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Requesting purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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What's the second be headphone behind the MA900?
Best, I meant, and of course, it's going to be the MA900
"I'm just underwhelmed by the HD600's... they are missing that magic Pizazz. They sound veiled to me."
"The Sennheiser HD600 which I own proved to be a disappointment in the long run, too murky. The HD800's too brittle."
HD600 confirmed to be garbage by three time award winning audio mastering engineer.
The HD 600 is completely obsolete when it comes to comparing it against the MA900
Post a valid, credible measurement of a full-sized headphone currently in production which measures better than this.
Post your headphones.
So I just pulled the trigger on the MEElectronics M6 Pro, what should I expect?
No, you post your headphones, user. You clearly don't own the Sennheisers :^)
Sennheiser HD 650
Opinions on these?
Align those two measurements at 100 Hz and it just looks like HD650 has no upper mids and is veiled, which is true.
Post your headphones
Actually has no bass. People throw around "no bass" as an inaccurate shitposting meme with regards to a lot of different headphones around here but this is one of the few models the meme is actually accurate for. Doesn't stay put on a lot of peoples' heads due to inadequate clamp. Good soundstage for gaming, but honestly there are other headphones in the price range with good soundstage which don't completely lack bass response. Cannot recommend.
>no upper mids
>2 dB difference
align these at 1kHz and it just looks like the 600 has 2 dB less bass
which one are you more hyped for?:
>Aeon Flow Open Back
>HiFiMan Sundara
>Acoustic Research AR-H1
This oldfag thinks SR007 is good.
They appear to measure well, yet sound veiled and murky with actual usage according to Bob Katz. They're shit. deal with it.
This newfag still can't post his headphones! I shiggy diggy
What headphones does Sup Forums wear outside?
>an old dude with high frequency hearing loss thinks they're veiled, that means they're veiled
been on Sup Forums before /hpg/ even existed
try again
>An user who doesn't own any decent headphones think they are the best shit ever
Still can't prove that, newfag. Either way, the latter is still true, is it not?
HD660S and AR-H1.
The rest simply do not interest me.
>>An user who doesn't own any decent headphones
speak for yourself
I own the best sounding headphone ever made, and you?
>inb4 Neutrality = Accuracy
Oh it's you again.
So it seems.
Your Porta pros aren't the best sounding headphones, user
You don't know that :^)
What headphones do YOU own, user?
Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
>in b4 278 more posts of asking each other to post pictures of headphones and various reasons why each others' graphs are invalid
Poorly sealed.
Only user can prevent that now, by posting his own headphones
Well, people have to confirm/deny each other's biases somehow, how are they going to feel good about themselves otherwise?
>You don't know that
yeah, I do
You still haven't answered my question
Maybe someday you'll get that far, but for now, you have to keep sucking feet, faggot
Because the SR-007 is good.
What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?
>The headphone sound quality itself is amazing, but it's not as comfy as everyone says it is, at least for me. First off, the earpads are super thin in depth, and the earpad lip is also very thin. So after a while of wearing it, the material starts to compress and it starts digging into the side of your head. This isn't really a big deal, as you can bend the frame slightly to relive some of the clamping pressure. The earpads internal padding material is also inconsistent. You can even see in the picture, the earpads look wavy, the padding is lower in some areas and higher in others. The bigger problem is the terrible headband. It's way too thin to support such huge drivers hanging on your head. It doesn't help distribute the weight across a larger area of your head, instead it forces all the weight right in the middle of the tiny headband.
>Earpads not as comfy as everybody says in my opinion. Would prefer velours. Sound is decent, considering it is a Sony. Not as 'bassy' and 'muddy' as the new Sony stuff (e.g. MDR Z7) which I find awful.
>three time grammy winning audio engineer's observations vs some autist's post on /hpg/
SR-007 is very veiled and low fidelity.
Wrong question and too late, user
Also, post headphones
Except it's not. Maybe the vanilla MkII with a bass port out of a 727A or something, but not the MkI's. Even then, the Mk II just needs a piece of blue tac on the port.
Low fidelity is just plain wrong though.
why, i own two of the best sounding headphones. anyways, it's all pointless without pics, let's see your setup user
HD 518s aren't the best sounding headphone, user
Wanna chat about chi-fi with anons from Sup Forums? Check out the new #chi-fi channel on the /csg/ discord!
All welcome!
>but it's not as comfy as everyone says it is
>still one of the most comfortable headphones
Did you invite /spg/ too? Their whole hobby seems to revolve around chink phones
Koss really jacked up the portapro price. for over $40 I hope the fucking foam pads stay on more than a few months nowadays.
Shit man. Any other recommendations for the $100 price range?
into the trash they go
Don't buy Yurbuds. They sound like shit and they don't break like other Walmart earbuds. I've had mine for two years this October and I fucking hate them.
Get the vinyl chinese replacement pads. They last a long time and the better seal makes the headphones sound better, especially the bass.
Post your headphones
The oblong skull rest pads fall off on their own after a few months. The glue wears out with gentle use. I had 2 of these portapros in the past.
I'm talking about the round ones that hook onto the spikes at the back of the mounts like the foam ones. My dad has had those like three years and they're still perfect despite him using them every day for his morning walk.
What do if headphones have too much treble
EQ, you brainlet
Yes it's lacking bass but it's not completely devoid of bass lol. You'll only notice it if you listen to retarded techno dubstep shit.
The bigger number are the highs and the lower numbers are the bass right?
*Nods respectfully*
Close enough
Post your headphones. That subjective evaluation is objectively wrong and that isn't a dummy head measurement. They are more comfortable than your headphones which you won't post.
Speakerphone's measurements are very accurate.
Feel free to prove that they aren't.
Feel free to post your headphones
Not an argument.
Maybe not, but you definitely still owe us a post
>you definitely still owe us a post
You know the identity of anonymous posters?
I'm just a passerby user.
Then why even reply? Post your headphones, samefag
Is your plan to post the same shit over and over untill the thread dies?
What headphones are technically the best at reproducing sound from source waveform? >800$ pl0x
Well, until user posts his headphones, kind of
most of them are pretty good at it
Significantly outclassed in their price range by shp9500s and hd558.
You play this and forget about how terrible your life is.
Sister got a pair of these for really cheap. But she says that they're too small for her ears so she might give them to me. I do wanna make sure they fit her though, but I'm not sure what replacement tips to use, she said they're specific tips so they might not work with anything.
You guys know of a good set to use? Was on CSG, and was looking at SpinFits, but don't know anything about IEMs.
Most doesn't really help me here, even if its diminishing returns for price.
Post your headphones.
Post your sister.
Seconding (for both)
>one fag shills the ma900
>other anons prove that it's shit
>hurrrr post headphones
Pretty much this, MA900 measures like shit objectively speaking.
I guess some people want to really rationalize their purchase.
If you haven't figured it out, the reason he's asking you to post your headphones is so that he can shitpost against them, but you seem to haven't given in. Perhaps you've got them figured out. Good on you, user.
>The bigger problem is the terrible headband. It's way too thin to support such huge drivers hanging on your head. It doesn't help distribute the weight across a larger area of your head, instead it forces all the weight right in the middle of the tiny headband.
This was my problem and the reason I found them uncomfortable. Despite being lightweight, the weight distribution is awful. I'd even say a LCD-2 were more comfortable than these headphones. There's a reason Sony discontinued these shit headphones.
There has been at least three confirmed, pic related being one of them. Now do the needful and post headphones, user
cool mouse and keyboard
absolutely atrocious taste in headphones
>$5 potato camera
what's the matter poorfag? spent all your money on your headphones jejejej
>Atrocious taste
That user has posted his headphones, nobody cares if you're a poorfag user for as long as you post your headphones :)
Not surprised that someone who uses low fidelity headphones doesn't care about image quality when posting pictures.
You can BTFO that user wrong if you posted your setup, can you, user?
Should I get the CB-1 or HD 569? I don't know which one is supposed to be more comfortable.