Ethernet is not encrypted

>ethernet is not encrypted
>no problemo
>wifi is not encrypted
>big problemo

really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

go to bed slamm

>le thinking circle meme

Ethernet is the physical layer. Its only job is to pass electromagnetic signals. Encryption and authentication is handled on a different layer (google OSI layer model for more info). Standards like IEEE 802.1 can be used to protect your wired network.

Wired security IS an issue but normally not for home users because you have reasonable control over who is in your house and can connect devices to your network. In corporate settings this isn't the case and authentication and encryption for wired connections can be used.

>Ethernet is the physical layer. Its only job is to pass electromagnetic signals.

the same is true of wifi goober

>Physical layer


>radio signal is not physical

nani indeed

>attacker cuts ethernet cable and wires it to a T connector
>he can now receive everything

big problemo

Can you lay your hands on a radio signal?

Stop playing dumb, you know what he meant

Are you actually retarded?

Can you touch it? smell it? see it? perceive it?

Not physical you retard.

Don't worry OP, nothing will make you think if you dont have a proper equipment for that task.

Yes, people can percieve it by getting cancer.

This guy is right though. Electromagnetism is a physical phenomenon. Underage gaymers btfo.

But you don't perceive the signal, you perceive your upcoming death.

Please Ignore the "space-time is not physical" trolls.

Wi-fi is physical because we literally describe it by something we call physics and no, this is not circular reasoning.

>>ethernet is not encrypted
It is, you're just poor

>Standards like IEEE 802.1 can be used to protect your wired network.
802.1 isnt a standard, it is a group of them. You're thinking of 802.1x and it only deals with authentication/network access control

802.11 is physical layer retards
You can use Wifi without IP

>is physical
>can't be seen
>can't be touched
>can't be heard
>can't be perceived

Is god real and physical aswell?

>the company that literally let NSA install backdoor before selling the gear

>can't be seen
>can't be touched
>can't be heard
>can't be perceived
Because human perception is limited :^)

>i'm too retarded to follow the news
>i just shit post Sup Forumsay memes
stay poor user

God is a concept created by man. It is "real" in a sense that the concept "god" influences human behavior but it's not "physical" in a way that god exists outside of our minds. God is emulated by humans.

So are you agnostic? I hope you aren't a contradicting atheist.

Well, you can fell the air, but can't fell the signal transmited by air outside sound frequencies.

I bet you can't see, feel or hear electric signal in cooper connexions as well.

>So are you agnostic? I hope you aren't a contradicting atheist.
idk and idgaf

We have created tools to perceive these other wavelengths

>reddit thinkingposters not permanently banned on sight
This is the real problem here.


>electromagnetic waves are not physical

wew lad


>ethernet is not encrypted
What is IEEE 802.1x and 802.1AE

Everything in this world is physical, nothing can escape the science law you pleb

But yet that laws fails in very small or very large proportions.
Nigga u need Madoka.

uhhhh excuse me, asshole?