friendly reminder that if you aren't using Solus™©® you're a fucking nigger
Friendly reminder that if you aren't using Solus™©® you're a fucking nigger
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Daily reminder that if Kevin isn't sucking my cock, he's the biggest faggot the universe has ever known. But if he does suck my cock, he's just a faggot.
I'm using Ubuntu Budgie. Much better than Solus and their low package count
Solus wants to be Devuan when it grows up.
It takes 2 minutes to package software for solus. What's missing?
solus is the best distro ever made
thanks for the reminder. I run Ubuntu Mate instead
>luxurious desktop using the most modern technologies.
What did he mean by this? Does it look like a mac?
This is a technology board. Post anime.
Can someone please tell us why Solus claims to be from the ground-up different from other distros? It looks like any really shiny fresh distro at first glance
>not just using Ubuntu Budgie
LMAOing at u rn
Budgie makes your computer look like a phone. Fuck you.
Not as much as gnome does.
Solus is the reason I started using guhnoo linux seriously, but I really hate budgie. Can't wait until KDE is finally finished for it.
You'd think Kevin's had enough time to realize Solus is crap by now.
Solus has most packages the average user would want, and attempts to (and succeeds at) solving the linux for retards problem by removing the NEED for the CLI.
Budgie looks really nice ootb but this constant shilling is getting out of control. Please refrain yourself, Kevin-kun.
it's really not that frequent.
If I had autism, I would surely use Solus.
Yeah only 3 threads each day...
I remember when Solus threads were only ironic. Why do people take them seriously now?
Because it's a legitimate, quality distro. Can you "unironically" tell me what's wrong with it, or are you just going to screech KEVIN?!!
Nailed it.
What is even the point of this distro?
to focus exclusively on desktop GNU/Linux and make it easy for people to use by removing the need to open a terminal wherever possible.
It lacks many prebuilt packages that are included with every other distro
I'm using Ubuntu Budgie because usable software
And by saying "nigger" you mean a citizen of Niger?
Name one program you absolutely cannot live without that isn't already packaged for Solus. Hard mode: no obscure single purpose hackjobs.
eopkg and constant crashing made me stop using it.
apt-get is where it's at for me and since, I think it's because of my amd-gpu, many distros crash every now and then, so I had to switch.
But Solus is amazing as fuck apart from that.
Does it support botnet hardware?
That's more of an Anki dev problem than a Solus problem.
>Plex Media Server
Don't know what that means. It supports anything Linux supports.
Solus uses systemd, so only lamers use it.
Friendly but forceful reminder that if you aren't using Gentoo Linux you're a nigger and you enjoy taking Red Hat's systemd up your systemass
>Hard mode: no obscure single purpose hackjobs.
Nice meme
But one of the reasons to use linux is to have multiple alternatives to choose from
why did you went uppity to me a couple of years ago when i told you on your site that your shit didn't work on my pentium 4?
Solus is pretty good, but I'm having an issue
I can't update the kernel
eopkg up works fine, but it never installs a newer kernel
Stuck in 4.12.7-11 or something like that right now
You mean quiche eaters
What isn't?
To call an entire distribution meme trash because it doesn't have your obscure single purpose package in the repository is ridiculous.
To call everyone who doesn't use your shitty distro a nigger is ridiculous.
where did I call anyone a nigger?
my nigga
Could somebody please tell me why is this thread coming up everyday? Is it normal for a distroshill threads to be posted that frequently, or is it just me having butthurt, because I tried it and deleted it next day? srs question guys
I only use windows 2000 mate.
Fuck off
Various people here shill their personal crap
Examples: sticker threads are almost exclusively made by the redbubble admin or the newpipe threads that pop up with every minor update and are literally the same
NewPipe is legitimately good.
That's why you should use KDE
Explain to a brainlet what's this Kevin meme in every solus thread?
hi Kevin
When it hits stable release, maybe.