What's the best audio solution for a cd player only car...

What's the best audio solution for a cd player only car? Obviously I want to use a portable media player but don't really want to shell out for a whole new stereo system 99% of which I won't use. FM transmitters seem shitty so I was thinking of just mounting some speakers on the dashboard and hooking the pmp to that. Is this good? What speakers should I use?

Why wouldn't you use it?

use what?

there are some cheap as fuck head units
why wouldn't you just swap that

because I don't want to pay shit loads of money for installation.

you can mount some new speakers to the dashboard properly but can't change the head unit?

mounting speakers = put speaker on the dashboard

most retarded thing I've seen today

Installing a head unit is easy as fuck, just pull the old one out, unplug it, plug the new one,put it back in.

oh ok well in that case

buy pic related
cut off power cord, wire the end of it to a usb plug
plug in to usb power
plug headphone jack into car stereo AUX port
your car now has bluetooth stereo

>car stereo AUX port
did you miss the part where I said I had a cd player? If I had an aux port I'd just plug that shit in.

buy a new car

>remove head unit from dash
>open up head unit
>find the CD PLayer's DAC
>splice wires into it with pic related
>mount pic related in dash

not taking anything apart

Just buy a new head unit dude it took me like an hour on my passat and I guarantee if your car is old enough to not have an aux jack it'll be much less confusing than mine.

what is the installation fee?

For me it was the cost of a plug adapter, the headunit, and aftermarket replacement bracket.

Literally just search up a head unit replacement video on Youtube for your make and model. I have no experience at all with car audio and it was ezpz.

Paying someone else to do it would cost upwards of $100-200 just for the labor alone.

geek squad says they can do it for 65 dollars on their webpage

Didn't realize that you were a femanon.

>trusting geek squad with anything

I'm sorry user, but the magic solution you are looking for that requires no effort or money does not exist.

so you'd rather someone with no experience do it than someone with experience?

If you're able to follow a youtube tutorial and are not a complete idiot you'll know for sure you did the job right and you gain experience along the way.

As previously mentioned, Geek Squad will do the quickest and dirtiest job possible so they can get your money. If you insist on paying someone else, go to an actual car audio place.

its a fucking piece of plastic with an aux port, what kind of mean and dirty things can they possibly do to that?

Shoddy soldering that can come undone because they're too lazy to find an adapter, possibly damaging panels taking apart your dash, using the cheapest possible stereo if you decide to let them figure it all out.

If it's so simple, why not do it yourself and learn something?

and my soldering is going to be so much better because obviously having never done it before is the best qualification there is.

>I'm incapable of anything more challenging than unscrewing a peanut butter container lid!!! Justify my poor spending decisions so I don't feel like a stupid, useless piece of shit!!!

You wouldn't need to solder anything if you did the job correctly. Honestly you seem too retarded to even be on this board.

Go waste your money on geek squad and get your fucking piece of plastic,

do this I can confirm it works flawlessly, although I just soldered an AUX-cable, and not a socket. It's not hard, you just have to find out where to solder it to, don't be a pussy.
All you need afterwards is a CD with a silent audio file on it, because your car audio has to switch to the CD source, otherwise it won't play anything
If by any chance you have a mk1 Ford Focus, these are the signal pins