vim as an ide. discuss
Vim as an ide. discuss
It takes some work to set up. I love the key binds more than anything though
>using ascii escape characters to build a TUI rendered by a terminal application in a grid with the same font size
sounds pretty stupid, 2bh
fine if you don't mind juggling a million moving parts
I never use plugins, but I recently installed ale. Pretty cozy, desu. Also, any plugin recommendations?
You can. The same way you can edit the source code of any existing IDE.
I tried doing this, but found that I have a much better experience installing a vim keybindings plugin into a proper IDE.
Check out easymotion, nerdtree, lightline
It's great. Modularity is underrated. I would only leave it in case I was working with a monolithic system like C#.
Just started using fugitive. Rhubarb is a nice extension for it too.
No, I dont want help children in Uganda.
I'm very new to vim and linux in general. Somehow I've enabled some kind of spellcheck in vim, pic related - the red highlights.
It's ugly and annoying, how do I disable it?
Okay, I got a little further with fixing this, pic related again
but the green underline kind of blends in too much. How do I change its color?
Easymotion is useless and you should use the search function instead
Unix terminal belongs to museum and tui is just stupid hack to make it even more retarded. Why would I want to use it for anything? Acme/Sam wtf.
It is a terrible choice as a mere text editor, why should I use it as IDE.
thanks, pajeet. Your well informed and educated opinion on the topic has inspired generations of other people to follow in your footsteps
thinking of it again, it might be better that flamewar between gui toolkits where all of them suck, running at obsolete window server from hell with DE that has to take over all configurations to make them manageable
":setlocal spell" on line 116 is what's turning it on. Take "spell" out of that line so it's not on by default.
Lightline better than airline?
I dont like vim... I prefer ed.
I still use ed for copy pasta. started with ed in 1984 on a PDP-11
Blessed user.
normally underline color just inherits the color of the word it underlines
Here is the list of Youtube videos that took me from knowing nothing to being so comfortable as to installing a vim plugin on my browser. Ignore titles these videos are great for beginners, just watch them in this exact sequence:
Mastering the Vim Language
How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim)
Let Vim Do the Typing
To move beyond that read Learn Vimscript the Hard Way by Steve Losh
NOTE: I've realized what emacs-like bindings are best suited for when I tried TeXmacs, a godlike LaTeX document processor.
Give me five (5) good reasons why I should use vim in vi mode over ex in vi mode.
Give me five (5) good reasons to use ex at all.
Post more useful vim plugins
I've just started using it
1.) works on all terminals.
5.) profit!
You should use vim without plugins for a bit before you jump into anything crazy. Learn the basics, because there's a lot vim does out of the box (autocompletion, file searching, ect...).
you can use gvim or any other frontend if using neovim
stock > lightline > airline
Is there anything for Vim or NeoVim, specifically in graphical mode but preferably in both modes; that visually displays changes for the session on a scrollbar/minimap type thing, like how visual studio does it?
I was forced to use that IDE recently and came to like that feature. Not my image but I frew an arrow to the thing I'm talking about.
i think theres a git plugin that does that (fugitive maybe), but dunno if it depends on another plugin for it
if it doesnt exist, i know it can be done for sure
maybe undotree can do it aswell (?)
what the fuck is an ide?
Does anyone know what this is?
I use Vim everyday.
Vim by itself, and even with fancy plugins, isn't much. Integrated with tmux, zsh with plugins, git, and vagrant it can become a powerful 'IDE' for systems software projects.
Disclaimer: I am a systems engineer. For what I do, vim+tmux+zsh+vagrant+git is a great stack. However, I don't write any graphical software applications that use large external libraries and require considerable boilerplate code that likely benefit greatly from a true IDE.
Also, it took me a few years of constant use to get my configs in a good state and to remember a useful number of commands. Luckily I started early in my career so I didn't become dependent on graphical development tools.
The only vim plugin I use regularly is supertab, which just remaps control-n/p to tab. I tried syntasic for better tab completion but I found the dropdown menus distracting and the code prediction shoddy. I prefer sticking to a relatively vanilla config because I am constantly sshing to machines with different configs at work.
Just use the best tool for the job, though learning vim keybindings is a very useful skill regardless of what kind of IT work you do.
Just had to use this for school
>literally why?
When you feel the need to rice out vim: don't.
It's a fantastic text editor for quick editing, you have it at every machine you ssh into, and imo it's best used as vanilla as possible.
If you want to customize the shit out of your editor, Emacs is a better choice. Try out Spacemacs if you don't want to leave the superior vim bindings behind and don't want to spend 100h setting up.
probably vim with shitton of plugins
As someone with bad eyes, I absolutely need to rice out everything I can, I need text contrast to be high but I also need the colors and brightness to be soft so that I don't strain my shit after long periods.Change the fonts and/or text rendering as well if I can.
linux is an ide
can't you do most of that by configuring your terminal emulator?
Some of it, but there are plenty of Vim specific things, like you can change your terminal colors but syntax colors are obviously Vim specific, I also use a font for Vim that I don't need in interactive mode, as well as other settings that could be set all the time but I want them only active in Vim.
ahh that makes sense, thanks
Yeah I see.
I mean some tweaks to .vimrc are a-ok. Stuff like tpope/vim-sensible. Which you can quickly replicate on any machine you might use vim on, just clone your .files and you're set
But if you wanna rice your vim to a full-fledged IDE you have to install additional shit on your system (for example YouCompleteMe) because the vim scripting language is not well-suited for anything that goes beyond simple text editing.
So if you want more features then I going Emacs is the sensible choice. Elisp is insanely powerful and stuff like org-mode or Magit go beyond anything vim could ever offer - I used fugitive, and it's cool but doesn't even come close to Magit.
But whatever works for yourself I guess. I still like to use vim when I'm sshing to a machine.
And yet it works better than anything else, except perhaps emacs which incidentally works in the same fashion.
Sure, if you want to make it into one it could be.
What's the alternative, this?
This. I had ; mapped to : in vim for the last six years. Only just now changed it to use vim sneak and get used to spacemacs. It's truly a pita to retrain your muscle memory.
Do not do this. Think twice about changing default keybinds. Some additional plugins are useful, but much can be done with the defaults.
finally found the perfect mix.
IDE plugins. visual studio & pycharm have excellent vim plugins. not perfect but good enough
vim with that many plugins is slow as shit; all the large autocomplete plugins are ~100mb monstrosities and even mucomplete that mostly uses the vim autocomplete features is slow anyway
Don't stay up too late Landhal
Alright, let's get to the REAL shit.
What are your vim color schemes? I use apprentice
Standard Vim works fine for me but there's NeoVim if you want some enhanced performance around plugins specifically.
molokai \o/
those pinks are way too bright. Christ.
i like it
how about you just gimme the plugins bucko
you see this metasploit I'm running?
I'm just sayin ain't nobody gonna get hurt if you just gimme the fucking plugins
If you can master the arcane keystrokes well enough to be productive with vim, you'd be much better off using a real IDE with vim bindings
newbies gonna n00b
I honestly don't even know what the point of using an IDE is.
why does everyone hate nano
>arcane keystrokes
vim is much more than "fancee keestroukes"
no one hates なの, shes just a ふつう girl
They’re really only useful if you’re in a monolithic environment that’s really complex: e.g.: writing native Windows GUI apps.
Otherwise, emacs is as close as I get, I still use separate shells since the terminal emulation still ain’t great.
it’s fine for quick edits.
But vim is better for quick edits.
I don’t use vi much anymore, but fuck me did they nail the navigation keybindings. I use them in emacs (not viper mode, just the homerow nav).
The only thing that sucks is that I switched to Dvorak about 15 years ago. So, any time I ssh somewhere vi is basically broken unless i copy over my vimrc. Doing that pretty much negates the whole point, so quick remote edits now usually get done with nano.
Unless you’re ssh’ing into a machine that doesn’t have your vimrc and you use Dvorak.
>Speaking in runes
Try clorox lad
>you use Dvorak
This is a bad decision
The fuck it was.
idk man, like said, if you dont get along with vim, and you just need to do some quick edits then nano is fine. ed is finer though
yeah getting used to different keybinds is hard... i edit some of the default binds and when i dont have my vimrc i screw myself sometimes
I mainly do server administration as it is, but I'm trying to get my feet wet with programming again. Nano's done everything just fine. I guess I really won't appreciate the finer points of emacs or vim until I become proficient at it.
On my local machine I swapped a few keys around so the homerow nav works and all the common commands stay the same.
What’s ironic is that it’s good to know vi since it’s damned near guaranteed to be everywhere, but Dvorak hoses that advantage.
Actually, vi nav is the only negative thing that’s ever happened from switching to Dvorak for me. Since I use emacs, it’s not much of an issue...except when I have to use nano on a remote machine for a quick edit.
i really dont think theres anything wrong with any editor specifically, i tried many editors before "learning" and sticking to vim. some of them were: notepad++, geany, nano, atom and sublime.
i think nano was the last one i used before vim. i switched editors because i didnt like any of them
i wouldnt care at all about the keyboard layout IF the ctrl key and caps lock were switched. thats the only thing id REALLY like to be different, the rest i can get used to
...why not switch it then
What a pleb.
since its not standard, you either switch everywhere you use a keyboard, or have it physically switched on the keyboard.
first option is the easiest to do, but is not good enough because you cant do it everywhere, and sometimes things mess up (examples: you cant do it on the TTYs, sometimes after hibernating it goes back to normal, if i disconnect the KB and connect again, it goes back to normal)
second is hard because you have to build your own keyboard
ching chong ping pong chang gang
MacOS supports this in settings, for Windows you can get ctrl2cap from sysinternals, and for Linux it depends on the distro, but a lot of modern ones have settings to allow you to do it without editing config files.
there's an option under "all languages" somewhere in preferences that does just this, something ike scrollbar map?
idk about macos, but actually on windows its the easiest because its just a reg key
on linux (my daily driver nowadays) i use xmodmap and it works pretty well IF im using X, and i dont disconnect my KB, etc
iirc, that only works for normal gui windows. not logon, dos boxes, kernal debuggers, etc. that’s why the sysinternals people made the driver.
vim as an editor, ok
vim as an ide, why