Do you still like Firefox?

Do you still like Firefox?

I haven't liked them since the SJW takeover and ousting of the creator and founder of Mozilla and Javascript.

This. Mozilla is pretty much a zombie at this point.

not really. but I still like it better than chrome probably because of baby duck syndrome and xul addons.

mixed feelings. Shit's faster but some details are annoying, like the vim addons that don't work in the settings pages. That said every other browser is also shit

>op asks about firefox
>retards talk about mozilla instead


No, but it's the best non-botnet browser available

i need to virtue signal about my hatred of sjws tho

ive never liked it

No but I still use a firefox based browser

Yes, still easily the best browser around. I wish they stopped introducing useless new ""features"" like pocket and screenshot though.

Yep, but I'm about to bail come November when they go to WebExtensions.

Pocket shouldn't have been installed by default, but I'd be lying if I said it hasn't changed my life for the better.

I'd love to have offline pocket. Fuck the botnet shit.

How do you handle the memory leak?

Chrome has had the ability to open tabs or bookmarks from any other instance of chrome regardless of device for a loooong ass time.

Kind of ironic that that some pet investment by SJW mozilla into some faggots pet project pocket is your go-to for a godamn bookmark.

Its like you took pinterest, made it not popular, turned it into shareware, and then forced people to install it by bundling it with Firefox.

That's not what pocket is for you fucking pissphone retard.
Pocket saves a snapshot of the webpage so that you can read it later. It happens to save it online which is stupid and unnecessary.

Mozilla was great back when they were a symbol of open source software
These days, speed comparisons are nothing alike between Mozilla and chrome. Chrome blows Mozilla out the water, and it's less likely to fuck up

The true Sup Forums approved browser for speed and reliability are forks of chromium. IE: ungoogled chromium, brave, opera, etc

>literally selling your realtime inputs to advertisers
>not a botnet

Not really, browsers aren't fun anymore

>completely opt in
Look, the Mozilla shill is back to cause infighting,

doesn't work on xp

You can literally click the download button in Chrome and save an offline version of a page and thats been around even fucking longer.

firefox is just ok, but i don't really like mozilla

that said, i don't trust chrome and idk if the other smaller browsers have the extensions i like, so i just stick with it.

Chrome's version was broken for a while though, I have Linux and Windows installed and opening tabs from the opposite OS was buggy as shit. It USED to work fine, an update broke it. I eventully switched from Chrome back to Firefox fro that reason, Chrome's updates broke more than they fixed. Google is worse than Microsoft at updating.

You have to log in for it to work.

No shit retard. It would only save one tab and forget the others. The sad thing is it used to work fine, now it doesn't. Also Chrome has shit tier 144Hz support for Linux, and Firefox has decent support, that was the main reason I switched. Even in Windows, with a side by side comparison, Firefox performs slightly better at 144Hz. And again, the sad thing is Chrome used to be better, now it flickers constantly, it's especially noticeable on Sup Forums. Google simply breaks too many features to be usable, I don't get how it became the "normie" browser. it seemed like every time I updated something wouldn't work properly. Even fucking Edge is superior to Chrome now.

I meant to reply to this:

No. Between their news shit, and their killing of legacy add-ons, I don't much care for Firefox. Using Waterfox happily, and plan to do so until every single one of my add-ons are made into extensions. If even one doesn't make it, I won't be using FF again.


Not anymore.
My favourite add-ons are deprecated by the new API so I don't have any reason to use firefox anymore.

Its slow as fuck these days and most pages make it lag for several seconds as they load, same with palemoon.

we all moved to opera a while ago

No, I dropped it when they started that "studies" crap.

Yes, it's still the best option.

screenshot is botnet

new extensions are shit
doesn't seem any faster than chrome
new design is alright but needs a slider so I can make tabs as compact as I want
their whole social movement thing is pretty obnoxious and reeks of marketing agency attention whoring

still use nightly tho

Sounds like you want Waterfox.

I dislike Mozilla and the SJWs but I still like Firefox (after customizing it to my liking).

>sjwfox in current year

I used it since release until two years ago. It was like watching a good friend become a soulless zombie.


my go to browser is still firefox nightly but I'm trying to find a replacement desu

>mozilla firefox

I use it but I don't like it.

Try saving the front page of google using that feature and you'll see that it's basically useless.
Also messing with files is way less convenient than having a bookmarks-like list.

I dropped it at 4.0, at the first release of Chrome. I dropped Chrome too but that's another story. I'll check out FF again though, when web extensions become stable.