Did it Sup Forumsuys
Now what
Did it Sup Forumsuys
Now what
uninstall and get a better OS
Install Gentoo.
Have already done my homework before I installed it. Installed it offline and did it all before I actually connected to the internet.
Buy stuff from the Microsoft Store
Starting with The Sims with all expansions
No MS store in LTSB. Who still has that botnet on their systems?
But Windows 10 Enterprise pretty much looked exactly like it :/
get good apps for pdf reading and multimedia. I suggest:
Try out the new breathe-underwater feature from the latest update.
Uninstall, then install normal windows to avoid broken search and UI. Debloat windows / disable the stuff you don't like. There.
Don't brag about it on Sup Forums.
But nothing is broken, user
Wow. Wich desktop environment is that?
Program your own OS, you are just lazy
How exactly are the search function and UI broken? I haven't encountered those issues yet, and I'm also using LTSB.
Search is fine though
UI is more broken on 2015, but even if the search was broken, you can just use "Everything" to search for files and shit. It's better than built in searching for files.
I'm using LTSB 2016 + Classic Shell, can't ditch the habit of pressing winkey, typing one or two letters and then pressing enter to open applications.
uninstall mail and onedrive. regedit pinned onedrive link away. browse group policies and block anything you never asked for.
now: you beat this (((uptime)))
>uninstall mail and onedrive
they don't exist in ltsb
(Not You)
um sweetie, they do.