Edge can now play webm video on Sup Forums w/o problems, now is trully the best browser, no question

Edge can now play webm video on Sup Forums w/o problems, now is trully the best browser, no question.

Enjoy no VP8 support

I wasn't aware that it was unable to play WebMs before. I thought that was just an Apple thing. Edge is shit for another reason: the fucking URL bar moves when you put your mouse over it. Also, it's not Firefox, so that pretty much makes it hot garbage.

arent all webms on Sup Forums vp8


Doesn't Sup Forums support multiple webm codecs?

Why not call it IE then?

no vp9 is not allowed

>egde can finally do something all other browsers are already doing
please tell me how this ascends edge to the best browser status

I thought Sup Forums supported vp9 unless you're saying that edge doesn't support vp9

Sup Forums doesnt support vp9 and edge now supports different formats

But I've heard only some webms on Sup Forums work and some don't in edge

Does it support 120fps or fullscreen yet?


Vertical Tabs?

This is the real deal

>not communist
Thank god.

>Edge can now play webm video on Sup Forums w/o problems
Except it doesn't.

try playing anything in this thread:
Edge still completely craps up when the webm has sound.

Memory usage depends on the content opened. It's easy to cheat.

kill you're self

Both were just sitting on the Sup Forums index, both running ublock

Well, now they work, that's what OP means

Since when

Should be obvious when it has the best scrolling by touchpad and half the RAM use of chrome

its performance wise the best browser... but /g loves to hate everything

>Google cuck

I'm confused, most webms still don't work, but some do, but even then, the sound does not work.

>its performance wise the best browser... but /g loves to hate everything

Correction, Sup Forums hates all software that doesn't respect the user's freedom.

Great. How do I download and install it?

how do i install edge on linux?

What is the version of Windows utilized on your computer? Windows 10 Fall Creators Update or the Long Term Servicing Branch?

I'm silly. I think Microsoft Edge isn't on LTSB, so never mind the question numbered .

>using a touchpad
>being a RAMlet

I use a moyse for my desktop

No reason to need to use one on the go

Why didn't you made a webm of edge laying a webm.

edge can play webm's that don't have sound, webm's with sound still don't work.

Nah, edge feels faster and has lower memory usage because it's used by windows and most of it is preloaded by the system.