After using MacBook Pro I've come to the realization that only cavemen and mongoloids use Windows.
All the software is inferior to what macOS has to offer, why is this? Isn't Windows supposed to be the most popular OS?
Is Microsoft hated here too?
MacOS Software
I ended up running everything through XQuartz on OS X because both sides suck
Unix firmware and software was always superior to any competition.
I see.
Well, yeah.
You’re getting a kernel that came out of Carnegie Mellon (mach), an environment that evolved from BSD, and a graphics system build around PDF (Quartz), and an API from NextSTEP all sitting on dedicated* hardware. And you get free dev tools and productivity suite.
What’s not to like?
*yeah yeah...some of that hardware is off the shelf from other vendors, but the integration is dedicated.
I want a 2016 MacBook pro but the lack of ports pisses me off.
retina macbook pros seem to be the laptops the best screen, weight, battery life and build quality ratio, the only thing I found that competes to it is the gigabyte aero 15 because of its color accurate screen battery life and weight
How do you feel knowing that Windows 7 is a better OS than your Mac-toyOS?
iina isn't a great example. It's still quite buggy.
- i never get tired of having the path separator also be the escape character
- love not having a single root of the file system
- the fact that select only works for sockets is fun
- a half-assed broken sudo is a joy to behold
- oh, right WinSock...a real dream come true
- or how ‘bout how Win32 processes are only enumerable by a doubly linked list that only exists in the Win32 subsystem...such a great rootkit vector
- binary databases make for such easy do I miss regedit
- explorer, what a shell! it’s so genius that it manages to be so simplistic you can’t do much but too complex to do anything easily
- they ever fix that dos one-liner that causes a blue screen? probably not
- COM. such a beauty! I spent many an hour trying to fix broken registration, missing classids, and registry entries so tangled that they’d give rainman a brain aneurism
- it is lean a new install and you can get right to work doing...well...installing millions of things so you can actually do something
- and let’s not forget how the SCM controls both drivers (a lot which aren’t actually drivers) and services
Sell that cobbled-together pile of shit to the tourists. The only thing it’s good for is playing games and doing security research regarding how to break it.
update your version of mpv breh. it's MUCH better now. totally ditches that gay ass QT like interface infavor of something more functional (akin to MPC with a minimalist setup)
>lack of ports pisses me off.
that's just the autist in you talking. realistically when do you EVER need to plug anything for extended durations of time nowadays anyways? everything is fucking wireless, bluetooth or on the fucking cloud. i have a shitton of dongles i bought with my macbook air, but i can count the number of times i've needed to use them in 5 years on one hand. no shitting. fuck i don't even use flash drives on my fucking windows PC except for creating windows ISOs to fix family members computers (i pretty much keep windows images permanently on the few USB's i own). for file transfers i just grab it wirelessly on my network or from my phone or mac mini via airdrop.
mpv is on windows, you Neanderthal
Which version? I should be on the latest but doesn't seem any different..
b-b-b-b-b a-apple is d-dum!!!!!!!11 >:(
Oh yeah, I'm using it, thanks though!
It's great.
You can't afford a Mac.
Windows 10 is truly cucked. CANDY CRUSH PREINSTALL KEK I would not ever even touch it if it weren't for the occasional vidya game.
microsoft has always been more enterprise focused, unlike apple. enterprise software is full of old legacy shit built on top of each other because it's too expensive for them to move their whole stack to something more modern. they do it once in a lifetime. microsoft could survive just from business clients, but the average consumer eats it anyway.
Linux has no good gui apps desu
It gave me a decent DE at least
Yeah, its a fucking shame.
Thinking about getting Mac for daily driver use and just building GAMING HTPC (that sounds so cheesy) out of my current desktop and would only install games to it.
Fagos is fucking trash. Literally a putric reeking frankenstein turd shat out of jobs' aids ridden asshole.
Only brainlet troglodytes like macfags could find this shitos usable.
literally no argument
>garbage windows management
>garbage mouse support
>shitty unintuitive UX
>garbage font rendering on external monitor
>doesn't even have a decent music player
Bait. Bait. Bait.
that's what i do now. macbook and mac mini for primary use and big rig with gfx card for gay man. fuck i stopped trusting windows for security sensitive stuff like online banking and credit card transactions/secure logins as well which gives me more leeway to install pirated shit on my wangblows machine. can always nuke and pave that shit if i get malwared
wipe the curry froth from your mouth, pajeet.
That's why you get a recent Thinkpad and hackintosh it.
Best of both worlds.
Literally the shittiest computer brand atm
>Uses whitelisted components, therefore you cant replace all of their shit
>Turd looking
>Shitty screens
>Brand new are expensive as fuck, almost as much as macs
>They aren't as sturdy as people claims, indeed Latitudes are better
>The "they have awesome loonix support!!!" bullshit doesnt work anymore, since loonix works pretty much on any laptop out there
The only reason why neets buy them is for their shitty 90s design and memes
Yes. This is most certainly platform specific. Shit, I gotta sell my WIndows and get me a cup of them apples, boy.
Indeed, the gulf the quality between OSX and Windows software is VAST. I think there are a couple reasons:
>OSX has much better and nicer APIs
>the OS and stock apps are nice looking, well thought out, and well coded, so it inspires devs to match that level (Windows is so ugly and such a poorly through out and executed bodge why should 3rd parties aspire to anything more?)
>people with money - e.g. the people who work at software companies - all use Macs as their personal computers, so have to eat the dog food; the Windows version is for the plebs so who cares
wagecucks outnumber special snowflake content creators. Is that so hard to understand?
Do you think you can manage a UNIX based environment as easily as Windows without AD and Group prolicies?
Is it still worth hackintoshing my rig if I have long filename support enabled in Win10?