>All python documentation links on google point to version 2 unless you specifically write python 3 in the search query
Why is python 2 still relevant?
>All python documentation links on google point to version 2 unless you specifically write python 3 in the search query
Why is python 2 still relevant?
Other urls found in this thread:
>search engines, how do they work
>google botnet is so strong that it knows I'm using Python 3
2 spoopy
Pretty sure default is python 3, try it trough searx
Op is the one whos being botnetted here
ITT: people just now realizing their own google bubble.
>Why is python 2 still relevant?
Python 2 is still relevant because the only reason to switch to Python 3 is to keep up with the rest of the world. Python 3 isn't much of an improvement on 2, but it breaks backwards compatibility. Python 3 was being encouraged more than a decade ago, IIRC, but it's only in the last four years that the majority of major libraries got ported.
wew fake news
The python version shit has stopped me from ever bothering
Google uses data from previous searches and pages visited to personalize results; making them more relevant to the user.
I only know one guy who uses 3, everyone else I know uses 2
There is no reason to use 2 unless you're maintaining legacy code.
python3 isn't turing complete
He should just shill pypy it has a python 2 frontend
Hah there is a big warning explaining why you retarded.
Because it's the one that's used outside of toy programming?
You could completely erase any mention of 3 from the internet and hardly anyone would notice.
Because python 3 didn't supplant python 2, it forked it and added some dumb shit.
his main gripe seems to be
>t-they dont support legacy p2 code :((((((
fuck him. any technology that is willing to throw away backward compatibility is a shining beacon of hope in my eyes.
backward compatibility is the absolute worst cancer anything software related has to deal with.
I think because python 2 syntax makes more sense than python 3
Fucking this. Python 3 is dogshit no one asked for. Real world python gets by fine with 2.
>tld;dr i hate python 3 because muh python 2 code doesn't work
>>> True = False
>>> True
>>> x = True
>>> x
Try it yourself. Then try it in python3.
fucking maya
Is made significant improvements in dealing with Unicode.
Unfortunately, murriturds don't give a shit about it because 7 bit oughta be enough for everyone.
Works like expected
Python 3.6.2 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Sep 30 2017, 18:42:57)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 6.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: True = False
File "", line 1
True = False
SyntaxError: can't assign to keyword
In [2]: True
Out[2]: True
In [3]: X = True
In [4]: X
Out[4]: True
Fuck I tried this in Python 2, this is disgusting. I'm happy to learn only Python 3 and not this Python 2 dogshit.
Pretty much all of Google's Python code is done in 2, not 3. Too much legacy code to switch now.
>not learning Haskell instead
> mfw this is true