How easy is to pirate books? How well does this devices handles PDF? Kobo Glo HD or Kindle Paperwhite 3? I'll read mostly novels and PDF.
How easy is to pirate books? How well does this devices handles PDF? Kobo Glo HD or Kindle Paperwhite 3...
Super easy to pirate books from myriad sources. I just use #BOOKZ on Undernet because it has everything.
PDFs suck on all eink readers: it's a hardware limitation; panning and zooming will always be slow.
In most cases, if you have to use a PDF, it's best to convert it to reflowable text (e.g. epub). Lots of ways to do that.
retardedly easy. Most sources for books will offer mobi in addition to epub. Just download and copy/paste onto the device, no jailbraking needed.
Does anyone uses Koreader on his Kindle Paperwhite 3? How well does this shit manages PDF?
why even bother reading modern books, they are all contaminated with postmodernism thinking and their conclusions are all fucked up
What a strange advertisement. Blacks don't read.
I wanna read Yukio Mishima and Dostoevsky.
Get Nook Simple touch.
Easy. You're gonna get pirated books as EPUB and that can be converted to azw
unlike tablets
>wont stop making kindle fire despite it being the worst brand of tablet
what did amazon mean by this?
Font is terrible small!
We're too busy fucking your mom
>he's not poweruser on MAM
Anyone? ;_;
You want to pirate books that have no copyright and are literally free? What a brainlet.
Every time I convert a PDF using calibre it fucks up the formatting, what other ways are there?
It cant be hard at all just find a reputable site
Start with the pirate bay ^ idk if they even have books on there though
>no copyright
nigger what?
if you can read the russian original perhaps, but modern translations of dostoyevski definitely have copyright
Bullshit you can get all his shit on Gutenberg for free.
>Constance Garnett translations
Garnett translations are widely considered the worst ones. Show me the Pevear/Volokhonsky translations on Gutenberg you fucking retard.
Here's a true intellectual right here.
utter retard
I've had very good look with an old Windows program called MobiPocket (their website is down but you may be able to find it somewhere). Does an amazing job of reflowing PDFs, then convert the intermediary HTML it produces.
>1st step:
>2nd step:> calibrebooks to convert to right format
>3rd step: infinite library for free
its a shame ebooks sucks
There are some thread on the torrents board where there are literally hundreds of thousands of books
That's a latino, shit for brains.
>How easy is to pirate books?
Easy. Libgen, torrents, #bookz
>How well does this devices handles PDF?
>Kobo Glo HD or Kindle Paperwhite 3?
Paperjew. Use Calibre to convert your filetypes. You can get the ad supported version because you'll have it in airplane mode always and sideload your pirated books
fuck off pajeet
...managed to find it easily, just google "mobipocket download". It's the only Windows program I emulate on my Mac (WineSkin) just because there's nothing better that's come out since.
Then just pirate them you fucking retarded dog
If OP can find a Kobo Glo HD for a good price that's better than the Paperwhite.
>How easy is to pirate books?
>does this devices handles PDF?
poorly. pirate .epub or .mobi
you can find most semi-popular novels in those formats.
hi nigger
hi retard
That isn't a nice comment, user.
Friendliness, Warmth, and Sharing.
>why would you pirate an old Russian book you brainlet?
>because new translations are not in public domain
>why don't you just pirate then you retard?
Do short buses in America have wifi?
Can anyone redpill me on Koreader? Does it enhances the PDF experience on their devices?
>buy old kobo aura refurbished for $50
>buy $5 leather cover from amazon
>looks nice as fuck, fits in my pocket
>have yet to find a book I couldn't pirate
would recommend
What is your faggotry man
My point stands
You can read it in English for free legally
You are crying about how it's not some other version which you'd have to pirate
Cry more nigger
>tfw have access to an Overdrive library but stay on MAM cause it's so comfy
If MAM doesn't have the book #bookz definitely has it. Who the fuck needs Bib anyway?
I installed it today on a Kobo Glo HD with broken USB, thinking I could use it for wifi transfer. The Koreader interface is total garbage, like an ereader from 1992, and the wifi sync didn't work right with Calibre anyway.
No idea what anyone would install that crap.
I'm not crying. Someone asked if it would be easy to pirate because they wanted to read Dostoevsky. That triggered your autism because apparently people can only read public domain versions of classic literature.
Thanks, some minor imperfections but still miles ahead of what calibre can do. The book is actually now readable.
I really wonder what MobiPocket was doing, because the results are often downright spooky good compared to the garbage coming out of Calibre. I suppose it was a more common and important job +10 years ago when publishers were trying to convert PDFs to ebooks after the fact.
Reading e-books in PDF is like playing videogames in a laptop. Use epub please.
I used it. A little better than the defiant reader, but thats it. Don't expect miracles.
Someone mentioned text reflow for pdfs, and it usually works, but if your PDF has lots of pictures (like a textbook) you are screwed. Better grab a tablet for that.
I download books as .txt files.
i use a program called briss to cut up my pdfs into more readable parts.
it works well enough,.
i wish i had a ereader big enough for larger textbooks, that would be perfect.
where/how to get this for linux?
What are people doing that they need to read PDFs? Pirated textbooks?
I tried to get it to run in Wine and couldn't: wouldn't even install. Worth a Windows VM if you're really trying to read PDFs on an ereader though.
if you're reading actual textbooks they both really suck
I was able to install it really easily in wine.
wine msiexec /i mobireadersetup.msi
when there are no epubs online.
What is an .msi anyway?
Tried to install with Wineskin (OSX) and the installer wouldn't start, need to figure out how to feed it terminal commands...
Would be the very rare book that had leaked PDFs and not epubs, unless it was ocr'd from a cut-spine paper copy I guess.
A windows installer package.
Mines not pirated, I paid for it, but I got it off of Amazon which is an azw4 format.
azw4 does not work on their Kindles, you have
to use a windows/mac pc or a fire tablet. Which
is stupid since azw4 is just a container for a PDF. Though since I have already stripped the
DRM and extracted the PDF I might as well
convert it to a eReader friendly format.
Have you ever actually tried downloading any textbooks? They're virtually all .pdf and almost never in epub format.
The only case it is the opposite is for actual books.
If I'm downloading something for my chemistry class, it's going to be a useless bloated .pdf
If I'm downloading a paperback novel, it's going to be epub.
>Sup Forums
>"hey guys how can I pirate sum shit"
>like this bro, let me help you
>Sup Forums
>hey guys how can I pirate sum games"
I went to school back when I had to spend hundreds on paper books I mostly never read :(
#bookz, etc, is in the sticky for /lit/
I still have to buy the occasional book, but sharing and copying textbooks over the internet has saved me literally thousands of dollars.
What a fucking racket
Some people would tell you this is because Sup Forums is full of children
The truth is that Sup Forums is full of marketers.
This is how text looks after converting it what cancer
>Sup Forums
>hey guys what recent animu did you like
>warned for "requests"
Sup Forums could still be worse.
Sup Forums is like that to keep the retards out
it's one of the last good boards