

stop whatever your doing

it's time to clean your computer

Because I actually vacuum my home there's no significant build up of dust in my PC during the 4-5 years of its use. No PC I decommissioned had dust problems.

Nah, I don't give a shit, fans are already fucked and temps are still ok.

I have screens on my front fans and positive airflow. I dont have to clean it

i didnt need to but thanks for reminding me to clean my keyboard anyway

>But moooooom! So far the PC is running at good temperatures and I don't have dust spray and I could accidentally destroy hardware

just got 2 cans in the mail yesterday and I really need to do some dusting, fack

compressed air shill pls go and stay go

>He waste money on canned air
>He doesn't own a DataVac

>he doesn't just use his mouth to blow away dust

wipe your screen down too


>Doesn't have a job that pays for compressed air and have to shell out own money for air. Top kek.

Nah I'd rather get high with it instead.

Steam punk version

>*sticks straw in mouth*

Did this not that long ago and for the first time in a long time I wasn't even carded when buying the cans , guess the employee was just not paying attention it was at office depot so probably. Like seriously they usually card you harder for this and cold medicine than they do for alcohol.

And you fuckers are why we have a harder time buying this shit as I said in

>Not using the Chad of pc cleaning tools

wtf im a tornado now

>literally paying for air

you are like a baby, watch this

I do deep cleaning monthly.
I dust my computer weekly.
I clean my peripherals with isopropyl alcohol daily.
I wash my hands every time before using the computer.

Also I keep my environment clean and air filtered and circulating.
This should be such no-brainer for the average Sup Forumstard but somehow we have abundance of normies here thinking this is something unusual that we have to have threads about it.

Don't you faggot really have a compressor?

>compressed air
read the fucking can you twat