Be that hardware death, entering a command you shouldn't have, or a false alarm that the pheds were coming for you
What's the most you've ever lost on a fuck up
Biggest tech fuckup: Was playing TF2 on an Asus laptop and meant to moderately slam hands on desk after I was disconnected for some reason, but my one hand ended up hitting the laptop, which destroyed the HDD. Luckily, it had a backup SSD, to which I installed linux and was my intro into that world.
That computer is still alive and is a fucking beast, I'll always trust Asus.
I accidentally overwrote some data I was working on once, with files that were the same size but no work had been done. This was back when I was using 1.44MB floppies to copy data back and forth between PCs. It took me a few hours to re-create what I overwrote. Fun times.
>be sysadmin a large company
>legacy unix terminal app runs the entire company
>$6 million per hour is estimated for cost of downtime
>be logged into system through VMware console
>go to lock my workstation with ctrl-alt-del
>command gets sent to server console instead
>system reboots which takes about 20 minutes to complete and a bunch of manual verification of processes by different departments before it's safe to let users on
I hope you've overcome your retard tantrums since then
Not the worst, but it's a funny story. I had accidentally 'rm'd something I didn't mean to, so I went to make a trash utility to replace rm that would let me restore stuff. Then I accidentally
'rm'd my utility while debugging it.
Top kek user
Biggest hardware maintenance fuck up: first time experimenting with PCs with a Pentium 3 worth nothing (it was like 2008), CPU was glued to the cooler when it came out and when i tried to put i back in place I destroyed all the pins
Unwanted fuck up: 1.5TB 2.5" external HDD fell from the table I had my life on it, started using bigger drives and nas from there, and backups
Recently I started earning and throwing money on stupid shit, lost a few hundreds € on broken shit
I accidentally launched a sql update query without
a where clause... more then 2 million rows got fucked up kek
This is why we use backups.
>1.5TB 2.5" external HDD fell from the table I had my life on it
I don't get why so many people need to learn the hard way that gravity is your enemy when it comes to technology. Keep it secure, or keep it on the damn floor.
Spilled some milk on my laptop, keyboard's fucked and I use it as a desktop now.
Work related: we needed more storage and the boss bought 3tb hds, servers were legacy bios we lost like a week worth of work when they failed.
>implying the floor won't fall out
I once accidentally let go of a tape trolley loaded with 40 - 14inch reels of tape into the CPU cabinet of an IBM 370/158 mainframe and crashed 4 million dollars worth of computer at a cost of $2 million dollars a day to the company and it was down for 3 days. Nearly lost my job over that - a long time ago now
Got my SSD bricked out of nowhere. My computer crashed suddenly, and when I rebooted it, it couldn't find a hard drive.
Stop living in 3rd world hovels.
10,000 songs, couple years worth of hobbyist 3D work, some documents and screenshots.
Maxtor hard drive totally failed.
I wasn't the one who fucked it up, but the one who took care of the mess:
A friend of mine does freelance web design and hosting for some companies that are well known where I'm from. I get a call in the middle of the night, asking for assistance. It appeared that he had moved / to his home directory. He still had a working shell and some executables in memory, but ultimately not enough to fix it. Using a rescue system to move stuff back did the trick. Since it was in the middle of the night, clients didn't notice a thing.
Moral of the story: Watch where you put your spaces in paths, kids. Also, redundancy.
A fuckup of my own, at work: Caused a partial outage of the company's core product by missing a step during deployment. Due to staged rollout, and this happening in the first stage, it didn't affect many end users, fortunately.
Moral of the story: Automate everything a human could mess up.
A fuckup of my own, at home: Built a NAS with a cheap mainboard. Later, it turned out that the SATA controller was broken and fucked up disks one after the other. I first noticed it through some glitches during video playback, but I blamed it on the network connection. A week later, the metadata on all disks was completely corrupted, and I lost a data collection of 8TB, including my oldest backups which are completely gone now.
Moral of the story: Monitor disk health, prefer quality over low price when buying hardware, and don't ignore possible problems.
I'm sweating just reading this post, thanks.
I haven't really fucked anything up, I guess the worst was a small personal site I was working on, I changed something and could never get it to work the same.
>had motorcycle accident with Asus laptop on my back
>land on back
>frame has a nice dent
>still works perfectly 3 years later.
I recently spilled a glass of water directly into the fan output on the top of my case and fried my motherboard.
im always super careful with tech
not even stupid shit like dropping phones
Sounds like a comedy skit.
Biggest fuck up: Bitcoin is brand new thing, not even on the chans yet. CPU mining, getting lots of coins, dude hooks me up with first GPU miner.
40,000btc. All worthless because no one accepts them yet, but it's funny to tip someone a few btc on forums and shit for fun. Finally it starts to get some actual value!! 1btc is worth 2 whole pennies US. Sell my 40,000btc for $0.005USD thinking that I'll never get rid of them all if I try for 0.02 and even 0.01 is risky... This is a HUGE bubble so $200 is fucking BANK for something that basically cost me nothing.
How... Could I have known, Sup Forums? How? I thought I was so clever making $200 off something that was basically worthless.
Yes, I too regret not being able to see the future.
If it was such a big mistake, why aren't you using your newfound futuresight to invest in something right now?
>it turned out that the SATA controller was broken and fucked up disks one after the other
How often does this happen? I've never seen it happen even on cheap OEM motherboards in prebuilts.
I bet it made for a really nice water fountian for a second.
Fried a 2000$ camera controller
Was replaced as warranty because death circumstances were misterious
More like an omnidirectional sprinkler.
Windows got fucked up and I couldnt do anything to repair it, wouldnt let me reinstall correctly either without a total disk wipe
Backed up all of my shit, reinstalled clean after wiping the ssd
Come a week later I realize I missed three years of personal projects I had neatly tucked away in my documents
I tried to extend my ext4 partition to more than 16tb. Lost 13tb of old backups and media. Now I use xfs.
I maintain a federal bailiffs website. Varoius people enter news for their districts there and sometimes some of them delete what they shouldn't, like an entire district website. There are backups but all those sites are stored in one database. So it happened and manager tells me "user, an entire subsite got deleted, pls restore". I say "Okay!" and just restore the whole database from the morning backup. For every district website. And the main site. I don't know why I did that, I knew the procedure, like I transfer it to a development server, then a programmer looks into it and gives me certain dumps to restore.
I wasn't fired but they told me to never do that again.
I reformatted my hard drive that had about $25 in bitcoin back before the silk road got taken down.
I accidentally deleted a bunch of files on my company's server then made some other guy clean up my mess
This happened to me once but I was lucky and poor enough for it to have vents without fans to fall through my case without hitting any components.
I have once dd of=/dev/sda2 and forgot it was the home partition
It was the first and only time for me, and I've had many motherboards in towers and laptops over the years. You probably don't have to worry about a such unlikely incident.
In my 35 years, of all the things I've ever done, if I were given the chance to go back in time and change one thing, it would be to hang onto my btc. I'd have sold this past week for around $200M USD
Needed a document showing my coursework to answer questions on in my exam. Brainlet so this is a resit. Can't find it from last year, completely gone.
Had to take a shitty black and white copy and recreate a 30 page document with many screenshots.
in University now though so worth it to avoid being a NEET I guess
shit i felt a pain reading this
spent a day writing an installation program on mini/mainframe system
ran said program, part of said program was to clear down source files
it deleted self
was up til 4am .. sat in that office until 4am recovering the crap (by re-linking frames)
keen I was
it was all a waste of time
sudo grub-install /dev/sda1
Watercooling done right.
Opened up my Vaio to clean out dust from fans and apply a better thermal paste to the CPU, accidentally broke the proprietary display cable leading to me having to try and track down a very expensive replacement that was really hard to find.
The first seller didn't even send it.
The second sent the wrong cable and claimed not to receive it once I sent it back for a refund.
Luckily I managed to finally get a hold of it, but my laptop was out of action for several months and I had to use a shitty netbook as a backup for all my uni work.
While transferring cases I bent the pins on a 250 mobo.
dd if=linuxlivecd of=/dev/sda
sda wasn't my USB
That's what you get for pretending to be a l33t hax0r by using a command line that lets you completely fuck yourself over with a simple mistake.
Way to stick it to the man user
i cri evrytiem
I bought a backup drive and tried to backup a storage drive that covered 2014-2016. It only got part way as the backup process itself had killed the drive.
Considered sending it off to get the data recovery, but the prices were ridiculous and I could buy new porn and whatever was on there for that kind of cash.