>current state of apple
apple shills on suicide watch
Current state of apple
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Why? They will only get more job security.
Thats an iPhone 6 :-/
6S was the last decent one, even though the battery lasts 10 minutes
>tfw you buy an applel product and literally get btfo and assblasted
Now post all those webms of Samsung phones exploding and catching on fire.
Note 7 is cancelled retard
Keanu just can't catch a break.
so what's the count now, 3 iphone 8s caught fire out of tens of millions... oh no what a calamity
An iToddler has defended this.
I've successfully defended it, yeah
one or two freak accidents means absolutely nothing
What am i looking at?
mactoddler in its natural habitat
ITT: Uneducated pajeets who don't understand statistics.
Apple sells hundreds of thousands of products every year. It's a simple statistical reality that a small percentage of those will malfunction. In fact, I would be more surprised if that was not the case.
In reality though, Apple products are the most premium out there and if you do happen to get one that malfunctions, apple will be happy to replace it. Heck they even replaced peoples products that were damaged in Harvey.
I'd really like to know, when/if was the last iPhone release that DIDN'T have issues?
It seems like these articles come up every autumn after an iPhone release.
At least he is happy :)
>so much butthurt
Are we really at the point where it's too much to demand a phone that won't randomly explode?