My roommate is moving out and taking her shitty bluetooth soundbar with her...

My roommate is moving out and taking her shitty bluetooth soundbar with her, so I have the opportunity to get nice speakers for my living room finally. Pic related.

What should I look for on craigslist?

Budget is like $1000 but looking for value, so would prefer to spend like half that.

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Get a sex doll instead OP. Wait, get a sex doll with a bluetooth speaker in it!

I already have a 3DPD hole to fuck that makes too much noise.

Did she let you touch her? OwO

Drop her and get a sex doll, 3d can't compete.

I brushed her fingers when I shared a joint with her once, does that count?

I was thinking about getting 20lbs of Pussy and Ass, but my GF wants me to get a fleshlight instead.

Can you guys please tell me what speakers to buy?

Really depends on your price range. If money's no object, I recommend nls' own in house model
However if I had the money I would go for the SPDX

A good rule of thumb in this particular area is anything Japanese is going to higher quality than its western counterparts. Remember to always read the reviews first.

Not interested in having a whole doll, just want pussy and ass.


Best selling hip in the world, only heard good things about it

I would go for this one if you want more ass/weight

I want an ass with the proportions of a fit latina with godly genetics, not that loli shit.

>living with a woman

You're lucky she's moving out instead of fabricating some story about how you're harassing her adn getting you kicked out.

You better hope she's moving out on good terms or you may be facing a rape charge in the near future.

Bruh she's just a roommate that's moving out because she works too far away.
My GF is moving in to take her place.

What does this have to do with speakers?

General rule of thumb is not to get sexually involved with your roommate

What are you Ted Bundy? I presume you're gonna be getting off to porn, not the severed abdomen your fucking. This is an investment in your dick user, sensation and durability are much much more important than fit and finish.


>My GF is moving in to take her place.

Won't be long before you forced to change you're living conditions, sell you're shit then find out she's been fucking chad behind your back

I wouldn't even bother with those speakers desu

We're in an open relationship so if she wants to do that she is free to

Actually I'm the lease holder and she's a subtenant, nice try though.

You're pretending to be me, but you're not too far off.

Like these?

You think that matters? Best of luck to you though bub.

So I should just get a fleshlight?

Nice house, OP. What do you do for a living?

>You think that matters?
Why wouldn't it?


Yep, those are it. Enjoy :)

You can't answer a question with an assumption.

Software engineer at a startup in San Francisco. All the furniture belongs to my roommate who's moving out, it will be replaced with lifeless black furniture.

Should I get these instead?

The only electrostatic speakers I'm personally familiar with are magnepans. I would consider researching on a few a/v forums to get opinions.

All it'll take is for her to say you assaulted/raped her and you're out on the street. No proof or anything else needed, just her word.

If you think that "You being the leaseholder" will stop her from trying to control how you live adn the way that place is set up you're gravely mistaken.

>No proof or anything else is needed

Lol ok buddy.

No, get an onahole

Same principle, better quality
Trust me dawg, I would never lead you astray

You're not even talking to the OP.
Go back to r/theredpill

I trust you with not just my life, but with my dick, user.

JBL ES series great speakers and relatively cheap.

>Budget is like $1000 but looking for value, so would prefer to spend like half that.

Best bang for that buck is probably a 5.1 from parts express for about 250 and a good receiver.