He doesn't know any C

>He doesn't know any C
>He uses Python
>He thinks PHP is a good language

you're a special and unique individual and everyone is glad you are here with us

just use the right tools for the job. with that said no one thinks php is a good language

Mathematics is just applied sociology.

>using C when its been replaced by C++

>she can't tell generics from templates
>she thinks Java passes objects by reference
>she thinks LINQ-to-objects is a C# innovation

What are the right tools for the creation of video games?

i unironically think javascript is the future

a game engine

PHP is not a good tool for it's own job.

No man, c is still the ruler in embedded world. Can't have those pesky little 8 bit chips with 1K of RAM getting out of hand


I found the triggered Slav


>he thinks raw computing time is more valuable than development time
>he ignores how many libraries are there for a given language
>he thinks you can't use C, Python and PHP at the same time, where it's appropriate
>what is scaling anyway?
>he doesn't know half of the interwebs runs on php
>including the site OP is browsing on
>"hurr, muh syntactic suger!"
>"hurr, muh low level coding!"

Get fucked with a cactus, brainlet

for some reason, I thought that was the vim start up screen. the one that asks for donations to Uganda

Honestly that's fine by me, it's not "we were meant to have real content here but instead politics" and more of "if you want to help someone and don't know how we recommend this charity." Better than people donating to political organizations.

This picture shows perfectly why she lost.
No attempt at humor, no logical arguments, no "those are the points i agree with her", just a lazy slapped logo that says "i'm with her agenda".

C and python work great together, you can use both.
I don't like php though

>No blacks

Read: >No attempt at humor

This, the Python C API is huge and great

php is a better programing language than html

On embedded systems? I agree, C is still the better choice, especially thanks to its ability to produce tiny executables.
But on anything else? I don't see why not prefer C++.

Because HTML isnt a programming language you goon