w, is 200w still enough to comfortably power the rest of the computer?

That other user said the case is shit. He's correct.

But as far as the HDD, SSD, and PSU being "meh", some people are elitists with their brands. The SSD isn't top tier, but is still a great step up over a standard mechanical. WD Blue drives a fine. The PSU works, but there are better ones out there. But again, stressing the $500 price point, that entire build is a steal. A Ryzen 1600, that MSI board, and the RX580 alone is worth $500 on their own new.

Since starting college I haven't played many games, but I used to play a lot of BDO, Overwatch, and whatever interesting AAA games came out. PUBG lookd interesting to try out as well. I'd like to hop back into these.
A month or so back my PC suddenly crashed in a grey screen but stayed on. I had to shut it off and it wouldn't start up with the 780ti again. I've also tested it in a friend's PC and nothing.

Those parts I put in that build sheet are to replace the parts in your current PC yes. You'll probably have to re-install windows 10 of course. Simply matter of removing CPU/motherboard/RAM and video card. Swap in the new stuff, plug it all in. As far as your current power supply, 600w is more than enough. Newer tech all uses less power, and the higher wattage AMD cards you're looking at are the oddballs. Also all companies purposely over-estimate required power.

Since I'll have leftover money, what's worth upgrading on it?

I know I'll probably get a define R5 case.

Also, is ESET worth $40 a year? If not, what is a good program to scan my computer with?

make sure you clean out your power supply before using it, and clean up the case too

well assuming you're gaming on 1080p, the GTX 1050TI will be more than enough to hold you over for AAA gaming on medium with little AA. If you want a card that can do maxed out 1080p and even push a bit of 1440p, you should get a 6GB GTX1060. More money of course, but a good card.
Define R5 case is good, but expensive. $150 for a case on a $500 build is steep. Look at maybe the Corsair 100R. Spend the $150-ish you were going to spend on the R5 and use it for both a new case and new PSU. Corsair CX line is mediocre at best. Get a 550G2 from EVGA.

Oh yeah, I won't put the parts in until I have it all, but when I put them in the whole computer is gonna get torn apart and cleaned.

>1060 3GB is much better.
Not him, but the 1030 is 75€, the 1050 like 120, the 1050ti is 170€ and the 1060 3GB is 220€.

im looking to upgrade my ram from 8 to 32gb

my mobo is ddr4 2133mhz so i assume that ram with those specs will work?

And the difference in performance is about 50%. I would say it's worth it.

Id recommend the 1060 over the 1050TI. The 1050 can maintain 60FPS at 1080p on medium in most games but the jump in performance with the 1060 is imo worth it and its nice to just leave games the latest at high and not have to fiddle with it.

>buying EVGA

Just bought Phanteks Tempered Glass ITX case. Its so sexy, my sister will be so impressed.

Make sure you actually do need 32gb.

What's wrong with EVGA? Genuinely curious.

>node has 6 3.5 bays
>itx mobos all have 4 SATA
is there some way to get two extra SATA ports out of this mobo? pcie to sata adapters exist right?

well if im gonna upgrade, who not go all the way?

Current i7 CPUs can do around 700GB of RAM, so going all the way is probably not what you expected.