Apps you wish existed

So i need to make an Android app this year for my CS course.

Are there any apps you guys wish existed that don't yet?

an app that makes android not complete sh*t

if only

>has to make android app

Hell if it isn't the memest degree one can get.

You slap your dick on the screen and it rates your length and girth on average and std deviation.
[spoiler]if you fit in the screen you are too smol![/screen]

What if I run the app on a tablet?

An app that ensures fine-grained granular control over permissions.
Must include all scenarios, from outright denying access to information like accounts, location, through to passing dummy information to the app requesting it like fake MAC or imei


It's called xprivacy.

app that gives op aids

a flashlight with ads


App that tells you how to kill yourself

Xprivacy is dead.
The latest development was someome tweaked it slighlty to work on a handful of devices, and it is very far from stable.


Yeah, if you have an old device

Rutt-etra synth with camera input.
iPhone has glitché but Android has nothing.


A stroboscope app that is reliable precise so it can actually be used for measuring rotational speed etc.

Warning: This is more complicated than you might think.

SailfishOS already exists


an app that blocks phone posters

an app that does everything

Doesn't work past 6.0? Shit, android really died after 4.4.4

Something that removes all "sponsored" or "recommended" panels from all apps.

Can't stand to use instagram anymore because of all that sponsored shit. And adaway doesn't care about it.

wtf are you on about xprivacy works great on my 7.1 device

I need an app that constantly tells me when I'm jogging under a certain pace in order for me to train for a Cooper test
Running 12 kmh on a treadmill is easy but i need to transition it into real life and constantly run at 12 kmh



One that lets you place an alarm based on physical GPS location.
So I can sleep in trains and busses without fear of missing my stop.

Is the app going to be open source?


just fork clover and add a you counter
