Why do you unironically watch your videos above 360p/480p especially when 720p/360p and 480p are still more than enough nowadays?
Why do you unironically watch your videos above 360p/480p especially when 720p/360p and 480p are still more than enough...
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same reason you make threads
because i can and i know it pisses you off
I always view most everything in 1280x720 resolution (720p is a video FORMAT, not a resolution). All the movies I've collected at 1280x720, all the YouTube crap I watch is that resolution (I don't stream them to view them I just download the shit which is 50x faster and watch when I want), my phone has a 1280x720 display (3 day battery life because of it), etc.
Anything more than 1280x720 is really just a waste of pixels and power.
You really like 720p
if i'm listening to an audio only podcast/radio i'll set it at 480p . If i'm watching the video i'm setting it to the highest setting possible.
becasue I can afford internet that has no problem playing those.
human eye can't see higher then that anyways.
>720p/360p and 480p are still more than enough nowadays
I like reading text that is not in the foreground
the human eye can't see
i dunno, 720p on youtube usually has a 60fps option that i appreciate.
Because I have a 4k monitor and I'm not gonna waste it on peasant shit.
not him but it's the optimal video res for yt
t. Intel shill
To be fair, at least Intel ships embedded GPUs.
Because I have bandwidth to spare and I like taking up as much of google/twitch's resources as possible while blocking out their ads servers at the router. They already have a lot to gain from selling our data so it's only reasonable.
Because it's possible to do so. If i have a reasonably fast connection I may as well make use of it. It's a similar argument to having a nice car and never driving it faster because it operates 'good enough' when it's easily capable of it and there's enjoyment to be had. The difference between 480p and 720 is noticeable and even moreso for 1080p content in terms of just overall clarity.
Maybe if you have a third world internet connection I can understand if you'd drop it down to 480p.
If you have an internet connection more than like 10 or 20mbps with no download quota, there's no reason not to use original quality.
I watch in either 720p or original if they are options.
720p is minimum quality to enable maximum audio quality so if im listening to music on youtube.
I don't keep my browser FS so audio is at 144 and videos are 480.
the better cameras people use the less I have to up it.
>watching porn at 320p
You have pretty much no idea what you're talking about.
720p is a waste unless you are a freak. There's a reason old tvs and movies were in 480p max. That's literally the resolution you're eyes see at
I watch 1440p or sometimes even 4k content on my 1920x1200 screen.
480p is ideal only because I have shit internet. If I really want to watch it in the best quality then I'll just use youtube-dl
I set videos to the highest resolution possible if I need to read them, otherwise I just use the default resolution.
I watch only 4k videos on my 720p laptop. ;^}
>desire to download original copy
>the title is only the most generic description
>take multiple screenshots
>no results
>movie starting for 144p
shit my isp
>have a gigabit connection
>cost difference up from a 100 megabit connection is 3€/month
>no data caps
>"hurr do you need higher than 720p"
I don't, but neither my connection nor my PC is 3rd world poverty tier so it doesn't matter.
Because it gives me a better bitrate, resulting in a better quality even if I'd downscale to 480p.
Not true AT ALL, anyone can tell the difference between 4k and 720p. However I am as much of a 720p autist as you, the difference isn't really worth it since 720p looks good enough for me. Maybe it's because I went from a literal toaster to a decent budget gaming PC so I'm used to playing at shit resolution like 640x400 so 720p is a godsend for me. I'd also rather max out the graphics and run it at a shit resolution than run it at 4K with the graphics so low that it looks like a PS1 game.
>tfw my 1050 can run anything you throw at it on Ultra settings at 720p
>never been happier in my life
I'm really glad the 160p option exists on twitch. When twitch does promotions for watching streams I can just open 20 tabs of muted 160p streams and call it a day.
Hello. I'm a fag,
YouTube's compression is horrendous. Netflix's 720p is fine but YT's is a smeary mess. My internet connection's technology was designed in this century instead of being a holdover from the 90s, so the highest available quality is always selected automatically.
YT 1440p videos look a shitton better than 1080p; it's always a breath of fresh air when that's available. Honestly, every video should look at least that good. There's no excuse for blurry smears anymore.
If you think I really believe that then I don't know what to tell you.
>Sent from my rMBP
In my day we made out what we could from the scrambled feed and that's the way we liked it dag nabbit!
Resolution isn't as important as viewing distance and screen size. The only exception really being jaggies, but most people will super sample or just use some other form of AA.
I just with a 1920x1200 26 inch monitor and have no inclination to go higher in either size or resolution, since my desk only allows it to go 2 feet back.
why the fuck should I watch the video in 480p if I can watch it in 1080p? there's no reason if both are running fine
Because 1080p gives me a visibly better quality, especially when I play in full screen, and doubly so when I play youtube on my 42" plasma screen while I'm doing workouts.
Honestly I can't stand watching anime or movies in 480, you can't deny it looks like shit. 720 is fine, imo, but I agree that 1080 is excessive, it's like anti-aliasing in video games.
Your definition of "more than enough" is questionable...
scaling artefacts on high resolution monitors, which are pretty much the standards nowadays
play a video in your browser and look at the stats for nerds, there's a pair of three-digit numbers that determine the video and audio codec that is being used for the current playback session. Use youtube-dl to determine what codecs are available for that video and the details of the codecs. Compare the pair of three-digit numbers from youtube to the three-digit numbers that youtube-dl lists.
I can't tell if people are baiting or if they really cant tell the difference of 720/1080p
720 is fine, but 1080p is nicer to look at.
It's mostly due to youtube's dogshit compression. Couple that with compression artifacts and you have a world of difference.
Get off my board, Grandpa
720p/480p would be fine if the bitrate and low quality encoding of youtube wasn't so dogshit. I watch 1440p on a 1080p monitor because it looks better even though it's downscaled.
720p is fine as a resolution, sure. But Youtube's video is bitstarved trash, and upping the resolution alleviates the problem. Especially if you also force H.264 encoded stream.
>compression artifacts
I meant scaling artifacts
What exactly do you not believe?
Because I don't live in some shithole with data caps.
How is it "excessive"? Are you not allowed to look at the best, or what? It's not even the best nowadays either, 4K is.
AMD knows their consumer can buy their own GPU without being coddled
AMD has a separate processor line for their integrated graphics
Are you triggered, OP? :^)
>tfw literally can't stream that since youtube won't let me buffer
Robot eye can't see more than 700 nanometer
i have 20/20 vision when im wearing my glasses. that sux for you though that your vision sux
Because people can't properly upload high quality video. You're supposed to upload 4:4:4 CRF 0 lossless H264/HEVC from raw source to youtube.
People don't fucking do that. I stead they butcher the video to some arbitrary 4:2:0 low bitrate lossy H264 video.
>implying youtube compression is not the problem
Nigger. Also for lossless video you should use QP 0.
Because it looks better.
Youtube compression is actually better than you think. The following video was uploaded in 2006 yet has better quality than 90% of yt videos today. Clearly youtube compression is not the problem.
CRF 0 is QP 0 you bong.