"but Windows 10 is better than Windows 7 because muh flat design"
"but Windows 10 is better than Windows 7 because muh flat design"
I really hope EU fucks MS hard. America is too cucked to do anything
Pajeets btfo
Don't use the internet so neither Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple will know anything about you.
Don't use phones too.
I still use a flip phone.
Found your problem
>Don't use the internet so neither Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple will know anything about you.
Diaspora or Minds
build it yourself faggot
>Don't use phones too.
You're too young to remember this but there was a time when phones weren't "smart". They still sell these.
Who in their right mind would use Windows 10 unless they were forced to?
>I still use a flip phone.
Mah nigga
Sadly, a lot of people. They're probably mentally disabled though so I would cut them some slack.
I used a Moto Razr V3 until I got my iPhone SE last week. I love that phone
It's an old moto rapture vu20 from verizon. I think eventually I'll have to get a new phone anyway because of them retiring older network stuff?
I'll have to use Windows once I finish building my gaming PC. I'll use my current PC which runs Fedora for work though. Gaming is a big reason for why people use Windows 10.
American senators get paid off to do nothing, not like the senate has dont any work in years. Europe had nothing to gain so good on them.
>Microsoft used personal data of Windows 10 users without consent
So did Google, but somehow they get away with it.
I'm in Canadiana, so not sure how long my Razr will keep working for. As of now it's a backup phone.
Fuck smartphones. This baby does all a phone should do and STILL LOOKS BADASS
>only play CS:GO so i never have to touch windows
Feels good man
My Razr is identical to that one, best phone I've ever owned
The only problem is getting working batteries for it but that's solved by buying in bulk and keeping the spares charged every other few months
this is why Adnauseum exists.
The original in mine lasts a day. I got another on ebay (used, but also original) for $8 and it lasts 4 days. I got an extra charger at a thrift store for $1.50 since I lost the original. Batteries aren't too hard to find now.
How I wish Motorola would make these again using the same exact shell but modernize the hardware. Still have it non-smart but with larger screen and modern text messaging/camera etc.
Me too. Imagine the battery life, with a good camera and more storage for pics/texts.
Time to create a petition demanding a new Razr methinks
Remember that video Motorola made on the Razr? That got me hyped until they said it was just a retro ad, not a teaser for a new one.
Yeah dude that bummed me out. It was the last time in a good while I have actually been let down with something tech related.
I'm hoping they change their mind. With Nokia releasing a few retro phones (especially 3310) there is a market out there.
Even if it were a special run limited edition thing I would get it. It would definitely sell out I feel. There's too much stagnation now I feel that something as iconic as a new Razr would be gold.
Absolutely. Retro is in style now... I'm sure it would sell a lot, not only to nostalgic people or us who like flip phones. Same goes with the 3310, it would probably be popular if it sold and worked in North America.
>users are encouraged to accept default settings that enable ‘full telemetry’ rather than the more limited ‘basic’ option
>if the Windows 10 user is browsing the web with Microsoft’s Edge browser (and has not opted out of full telemetry)
inb4 shill just quoting the articles
Yo. In that case microsoft will still keep botnet version outside europe and will create telemetry free version only for EU
>Windows 7 doesn't exist
>I really hope EU fucks MS hard
They have already an account for bribing. Few billions may gone and releasing a meme site, but that's literally nothing.
>giving a shit about "people" who don't live in God's continent