I a-

I a-
it is just li-
i don't kn-
I can't man

Other urls found in this thread:


>how to get blocked for spambotting

to me it is more like
>what is a pipe

>while ( 1==1)

How the FUCK am I supposed to buy nintendo products if I have to resort to writing scripts to autobuy things for me just so I won't have to deal with scalpers?

Do they hate money?
Nintendo is literally dying and they would rather end production than keep milking the one thing people want to buy.

worst of all, in bash
while [ nigger ]; do echo respect women; done;

>unironically browsing reddit
>unironically linking to reddit
>being so reddit
kys yourself

>browsing to find info to hack my snes mini
BTW, where is the link?

People who aren't braindead tend to not care about forum wars.

why the fuck do you wanna hack your meme toy

>forum wars
nothing of value comes from a place where a community literally votes on the comments, if you can't see the problem with that then you should just go back because you have nothing to offer here

*no brain* while sleep 1
*2nd stage* while :
*3rd* while true
*4th* while test 1 == 1

well, hack as in putting the roms I want
it comes with 21 games, and i threw in a lot more

What are the chances the shitter actualy copypasted all that vs scripting an inf loop to make the joke?

ah yes, imagine a community of non-retards

you didn't have to pay $80 for a literal off the shelf ARM linux SoC in a tiny SNES case.
a raspi will do the same thing and you can even buy a wireless 8bitdo controller to mimick the controller.

you can put more games in the SNES mini?

I wouldn't expect a script any better from someone who uses /biz/.

If you like it so much, just go back, nobody will miss you here
I know you think I'm baiting you but this is sincere, reddit is a shithole, you can't have a discussion where there is a popular vote on comments, and if you can't see why that's a shit system then you belong there

you only prefer Sup Forums because you get to be a dumb asshole without repercussion

that's all anybody who cares about this shit thinks

kill urself my man

No, I went to reddit a couple of times, shit community, insular, close minded, and only the shiniest of the shit rises to any visibility with their voting system, conversation threads get lost in their bad layout without inline replies or post linking, all combining to drive pandering and an appeal to the lowest common denominator, plus the layout of the website is god awful

I have about 120 now, but you need to take into account suspend states, so you need empty spaces left for that to work

I know but this includes to official controllers, and a fucking amazing case, suspend states, a rewind feature... it is a very neat product

>it's a very neat product
>i just have to illegally modify it to copy more ROMs that i don't own in order to make it good!!

If you're gonna pirate, just pirate from the very beginning and put retropie on a raspi.

>i just have to illegally modify it to copy more ROMs that i don't own in order to make it good!!
that is not the case
the 21 games they included are really good for anyone
I understand raspberries are cool and all, but once again, for 80$, the value is really good
the rewind feature is fucking awesome, and not available in emus as of now

What is rewind?
You literally get an undo button?
How short is your attention span?
Remember when games were actually hard and you couldn't actually see the ending unless you got good?

>Buying an snes mini
Just get an everdrive for your original snes and play all the games ever made for it.

voting is only for putting irrelevant comments lower. so i won't go back, harder to shitpost there

you can rewind a set amount of time
and I mean rewind, not undo
you literally can rewind second by second and resume during that time
it is a really cool feature, because many of these games doesn't even include saves

>Remember when games were actually hard and you couldn't actually see the ending unless you got good?
yes, and I don't have the same time now, nor the motivation to keep a notepad with passwords

and a CRT, or a frame meister for hundreds of dollars

a NAND-based hdmi snes coupled with 2 official controllers is a really good deal

>kill yourself yourself

I find it telling that these conversations always end in "But I can't LE SHITPOST there XD so I'll stay here :P"

Every time

>Not already having a crt for retro gaming
Stay pleb

>playing games past the age of 15

because le shitposting is best xP

With a 1s delay? I doubt that.

Just tried RedEclipse. It's a lot of fun, and Libre too!

I have my gaming PC hooked up to my PC, and I still find the SNES mini a good deal

if you love reddit so much why don't you go back?

Are you retarded? I'm referring to every time the conversation comes up HERE. I don't go to reddit.

It's good. I also recommend Xonotic, though I prefer RE over it.

brainlet codefag here, what's wrong with this script and how do you make it better?

that code is horrendous
it shows an absolute lack of knowledge of bash

you can
wget -O - $url | grep nigger | wc -l

to tell you the amount of niggers ITT

You mean to say that I've been saying that phrase wrong all these years? Next you'll tell me I've been saying other popular idioms like diamond dozen, and doggy dog world wrong too

you can use the amount of niggers in a while
while [[`wget ...............` -eq 0 ]]; do echo no niggers ITT; done;

grep -c

Wait I thought it was kiss your sister

oh, didn't knew that
thank you, mate

I don't want to be the bear of bad news, user but...

In gonna pay you $100 to fuck off.

sleep 60
curl -s 'gamestop.com/snes/consoles/super-nes-classic-edition/152771' | grep 'Not Available' > /dev/null
printf 'GO\a\n'
sleep 1

Code in OP may be sort of retarded but wouldn't it at least work and it's also more readable. What really is wrong in his code here? Asking this because i'm a brainlet and I would've written what he wrote.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

the while 1=1 is pretty much retarded
not only that, there are two!!
the lack of pipes is also horrible
and to top it off, the guy runs that shit every second, so it is
>DOS attack
>sort of a fork bomb
>it never ends

fuck is the point of this thread

The ledditor also made a post like this:
>I only telecommute, I've been doing it for eons, and I know this will be a deal breaker for many.
>I use all the usual, aws, rackspace, chef, ansible, bamboo, vagrant, docker, etc.
>Have leads on a gig? Feel free to PM or comment your job listing, and I'll send my resume in.
I hope employers find his lack of shell scripting skills.

What about programming games, are you allowed to to that?

kiss your sister yourself makes even less sense

>[ 1 = 1] instead of true
>saving return value and doing if-conditional instead of using the command directly
thats about it. it's basically an eyesore, but bash scripts generally are, so dont let any of the elitist cunts ITT tell you your shell script isnt just as beautiful as all the init scripts that pre-systemd kept the linux ecosystem breathing

>>DOS attack
>>sort of a fork bomb
you are retard

I'll learn shell scripting properly. thanks, anons.

>you are retard

one more thing, apart from the fact that you almost never want to save the return value of a program and numerically compare it to something, you ESPECIALLY dont want to compare it to 1.

ret_value 0 means succesful execution
ret_value ANYTHING ELSE means not so successful execution. comparing against 1 is retard

less retard version of OP would be
if ! wget google.com -O -|grep penis; then
echo no penises found at google

>not buying SNES FPGA with HDMI instead of shitty underpowered computer with emulators

no, games are for children

>Somebody is insane enough to write all of that shit out
>Somebody was so bored they wrote a program/script (some madman could've compiled something for this rather than just using a scripting language) to output this horror
i don't know which is worse

Are we being invaded?
Sup Forums usually isn't this fucking stupid.

Where do you guys learn to write nice shell scripts? I only sort of know bash from other people's scripts, most of which I assume are trash

It's fine as long as you are not having fun.

Mostly from the man pages, and surprisingly, from an Apple tutorial.
Unix Power Tools is also a good book.

You're allowed to do that but you shouldn't expect to actually make money writing software

This. At most, ask for donations.

Honestly what triggers me most about that is that he's not using inttypes.h


>watching anime

>while :
It could've been sleep 1 rather than :

Where can I buy one :>
