Apple hardware best

>Apple hardware best
>Apple OS is best
>Apple support is best
>People still waste their time with other OSes and hardware

This baffles my mind

Hi Tim.

You're the only one, faggot


Bye :D

>effete design is best
>retarded API is best
>no games is best
>cult company is best
>gr8 b8 b8 8/8

>t. mactoddler

Sup Forumstards are more worried about thier appearance when using a computer than actual function. They think using a shitty old thinkpad makes them look intelligent or professional, and not autistic. The stigma against macs as being the "gay choice" or "dumb choice" scares their little egos into submitting to shitty memes like the thinkpad and obscure Linux distros. It's similar to rednecks and having bigger, louder, and dirtier trucks.

Appletoddlers are more worried about thier appearance when using a computer than actual function. They think using a overheating housefire throttlebook makes them look intelligent or professional, and not autistic. The stigma against PC as being the "neckbeard choice" or "dumb choice" scares their little egos into submitting to shitty memes like the macos and "muh font rendering". It's similar to queers having green hair, gauged ears, and aids infected assholes.

so triggered that you couldn't come up something original, snowflake?

Strange, why aren't Apple computers used for gaming benchmarks? I thought they were the best. Why can't they handle some of the most intense consumer applications?

I don't think appearance should come into it at all, computers are utilities. If you're thinking about build quality, the average thinkpad will outlive a macbook by a good few years, and is much easier and cheaper to repair.
Why would I spend 900+ dollars on a laptop that has far worse specs than a cheaper thinkpad?

As many people find the OS to be a matter of choice, you can run a hackintosh so you don't have to adapt to anything and can continue to use Apple's services.

I really think the only people who buy apple products are either very rich, or fashion concious.

kek, sauce?

>goes to tech board
>pretends to be apple fanboy

>supreme bait

this picture is fucking horrifying

None of that is true. It's like saying a cheap chinese flashlight is super bright but when you open the package and try it it's dim as fuck. People believe the marketing and try Apple once (like I did) but they'll realize the quality pretty fast and avoid making the same mistake twice.


Why is he sperging out please tell me

Fuck you my chinese flashlight had no illustration and was brighter than the headlights of a road train.

>Apple hardware best
nah they still don't have a proper professional notebook computer. MacBook pro is prosumer at best; they keep making things thinner and saying they made a great cooling system and then it turns out the cooling system does nothing and it throttles out the ass because they made it thinner when it was already too thin. other pro windows laptops are stomping the mbp. they're also selling the cheap outdated TN panel MacBook air for a stupid price

Only apple product I own is a gen3 apple tv that I got for free
Only thing I do is use it for youtube right now there's only a set number of apps it doesn't have a store like the newer ones do.

The affluent will still continue to trust their personal computing to Apple. After all, Apple is the only company where the employees all across the chain actually use their own products. In the tech world anyway. You want to bet what kinds of laptops Microsoft higher up employees have? You want to bet what those trendy presentation Surface cunts actually use at home? MacBook Pro and iPhone. Just because you bought office e-waste doesn't mean people will think you work, much less work in an office. Also doesn't help that nobody sees them as they're always just on your desks.

Even Apple knows their products are fucking shit. That's why iPhones, Macs, and every Apple product are made with Windows XP, because it's far more usable than any trash Apple OS.

There are a few flaws in your assumption:
1. There's no proof that this is from Apple's facilities. This could be anywhere.
2. Many pieces of industrial hardware are run by outdated windows boxes because the outdated software only works with a very specific version of Windows. It's less about stability and more about availability of support/licensing.
3. If we're going to bring up usability, windows falls far behind. People have to be taught how to use windows as it is horribly unintuitive. OSX on the other hand, is much easier for a novice to pick up, while not restricting more advanced users from doing whatever they need.

>There's no proof that this is from Apple's facilities.

>for non-game media creators
>Because they are better for different people
1/8 thread op

his mum told him he would go to hell for eternity for touching an ipod

>apple support

Hey man my cheap chinese flashlight is super bright, it's just that the cheap chinese rubber grips on it smell like ass.

Oh nice one I'll remember it

Is that the lante project of at corning?

>OSX on the other hand, is much easier for a novice to pick up, while not restricting more advanced users from doing whatever they need.