>BST - CleanDeskEdition<

>BST - CleanDeskEdition


You don't use a mouse?

depressing carpet


>can afford a mac
>but not proper flooring




Good morning

The desk of someone who gets nothing done.

Trackpad on the right, brainlet/visionlet.

He is rich tho. I bet he has an iPhone as well

What are those things clipped on the screen? If they're mic's, why two?

Also wallpaper ples

Thats a clean table, where did you get it?

Yeah but do you have fruity loops?

Cause I have fruity loops. You're not a real musician until you work with the most professional DAW. Bet your soo jelly right now.

Is that a picture of Elliot Rodgers on your wall?

>those chairs
You're a big guy.

I would also like to know

>He uses a trackpad for a desktop pc
Jesus, who's the brainlet here, you dumb nig?

Jesus christ curtains and acoustic panels are expensive.

somehow i dont feel good looking at that picture
it just looks so sad, theres nothing personal there kiddo

>If they're mic's, why two?
>what is stereo

>what is stereo
A meme.

computer on the fritz at the moment

I hope you put all that piss to work and get kno3 out of it.

you like some good ol' asmr


Ah yes. Gone, but not forgotten, forever in our hearts. The supreme gentleman.

>last pic was dark and shit & this pic isn't much better but its the only other one I have on me
The grand shitposting HQ.

nice, an Anker usb hub

Is not even the 27 inch model.

what's that

Potassium nitrate, an ingredient to make black powder.

oh sorry its kind of hard to breathe thats cool i didnt remember that


What do you mean with kind of hard to breathe? user, are you ok?

Sir. I feel like I must inform you. You have an oversized rat on your futon.

Thats really bad speaker placement.


there is a giant spider on your wall

The placement is fine.

Why comment if you know nothing about the subject?

Yes, why indeed ?

Node202 bro!


>framed photo of a merchant with shekels next to your $1300 headphone amp

nice touch.

>tfw had a small desk and hated it
>tfw got a bigger desk and now it takes up too much space


Time to lose some weight user.


>dog faeces in the floor


It's important to keep clean.



Sup with retarded speaker placement/angle?

Not him, but it's Herman Miller Airia

Explain how it is retarded. Because it isn't.

$1000 on audio equipment
$20 webcam
either way nice setup

>(((racing))) chair

How dare you insult the Australian classic Bathurst chair

Figure you guys might know. Who makes the best monitor arms? I need one for a 32 inch screen.

I know from an instance that's the shitty office works Bathurst chair. Thing falls apart way too quickly. I replaced mine with a Malcolm and boy was that a mistake.

Its shit man. Even DX racers are better.
Also is that a masterbox 5? To be honest everything about your setup is offputting

but they're both cheap and the chair has lasted me 3 years now

I have four (4) laptops

Why does your PC have a window?

It's called natural light, you should try it sometime


sounds gay

If this is what you consider "clean" then I don't really want to know what you consider "not clean"

I see it's true what the say, Macfags are poor people who have no money to furnish their homes because they spend it all on Apple hardware.

>broken laptop
>tv as monitor
>Aukey keyboard with "retro" keycaps
>knock-off Michigan diploma

This is my life, and I'll live it how I want to. But please reply. I don't need your validation, but I desperately want it.

Sure beats the office & commute.

It's cozy like Grandma's house

Are you a grandparent?

Looks comfy regardless

Happy hacking?

very nice!

Finally someone who gets it.

Why use 2-3 screens. Just get a big fucking monitor and you're good to go.

what monitor?

excited for the new intellimouse to be coming back my dudes


The best thing is the amount of cables.

PHL BDM4350.

Money, and having multiple displays is nice when you want to separate different tasks or even switch between a couple computers

3 years? Bs

>no numpad
how do you fags enjoy not being productive?

why do you have so much apple juice user?

How does being a data entry cuck feel?

is it too dark?

>crap speakers up against wall when you have plenty of room to back the fuck up


Is this actually yours, or do you just repeatedly repost it after saving it off plebbit?

The angle you have them implies that you listen from your desk. But your ears aren't down in your legs, so it's retarded.

>tower on the floor

>t. someone who doesn't know how floor standing speakers are made up of several speaker units and how they're placed in the cabinet

fuck off back to retarded gaymur

Your point? All of the drivers, including the tweeter(s) which is (are) the most directional, are substantially beneath your ear level.

Nice chair on the left, faggot

sup, /o/.

The tweeters are placed at the top of the cabinet, with mid range units below them and woofers at the bottom.
Unless the guy is tall as fuck, his ears should only be a little bit above the tweeters on those speakers when sitting down.

how do you like the surface book?

What keyboard?

Enjoy nasty dusty tower

Link to monitor arm plx