WP2 hacked

>WP2 hacked
>Microsoft already patched it before it was even public
>most Linux distros have already deployed a patch
>Apple is working on a patch right now, in beta already, and will deploy it soon
>Google will release a patch "within a few weeks"

Why wasn't Google ahead of the game here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because they're run by fucking guest worker poos and females.

Microsoft is LITERALLY run by poos from the top to the bottom and one-upped them.

I don't install win updates, how fucked am I?

That means you're vulnerable to the exploit. What the hell do you mean how fucked are you? Isn't it clear you either are or are not running a vulnerable machine?

>Google will release a patch "within a few weeks"
Yeah, if you have a Google Pixel. If you own any phone older than an S7 you're definitely fucked.

But Pajeets working hard, unlike roasties.


>he relies on vendor supplied security patches

>run an apt-get upgrade
>included in list: wpasupplicant
Seems like I'm good, yeah?

>choosing Yesman
what a brainlet

oi ya fkn druggo. ye know it was the fkn roastie cunts too busy yabin there gobs on abeet sum fkn sjw bullshit.

Microsoft never patched it's system since it never supported and implemented this side of protocol.
It was because Windows is so shitty, not because Microsoft cares about users.

>people write their own patches

>>Apple is working on a patch right now, in beta already, and will deploy it soon
Was patched last week.

> it never supported and implemented a 4-way handshake

You're lying though.


>WPA2 Supplicant was never implemented in Windows
This is how retarded Sup Forums is

>wifi on linux
sure when linux distro have a funtioning drivers

>have an LG G4
How fucked am I?

Why would they care about your privacy?

Are you really that dense?

>he doesn't know

>>have an LG G4
>How fucked am I?
Youre fine if you have LineageOS

Do only clients need to be patched or do routers need new firmware as well?

Both but in most cases the client patch is the only needed patch.