I've got office free from college for a year. What exactly happens after a year? It won't simply delete from the drive, right?
Man I hate those software as a service fuckstorms. Same question for some IDEs from Jetbrains.
I've got office free from college for a year. What exactly happens after a year? It won't simply delete from the drive...
Other urls found in this thread:
It will say that you don't have a licence, ask you for a product key, and won't allow you to create or modify document until you buy a licence like a good goy or use kms pico like a smart boy
That sucks. Those guys are seriously some loan shark level penny pinchers.
well it makes sense that they would want to protect the most profitable section of their business
if your smart, you will delete these botnets from your computer and refuse to use them. My god, they are cancer if ive ever seen one
>be need
>need to do vlookup on 40,000 rows of data, for 20 columns of data
>make formulas in the top row and paste them down
>wait 30 seconds
>calculating, 1% done
>wait another 30
>2% done
fuck these shitty programs
When the subscription expires it basically reverts to a "viewer". You can open and view all your documents and save them out to another format but you can't edit or create new files.
Why not just use 2016 offline?
Why would anyone use word when google docs exists?
why would anyone use anything but notepad?
You can't be serious. Google Docs is garbage.
>docs is garbage
yea maybe back in 2013.
No but seriously any good alternative to this shit? I tried libreoffice but it seems to be centered too much on the libre part and the office part is lacking.
latex and csv desu
Try WPS office. It's the chink version of MS office, and is fully cross platform
You can't use references in docs, for example, and people that do work need it. Go be a NEET somewhere else
Microsoft has word free if you get an outlook email account
For some reason my office subscription from university hasn't expired and I finished in May. Even then, a life time product key for office 2016 is dirt cheap on eBay and it's worth being a goy for once because office just werks
After it expires you just pirate it.
Or use a free (as in free speech) alternative. I see more and more small businesses switching to LibreOffice. Hope that this trend will continue.
Anyone else like Google Doc's interface more than Microsoft word? Now I can see why people complained about the Ribbon when Office 2007 was released.
It's nice having most of your options visible on one panel instead of having to scroll through different panels on the ribbon.
all schools (unless they're literally fucking trash tier) come with the ability to get a free windows 10 education copy and an office 2016 student copy (yes 2016 not o365).
the fact that most people aren't taking advantage of this and are advocating in favor of pirating or whatever is so fucking stupid
>small businesses
>using LO over Google or Microsoft
nice dream babe tell me one of your other ones
"People that do work" use LaTeX.
oh yeah im sure kathy the doctor's secretary is using latex
fucking retard lmao go pretend to be an elitist sperg elsewhere
>gibs me free stuff
>"Hey, everyone just finished their part of the document, please do yours"
>"Ok, I'll do it AQAP"
>user receives docx file
>Opens it on LibreOffice
>"Format? Into the trash it goes" t. LibreOffice
>it's not used in this one particular field therefore it's not used at all
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Goolag Sheets are absolutely useless as an Excel alternative. So nobody really uses them.
But MS Office is installed in 95% of times, though.