What do you name your PC, Sup Forums?
What do you name your PC, Sup Forums?
Drowned. Because that's what will happen to it if it ever fails me. 4 years strong so far.
Electronic Video Agent
San Cristobal Medical Facility
If it's a laptop: Roman politicians.
If it's a desktop: mythical gods.
my name-PC
desktops: random mix of purpose and appearance
laptops: old lady names based vaugely on laptop's appearance and/or product name
I only do that for my cluster.
Each computer is called nigger_as
And then the control computer is called my_niggers.
Laptop: small cat
PC: fluffy cat
the only one who could care about this are fags and state agents
Matrix because it consumes all my time and I care more about what's inside than outside of it
I care about it
I named it Gabe, after myself.
I have yet to personally meet another Gabe. It's just that I've only heard stories of other Gabes.
My phone is named Julie Smith's iPhone because it's fun fucking with people on the airdrop.
Holy shit I forgot this existed. All existed memories of this game were in the back of my mind ready to leave. I gotta go play this now.
I remember that game, great fucking time
my nigger
are you me
>being 18+
>naming anything you own
It's like you guys don't want a job in the industry
I fail to believe that you are posting this on a device that does not have a name.
ever heard of hostnames?
You even get asked about that when installing windows
I named my 5 years laptop "OldAsFuckLaptop" in my national language
I name my machines after anime girls.
[My name]+Pad for thinkpad
I unironically put my name on any stuffs I own.
Zone's Conqueror
>I name my machines after anime girls.
The only correct response.
The Trash Can
after the meth RV from breaking bad.
Also stewnet (wifi), stewphone (phone), formerly stewpod (ipod) and stewpad (not what you're thinking, it was a ThinkPad)
My zenbook
My optiplex desktop
Well after putting it in the wrong thread,
My phone Aristaeus, who is proceeded by my laptop Eurydice, who in turn in is proceeded by my desktop Oprheus.
Huh, weirdly similar to my method
Your picture is more interesting than your question. What am I looking at?
Username is fuhrer.
source me nigger
Current Laptop: Big O
Old Laptop (Custom Game rig): Optimus
Current Phone: Tachikoma
Old phone: Laser Beak
Power mac: Rumble
PCjr: Peanut (For now, still pondering, may give it custom paintjob. Because no one cares about the PCjr, not even retro fags.)
Mostly try to name them after robots and A.I.s
in all likelihood it's a tumblr/twitter icon that some furfur comissioned for themselves
or maybe they drew it because triangular anime faces are all they can draw anyways
Amiga 600HD
Guessing you mean hostname.
My desktop is called nicetosweetyou, my laptop kncc.