
why is there a nigger in my google

he did sum shit

Norwegian here. I don't see this nigger. Must be a case of blanda upp.

Why are you using google?

not him but its the best search engine

because all other search engines are awful in comparison

save me olav

Search european history.

This is obviously about the first black person that learned how to write, and this happened due the ships taking him out of africa.

jaja XD


>United Kingdom


What a coincidence they forgot to mention the history of black people in Europe during school...


> Japan
I bet Jews are behind this



I imagine that might be the result of SJWs googling for "NIGG- African american inventors" and "Womyn inventors", which skews the search to prefer those.

Things like this make me go full Timothy McVeigh mode.
One day I will.

I don't think so, and it doesn't really explain the european history one.

UK, Canada etc makes sense since they're all British colonies. Nigeria also makes sense since that's where he was born. Sweden makes sense in some twisted manner (he called himself Gustavus Vassa) despite having no connection to Sweden whatsoever.

Kek what the hell is going on with their faces

>he constantly shitposts about "WE WUZ LE KANGS" on a site always connected to Google via CAPTCHA
>he probably does so using Google's browser.
>he wonders why Google returns to him politically controversial results.

>your google
>implying google doesn't own you

>being a lol so epic racist white high schooler in the current year

learn how to use search filters niggy

>Not using ixquick

> white
You don't have to be white to be racist. Also it's natural for people to be racist towards each other. People of other skin color aren't from our tribe.

why so buttmad that Trump is president and Bernie and Killary didn't become president? huh? stay crybaby faggot

Stop baiting retards you faglord

>Not forcing metasearch

I know high school can be rough and that there are a lot of people hurting you right now so you have to vent out your anger by being racist on the internet to try to impress SOMEBODY with your edgieness. But believe me, it gets better. One day you'll be embarrassed by how you were and you'll think of how meaningless your problems were.

>uses google
>complain about niggers
you are the nigger