why does this still exist?
Why does this still exist?
Other urls found in this thread:
>still using Debian
Or as I like to call it
>still using Debian GNU/Linux
Because it is a good distro and quite a lot of people want to continue it.
I don't like using Debian or Debian-based shit but my that's the best logo in history
why would the best distro cease to exist
Because not every distro should be bleeding edge, Dustin.
Because it is one of the biggest distros and is upstream to a significant amount of other distros?
Because it's stable and works for server stuff.
I thought the Universal distro thing was a meme, now i'm using stretch on my desktop, thinkpad, server, vps, vpn and a lot of embedded devices scattered across the country, wew.
This. I installed it the first time purely because it's bad ass.
>"oy vey its just like ubuntu"
>he doesnt know about librekernel and reproducibility of builds project
works on mips and arm/64 effortlessly
you can even make a debootstrap/chroot in android if you want :^)
same for me. server, laptop, desktop.
Because it's really good
best linex distro
It happened to me too kek
Because it's still the only community maintained GNU+Linux distribution that just werks.
Its goal is stability. Some people just want things to werk and don't need all the bleeding edge stuff.
>I thought the Universal distro thing was a meme
What is NetBSD?
Because it's the base for Ubuntu
L I T E R A L L Y the best GNU+Linux distribution.
>don't need all the bleeding edge
So, if I install debian sid i am having old s/w?
This meme debian==old s/w has to stop.
Debian has branches ranging from stable 2 year release cycle branch, to rolling release branch like arch/tumbleweed/gentoo/e.t.c.
Works on PowerPC too.
Debian unstable has older packages than other major rolling distros
You're retarded and you deserve the worst, autistic shittaste shilling NEETs
In no particular order:
>one of the oldest distributions around (only Slackware, which never left hobby-project-tier, is a couple months older)
>huge package repositories
>base of more fork / spin-off distros than you can count
>support (as in: built and tested binaries) for a dozen or so CPU architectures
>stability-focused development cycle
>tested to hell and back, rock fucking solid
>one of maybe 3 distros that actually matter on serious production servers
>community-maintained with well thought-out development guideline documents they actually stick to
>credits GNU in its name
>respects your freedom but gives you choice (non-free is not *officially* part of Debian Project but they still host it on their servers for your convenience)
>big non-noob, non-autistic community
Truly a patrician's choice.
Tumbleweed -> 4.13.5
Debian unstable -> 4.13.0
Arch testing-> 4.13.7
Latest official kernel ->4.13.7
I guess a couple of days old unpatched kernel _does_ make a difference.
this. i'm running debian 8 with windowmaker and sysvinit and it just werks. i don't even see a reason to upgrade to 9 so far.
THIS. Debian makes PPC gear usable and somewhat secure again
My meme G4 macbook would be useless without it
take your meds elliot
>take your meds elliot
Top kek
I just ordered one to play around with it. I've been researching PPC software for a few days, surprised to see Debian still going strong with it. The community for it isn't dead either.
i still have my working powerbook g4 1,67ghz and 2gb ram, is there a debian version that runs good on them?
Every time I try Debian or a Debian-based distro I come out the other end dissapointed. Why is that lads?
To smart too use debian
I am making a snap and you will have to install it
The question is, how do I install user-side drivers? bugs.launchpad.net
M8 if you know where to find things inside the GUI and know how to use a terminal Windows, MacOS, and most Linux distros are really all different shades of the same shit.
Also Ubuntu-Mate is still maintained for PPC until 2019~ if you ever want to check that out.
thanks, anons!
>I installed cuz logo
>having these low standards for selecting distro
i just run Debian PPC + cinnamon
i really wanna put an old SSD in it but will need to get an ATA adapter
Oh my God, this. And their website - nice and clean. I can't use other distro because of their shit branding.
Try something from userland. Or a library.
TFW using a usb wifi adapter is impossible with Debian 9.2 because their faggotass new feature randomized the interface name to something that's so long that the network drivers no longer work. Debian in 2017 doesn't even have working wifi
Someone has to archive outdated package versions for linux software.
you mean wlp2s0?
Did you try the non-free version?
Because I'm seeding the iso, come and stop me.
Sounds like system.d issue
Doesnt happen on my install though
Debian doesn't have working wifi, don't know what you're talking about. Probably because you don't have free hardware muh dude.
works on my machine, therefore it's probably your fault
Could be his fault. But we could also place blame on the creators of the chipset for not supporting fully-free GNU/Linux, as Debian by default has a deblobbed kernel, comparable to Linux-Libre
Also, is Debian/kFreeBSD worth the hassle? I wanto to use the GNU userspace with a BSD kernel and found that it's the only good option for that.
Void linux website is better and no outdated visually
It proves that Linux can be great without a company behind it.
Moved to Devuan after the NSA/systemd debacle.
Funny thing... Around 2005/2006 I was installing a new version of Debian, when I noticed that it did not recognize my monitor. It kept requesting a "modeline", which I was unable to support. On the other hand, I had been using Debian since Slink (1999), so it felt that I was just using wrong and outdated distro.
In came Ubuntu, from a CD, no less. Those were the days. And with 6.06 things really happened right, it was a remarkably good version at the time.
The good days lasted until systemd. Pain. In. My. Servers. -> will not do.
Tried Devuan, since, well, it has been what, 12 years since that problem with not detecting a monitor. And, by the way, that got mentioned in a review by Linux Journal at the time - they had this problem as well, but being greater hackers than I was, they had no problems.
But, installing Devuan on my laptop, it suddenly dawned on me that the system could not recognize native mode, 1920*1200. Instead, the best it could offer was 1920*1080. And the thing requested a "modeline".
So, 12 years and no improvement. Next distro.
It stopped being maintained years ago dumbass. How about you learn to look up stuff retard?
No shit nigger. I'm trying to get the pros and cons of using Debian/kFreeBSD vs pure FreeBSD. Go be a bitter cunt somewhere else, you stupid sodding wanker
FreeBSD's userland is more enjoyable to use than the GNU userland. But that's personal preference. Do you prefer -l or --longoption=extralong?
is this a new pasta?
More like Dedian, am I right people?
>too soon?
Sounds like yer EDID gotta bit munged there me bucko.
For the retards that can't install Arch Linux and manage AUR packages.
Yep, same here
The experimental release is absolutely bleeding edge
If you want a stable, easy to maintain, documented, system that will get security patches, and backports for ages, you go Debian. Anyone who thinks it's just like Ubuntu has never dug far into both systems. Ubuntu changes a lot, and not always for the better. Although sometimes they do things like add -V to dpkg, and that's awesome.
At home, use whatever the fuck you feel like. The reason to use anything but debian in production are: a complex rapidly evolving system ie ceph is developed on it and for it, vendor only provides binairy and support for one distro, you don't want to hire a sysadmin but want to buy support contracts.
>can't install arch
I don't get this meme, it's not some kind of technical achievement to install Arch.
Probably all the funding and things keep it existing.
Regardless, I'm glad it does, literally the only distro I use anymore. Everything else was far too problematic to maintain.