Post output of 'ls -a ~`

Post output of 'ls -a ~`.
I wanna see how cluttered your home is.

Other urls found in this thread:



$ ls -a ~
. .gphoto out-6.ogv
.. .grass7 out.ogv
.adobe .gtk-recordmydesktop output.json
alt-right flag case .ICEauthority output.jston
.azureus .idlerc Pictures
.bash_history .local .pki
.bash_logout .macromedia .profile
.bashrc .mozilla .psensor
.cache Music Public
.config .nano .python_history
counties-albers.json node_modules .qgis2
.dbus .node_repl_history .Skype
.designer .npm .ssh
Desktop nz.json .sudo_as_admin_successful
.dmrc .openshot .swt
Documents out-1.ogv Templates
Downloads out-2.ogv Videos
examples.desktop out-3.ogv Vuze Downloads
.gconf out-3old.ogv .Xauthority
.gnome out-4.ogv .xsession-errors
.gnupg out-5.ogv .xsession-errors.old

So does anyone else have recommendations on how to version control their config files? Currently I have them in my .config folder and then I just symlink them to ~ is there really any issue with doing it that way?

if you can post the whole output of "ls -a ~" in one post you're a faggot

[~]λ ls -a ~
. .gradle .ssr
.. .gtkpod .stack
.aspell.en.prepl .hlint.yaml .steam
.aspell.en.pws .ICEauthority .steampath
.bash_history .icons .steampid
.bash_logout .java .swipl-dir-history
.bash_profile .kde4 .swt
.bashrc .lesshst .texlive
.bl2 .lmms .thumbnails
.bzr.log .lmmsrc.xml .Trash
.cabal .local .units_history
.cache .lyrics .vim
Code Media .viminfo
.config .mono .vimrc
Desktop .mozilla .wine
Downloads .musicbee .wine32
.esd_auth .mysql .winff
.ghc .node_repl_history
.ghci .npm .xbindkeys_config
.ghc-mod .nv .xbindkeysrc
.gimp-2.8 .oracle_jre_usage .Xdefaults
.gitconfig .pki .xfce4-session.verbose-log
.gnome .profile .xfce4-session.verbose-log.last
.gnome2 .pulse-cookie .xinitrc
.gnome2_private .shutter
.gnupg .ssh

Does kinda bother me but I barely ever see it so eh


I haven't used windows in a few years. I just looked around windows 10 with the new laptop, that came preinstalled.

ls // not recognized
clear // not recognized
cd .. // not recognized

Fuck this shit, I'm outta here!

> I just symlink them to ~

You mean to ~/myconfigs (or whatever dir name) and contents of ~/myconfig is under version control system?

. .config Downloads Music .ssh .esd_auth .zshrc
.. Desktop .local .nicotine .thumbnails .nanorc
.cache Documents .mozilla Pictures Videos .zprofile

Yeah so like my .zshrc is in .config/zsh/.zshrc
And I just symlinked it to ~/.zshrc so I can keep it in version control without cluttering up my home directory with git filles and so I don't need to have a bunch of files in the .gitignore

If your list is too large that means you can't properly organise your own files, or using non XDG-compliant software.

fuck you cia nigger

cia would not ask it on Sup Forums, they are know contents of your entire HDD already

so how exactly are you supposed to organize your home folder so it doesn't fill up with all these fucking configuration files?

Why didn't linux people design this so your media/documents folders and your system configuration folders were in separate directories?

Well the configuration files are all dotfiles so they only show up if you do -a. Also, those files are user configuration files not system ones, which is why they are in your home directory and not one closer to root

nice try, mr nsa intern

so why not have an automatic user directory like .dotfiles or something that it all gets dumped into by default

instead of home/user/allthisfuckingcrap+regularshityoukeep

What I do is have a file that lists all my backup targets and I run a cron job to back them up to my server by checking that file.

It's not as "tidy" as VCS for configs, but it's much less likely to fail I think.

No idea. I mentioned earlier in the thread how I just symbolic linked all of my used config files from my .config folder to my home directory. The rest can just be deleted. You could also, I suppose, set up something like you said manually. You could have X drop its config files into some folder in .config or wherever, I think

>not `ls -A ~`

I think, using .config as name is not a good idea (because some software using it for its own configs).
Personally, I have ~/Config and shell scripts to install symlinks ~/.zshrc -> ~/Config/shell/zsh. Contents of ~/Config is organised by categories (not just a dump of dot-files). And I share my config over different machines.

Also, see

According to XDG standard, all config files should be inside ~/.config/ by default. And if not, that means the author of corresponding software is dumbhead.

use powershell for ls command

Right. Sorry my config files are in sub directories in my .config directory. They're named what they would be named if they were still in my home directory. Eg: .zshrc, init.nvim, .Xauthority, etc. I'd attach a screenshot but I'm currently away from home. Thanks for the link

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