How accurate is this?
How accurate is this?
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Gentoo for Dreamcast when?
x86 architecture is like webdev, a bunch of incrementally total mess, it just fucking works somehow
sh3, bitch.
Where is AMD64?
It's the same shit as x86.
>x86 architecture is like webdev, a bunch of incrementally total mess, it just fucking works somehow
It works because it has to.
68k or bust.
m68k is basically x86, except that it's not developed further anymore.
you wut
Depends on how you mean I guess, there's the performance of the chips that implement these architectures, the availability of them, the assembly language for them, and more things to compare.
I'm curious about what anyone has to say for whichever platform, something they like or dislike about them. I'm also curious about RISC-V.
complete meme chart.
arm>x86>irrelevant trash
Depends. Pic related , however, is objective truth
Your router uses MIPS.
>Not playing your latest vidya on a Zilog Z80
Mine is x86. PFSense > plebian home routers
Go away nintendrones.
You sure showed me.
Feel it.
No Nintendo console used a Z80.
Mine uses ARM, I used to have one that used PPC/POWER.
>router using PPC/POWER
Why? That's not good for low-power stuff.
I didn't design it, I have no idea.
But that's what it's implying, the pics are ironic. The least 'enlightened' (top) pic is what the author thinks is the least retarded.
sh2 backend for llvm
m68k backend for llvm
>No Mill CPU
get out!
not him but the gameboy did and almost everything else at the time did so he's pretty retarded for saying that.
Forgot about that, but none of Nintendo's stationary consoles did.
It's missing features that stop it from being a standard z80. That's why people usually refer to it as being the "gbz80 "
Where would Alpha be?
More relevant question is: Where is RISC-V?
Somebody who isn't me should post ASM for each architecture that they like.
MIPS is the simplest and easiest to implement, so MIPS.
PowerPC died too soon.
>you will never have a 64bit quad core PPC desktop that draws 25w.
Accurate for what? They all serve different purpose
Anything older than the G5 is decent for low-power. Not the greatest but fast.
There should only be two sides. ARM in mobile an x86 with management engines should be for the braintlets while ARM SBCs, older x86 stuff, MIPS, POWER, PowerPC, SPARC, Itanium, Alpha, SuperH, and Prism are for ascended individuals.
>Shenzhen I/O is real ASM
The G5 doesn't draw much power at load if its around 1ghz. They have some architectural issues that limit performance, but still plenty capable of web browsing and other simple things.