Mozzarella donated $100k to Antifa
Where is your god now?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf I love Chrome now
wtf i love firefox now
Let's keep this technology related.
Do you think they used Bitcoins for the funding? Perhaps ETH?
Shit like this just makes me appreciate GPL more. Even if the makers of software get corrupted or dies, the good software lives on.
wtf I love Brave now
Fuck off
Firefox turned to shit once the SJWs took over. Now Mozilla is circling the drain.
>using fireshit when Microsoft Edge exists
edge is woke af. no webm tho
censorship fag, YOU can fuck off.
if OP can't post this in either Sup Forums or Sup Forums, where can it be discussed?
> where can it be discussed?
Sup Forums.
>tfw google is just as bad
> donate for the freedom of internet
> money goes to antifa cunts
don't make me kek
>being a programmer and not being a communist
What, you actually like having to repeatedly write something someone else has almost certainly written a better version of instead of providing the user with code that will meet their needs to the fullest extent possible with the least amount of work done yourself? You actually like having to coat everything you write on the internet covered in advertisements?
let's stomp some nazis
who gives a shit? doesn't riseup also provide wikileaks with email/ canary? retarded ass antifa has just as much right to an email as anyone. Just like retarded ass neo nazis have just as much a right to speech as anyone
>We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.
yeah, no. they're straight up commies
I hate that these idiots think that you can skip the capitalist stage of development, it's almost like they've never even read Marx
does firefox still have memory leak?
That argument applies only to agnostic platforms. People still fund Tor because they are not outright endorsing to the shit that happens within its networks. Riseup is made by antifatards for antifatards and there's a screening process to get in.
Has webm now actually, see the thread
goddamnit this is why i never leave the house.
everything is garbage and everyone is a retarded memeslave. braindead commies
Reminder that OP is a false flag to make Sup Forums look like a bunch of insufferable pricks
Crawl back to your shithole and die, you scizopherenic nutcase
delet this
you ableist nazi
10 years in the gulag
and extra helpings of feminine penis for a month
and mandatory hormone therapy
>enjoy your new beautiful body, your so brave
wtf I love Firefox now
Fuck off you dumb cunt /r/the_donald redditor who immigrated here mid-2016.
If you weren't so fucking new you'd know that this should be on Sup Forums.
Actually, there already is a thread on Sup Forums, but OP knew that and wanted to false flag the board. The fact he capitalized board names and forgot a / at the end of Sup Forums proves it.
Fuck off you dumb cunt ShareBlue shill who got paid to post here after the lost election.
>giving money to a communist organization sourcing itself on an ideology which ruined every nation it infected and was subsequently purged, while killing millions of people in the process
Clearly Mozilla wants to alienate half the world, as in the half which experienced Communism and now hates it as bad as Nazism.
i dont see the problem it's just an email service with a targeted audience
Mods, you know this thread will not produce any technological discussion. Why not ban these Sup Forums cancers on sight? Or are you just letting Sup Forums go further down the gutter?
>capitalism and other forms of oppression
Like Communism?
Those brainlets forget that there is actual communist countries in earth, like Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.
Fucking retards, computers and Internet only exist thanks to "capitalism". Do you guys know how you can have Internet access in Cuba?
Filling a 3 pages form, giving the address of every website you going to visit, and paying 45 American dollars for one hour. YES, i said US dollars. You can't pay for Internet access with local money.
Also, Che Guevara hated fags and niggers with passion. Never forget about the 200 faggots executed by himself in Havana. He literally went to Africa to have a excuse to shot apes.
So something Moz - "your donation will help us to keep the web open for everybody" - illa shouldn't support
No, OP is a false flag to keep Sup Forums off of Sup Forums, Sup Forums can produce very high quality threads.
So much for freedom of expression.
The jews did it!
>look up webext docs
>nothing possible, all just regular greasemonkey stuff with the ability to add buttons to the toolbar
>get into a thread where somebody asks for more features in the API, I need them as well
>it's a woman replying, employed by mozilla appearantly
>says we should email her
The absolute pm'd-you-the-fix-;)-state of mozarella
>Sup Forums can produce very high quality threads.
Like what? Like moon landing was fake and obama turned my frogs gay?
Conspiracy stuff isn't all of Sup Forums
LineageOS is a good example.
it's a public imageboard. the whole site is mostly shitposting. searching for the gold is the entire reason to be on this site
if you haven't figured that out by now what on earth are you doing here?
>hey guys, we are failing in the browser sector
>our popularity is dwindling with each release and it can't possibly be that the reason is our attempt at being a shitty copy of Chrome which pushes people into using the real thing instead of an inferior version
>i know! let's support communism which is treated as a black plague by an increasing part of the globe!
>that will surely not alienate the little userbase we have even further!
Is Mozilla actually a planted organization with the purpose of looking so bad that others look better in comparison? Because one way to be successful while being shit is by simply not being as shit as another party.
This. You gotta dig through hundreds of tons of shit, but when you find that treasure, hoooh boy.
Not even trying to hide it anymore,eh?
The goyim already know about lord soros, after all.