>gayming threads everywhere
i want children to leave
can we fix this problem by having OS flags and being able to filter out windows users?
Gayming threads everywhere
>tfw don't play videogames but don't want to waste my time copypasting shit on the terminal either
I approve the idea of OS flags though.
I use GNU/Linux and GPU Passthrough, good luck filtering me even if we had OS flags, faggot.
at least if you use gahnoo slash linucks you actually do other more productive things than gayming
Consumerists in general are starting to annoy me, as well as people that excuse poorly made software with comments about their gaming "rig."
Then when you point out to them that they only have that computer for games, they'll make up bullshit about HD image manipulation or modelling.
Bitch, I know what you use those 3 4K monitors for, and it's not rendering 3D models.
like watching anime and masturbating to hentai right
I do, but for most productive things I use my macOS machine. GNU/Linux for shitposting, music, videos and gaming on a separate monitor via the aforementioned GPU Passthrough.
quit being an autistic faggot and enjoy something for once
>posts molymeme free market cultist
>against consumerism
>i masturbate to hentai PRIVATELY and OUTSIDE NSA EYES, thats right, PRIVATELY AND SECURELY! take notes, wincucks! for your botnet OS won't protect your privacy! now thanks to muh guhnoo pluhs loonix the CIA won't know which netorare hentai i've been masturbating to!
>i'm so productive right now!
>you play only on wangblows
You should visit /t/.
>Bitch, I know what you use those 3 4K monitors for, and it's not rendering 3D models.
Who cares? Are you saying consumers should use shit equipment?
Would OS flags even work to detect the proper os?
>filter out windows users
so 95% of this board?
Not an argument.
Seriously though I've argued with Libertarians that consumerism doesn't actually improve the market, because it results in a race to the bottom in terms of quality and bling over quality and advancement.
>having OS flags
Why wasn't this implemented yet? It'd make experience more fun overall. The same way flags work on Sup Forums, /bant/ or Sup Forums.
that does not make any sense
gnu/linux is a gaming OS now. deal with it
Because then we'd see just how bad this board has gotten.
Nothing of value was lost.
if anything open sores are more hostile with a false sense of superiority than any other time in Sup Forums that I remember.
>Dual core
>GTX 470
linux can gayme, but you obviously can't with those specs
>it's a code money think their pajeet level code is the only technology episode
Laff every time
Exactly this. Manchildren need to make a collective exodus from this board all the way to
95% of the posts also happen to be utter shitposts, coincidence? I'd rather talk to the 20 or so people left than the hundreds of current Windows users.
Every fucking thread is Poozen vs Jewtel. This shit is too autistic even for me and I literally have aspergers.
I find that humorous though that people judge others by what OS they use, also fanboying an operating system or only restricting yourself to one OS.
I mostly use Windows on my workstation computer, being a person that has written several patches that are in the mainline Linux kernel.
Sorry, but this is just some retarded crap.
But then they post screenfetches of GNU/Linux machines, so what is it, are they Windows or GNU/Linux users?
The most productive thing I've done with gnu/linux is learn how to use it for the nonproductive things I do. It didn't make me worse but I'm not really better.
Doesn't even matter. Screenfetch fags need to go as well.
>filter out Windows XP
>all the Apple threads suddenly disappear
Just check the uptime on them, 80% of those are riced VMs to "fit in", 15% are real lunix users, 4% are freetards with a trannybooted thinkpad or some shit and the other 1% is the guy that posts a screenfetch from some unusual device running linux.
Feel free to laugh if you found spam and shitposts funny.
>I find that humorous though that people judge others by what OS they use, also fanboying an operating system or only restricting yourself to one OS.
it's pure tech illiteracy
shit 15 year olds do, but well, that's most of Sup Forums
>OS flags
yeah because spoofing user-agents is SO hard
I just don't see how anyone can find those "riced" desktops productive.
for the average windows user, yes
He's saying consumerist should fuck off because they just brand wars
What has brand wars to do with it? Autistic fanboys exist, average consumer looks up best price for performance.
>average consumer looks up best price for performance.
Good joke, nigga
Do you think that the mods will listen to our request if we ask for OS flags while spamming trap hentai? Then they'll be forced to look at our comments
not hentai but loli specifically yes
>gaming is for adults
t. child who can't handle vicky 2
Oh my god right OP? I can't stand people PLAYING GAMES or using WINDOWS? I mean don't everyone know that Linux is the superior OS and that they're wasting their time playing childish games when they could be compiling their kernel, setting their wallpaper to waifu of their choice, and posting in desktop threads?
Fuck you OP. As much as you hate to admit it, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are always linked. Always were. Always will be. Stop being a faggot.
what else is there to do to pass time than gaming? watching tv or videos is boring and unengaging and reading is better done while working as audiobooks
I do not play games that need expensive GFXs, but I still run multiple PCs with multiple OS one of them including windows 10, cause I like buying expensive hardware, overclocking the shit out of it and bench marking it.
At the same time I do like writing python on my Linux machine and playing with multiple raspberry Pi, PIC micro-controllers etc. and running Kali Linux for work on an totally overkill laptop for work.
You point is invalid.
Also the more monitors the better!
Productive things, like working out and studying science/engineering, child.
at least you can firewall that garbage
i mean i already do wpekout but i dont consoder it a passtime and i have no interest in acience or engineering xause without school it will never be enough to make a career out of
>OS flags
this is actually a good idea
i'm impressed
aside from working to earn your leaving you can have a social life, go out, study, play sports etc.
gaming has it's place as well, but if you think all you can do is play games... well...
So you work out for 4 hours a day? You actually just sit around studying science and engineering all day? For fun? You sound like a faggot. Seriously. I can see not spending your life gaming, but you just sound more like a try hard loser.
Go ride a bike. Take a walk/hike. Pick up art of some form (photography, drawing or painting), or find a sport. But stop putting yourself up on a pedestal because you don't play games.
I hate gamers and their 'culture'.
Steam is a one big pile of botnet. And don't even get me started on DLC's, in-game payments, etc. Sup Forumsirgins don't need girls - their industry fucks them everyday.
That being said - let everyone has their own place. When there are too many threads about smartphones/consumer elctronics/VRs, etc. I just hide them, and so should you. Pretty sure that windblows gamers hide Ganoo + Linox threads too.
>have a social life
with who? no one ever invites me out
>go out
ya ill go to one of the bars in the area where people twice my age hang out so i can be the only sober person in a room full of drunks since i lost all interest in drinking once i turned 21
>play sports
i hate sports
>can we fix this problem by having OS flags and being able to filter out windows users?
That won't help you. I game naively on linux and stream from a Windows box for Windows-only tittles.
Can you put the mason jar of your tears up on ebay? I want to bid.
>with who? no one ever invites me out
Ditto but not only that. No one I know goes anywhere or does anything interesting, either. Everyone my age is as lonely, antisocial, overworked and depressed as I am.
I've been on Sup Forums for fucking ever. And it's always been like this. I stopped hiding threads. Why? Because unless it's blatant porn on a blue board, there is always the possible chance to learn something new. Linux/Desktop/GUTS/etc threads may just contain little nuggets of information you may find useful.
Stop being a close minded loser.
>Always were
Technically no, Sup Forums was for guro porn at first
I'm talking about since Sup Forums became a tech board of course. C'mon user keep up.
>I hate gamers and their 'culture'.
There is no such thing as gamer culture. It was a targeted ad campaign by Microsoft, Doritos and Mountain Dew in the early 2010's that drove everyone to think gamers are adrenaline-fueled chair-warmers.
Indie titles, AAA games going to shit and the death of Call of Duty saw to the end of that real fucking fast. Now, everyone is a gamer in some way, shape or form. It's just that our idea of what a game is has changed.
Press F5 on Sup Forums all day? Reply for the hopes of recognition? Feel points to your ego if you get it or drain it from others? All for what? Productivity? lol.Your game doesn't even have a story.
>so indoctrinated he can't comprehend people don't have to turn everything into a job
I bet you dismiss every notion of learning niche language like Latin or Finnish because it isn't "useful" like learning Chinese.
>Technically no, Sup Forums was for guro porn at first
...I bet that was a smooth transition.
ill learn about th8ngs that interest me but im not going to spend time learning about things i dont care about
>lurk Sup Forums for years due to desire to build pc and want to be informed without filling up threads with my normie trash
>Still haven't built that pc yet, but still come here every now and then to learn new things
>OS flags
Please give us OS flags
so you do know most would just change their useragent right?
no they wouldn't
you act like people actually give that much of a fuck
holy shit it's just an OS flag dude
And people in Sup Forums and Sup Forums use proxies to mask their location sometimes. What's your point?
>be me
>30 years old
>have wife and kids
>have job that i enjoy that pays well
>have good social life
>have hobbies and interests that i enjoy
>play games for a few hours a week
>come on Sup Forums to discuss things and get told by sweaty virgin nerds that i'm a child because i enjoy video games
Give it up guys, it's not funny any more.
ya and when people start hounding them for using windows 10 they will just swap to a linux user agent
Of course
But the general user being a dumb shill wont or can't so we at least get a 90% hitrate.
I'd prefer actual flags so I can filter Canadians. Canadians are literally the most annoying posters, they're worse than Brazilians, and so much worse than aussies(which aren't even that bad). I fucking hate Canadians so god damn much.
Why restrict yourself or the board from developing dank new memes based on OS flags? It sounds like an overall win to me. Users like OP that actually want to seriously filter posts are fucking fagots though. Filtering stuff, sticking to select generals, sticking to a single board, it's all the same shit. "I think this broad category of content or user is uninteresting or below me" is cock gargling bullshit that directly spoils the primary advantage of posting anonymously.
I agree I'd like to filter Linux manchildren.
>look at me everyone i use gentoo!!!!1 i'm so special give me attention and special treatment!!
yeah OS flags are a great idea
canadians are whiny entitled mongs but i'd rather filter mobileshitposters especially the kind of retards who post from iphones (the ones who post screenshots and have Sup Forums ads all over the place)
As long as it's based on user agents. I want to be able to shun mobilefags.
Mind posting the paper?
Enjoy your empty board / Linux circlejerk
>can't game with those specs
they'll run Quake III just fine user.
I'd rather that than Sup Forums in it's current state. Also gookmoot plz give us OS flags
B-but onii-chan I always change my useragent to Windows to avoid being so notorious.
How Lewd!
The OS becomes the game to most of these ``freetards''.
They do nothing different outside of working their system, than people on other systems.
Wandows, Android, macfagbotnet, generic GNU/Lenin, BSD, iOS, snowflake flag for everything else
I only approve, one who walks the way of the Linux... comfy themes as well
Sorry buddy, it didn't work this time. You could've put a little more effort in.
>The worst boards use country flags to identify each poster
Really makes me think
Sup Forums also uses thread ids
This board needs IDs more than it needs flags.
>to play video games you must be a cock-in-the-ass gaymer obsessed with buying new video cards every couple of months
enjoy the latest SJW-crafted Windows games user
I do my gaming on Arch Linux. I have 500 Linux compatible games in my Steam Library and even use my Vive from Arch Linux. What now?
i keked.
Because most games are stupid and violent. And people who are stupid and violent are mostly kids. So you can have a normie life but still have a part in you that loves an entertainment media for retards.
Shut the fuck up. You are clearly 12 years old.
and whats wrong with violent games?
>do productive things like learning a dead language and an irrelevant one!