What can we do to fix this?
“The Industry Is Fundamentally Broken”: Women On Sexism In Silicon Valley
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fuck you OP and fuck your paywall
I was born in the wrong fucking decade.
I want a subservient secretary like in Mad Men.
The girl on the right is Ellen Chink Pao?
Here's a archive past OP's jew paywall.
Why would I care about women when women generally treat me like utter trash?
So honestly, relative to any position they complain it's present in, if the roles were reversed and females were the majority while the males were the minority, would they cry sexism still?
So, a lot of complaining and nothing actionable? Great.
"The underwater welding industry is fundamentally broken"
No. A lot of women cry about men going into nursing until they need help rolling the 400lb patient over for example.
We purge all the women from it.
No women, no sexism/harassment etc etc etc..
dude are you a faggot or something?
nothing interesting to do in life to the point you have to post something nobody gives a shit about, on a mongolian prehistoric wall drawings board?
that's cathartic
>Implying the problem of inequality won't solve itself if you give it time
Why are people so impatient?
They want power.
Whine, complain, get self hired to "fix the mess", sit down and suck the teats of the company.
Women will complain until she gets a massive chad dick inside their own throats
Get some girlfriends to neckbeards, only lonely manchildren are sexist.
I've got it! What if, like... what if, these women created their own rival companies in tech that did the same thing as the sexist, misogynist patriarchy companies but only made up with women? Bang! Instant solution! Lets see those successful companies ladies that run in harmony without the sexists. Ahem.
fag, get married. you'll become sexist to a level you can't conceive
Article cite type MBA men on inversor angels as sexist, don't talk about programmer.
look at yahoo and that banking personal data info company
3 billion leaks. 140 million leaks
> hire women at top positions
> make chink/popov hackers rich
are you'a fuckin commie?
Equifax “Chief Security Officer” Susan Mauldin has a bachelor's degree and a master of fine arts degree in music composition from the University of Georgia
cybercriminals accessed approximately 145.5 million U.S. Equifax consumers' personal data, including their full names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and, in some cases, driver license numbers
On the contrary, the more dates I go on and the more time I spend with women the more I have grown to look down on them
b-but starting our own companies from the ground up is such a HUGE time commitment! why are you discriminating against women who want to have kids and have a family you FUCKING cis-gendered WHITE MALE SHITLORD? it's MY right to FUCK CHAD and carry his babies while getting EQUAL pay and maternity leave!
inversor angels
feminism is literally a sexist ideology
Why aren't women pissed off that being a police officer is male dominated? Or being a firefighter, etc?
Because in the tech industry, six-figures is common. And that's what they want, the don't need no man, they gonna just take his job.
Honestly, if I was hiring, and a 7-10/10 qt came in, she'd be hired within 10 seconds.
They shouldn't be bitching.
"boo hoo, men are looking at my tits!"
Aye user, it's also the biggest shit test that a lot of beta males have failed. We should tell them to shut it and get on with the god damn job. If they're good and get on well, they will get ahead. Otherwise, GTFO.
The FACT that the WHITE women are even using chopsticks is pretty fucking problematic. I think I'm actually having a panic attack and I'm about to call 911. This is pretty much rape at this point.
Jesus Christ this is how feminazis repay their coworkers for their non-stop numale pandering
Silicon Valley is ground zero for pic related
Hey, what about the NIGGER?
Women are fundamentally worse at STEM. Men and women are not the same. Both are good and bad at certain things. Why can't fucking anyone accept this idea?
"You should hire more women because they're good at their job, not because they're women"
*breathes in*
and this ladies and gents, is why everyone thinks the industry has a problem.
Do you pander to people that treat you like trash?
We need to start a propaganda campaign.
>the meme war of Sup Forums
It'll be pic related(pic was part of a propaganda campaign that convinced women to go back to work while the men were at war), but with a slogan like: Women are stupid.
If we generate enough of those images, and post them continuuosly, thoughts will form in their minds. They'll slowly, but surely back away.
I don't know, why can't anyone accept that bringing in Muslim refugees is a great way to increase terrorist attacks?
i don't see them complaining about the lack of men in the Nursing field?
muslims !== terrorists
I don't get treated like trash. Stop acting like a huge beta for once and maybe people will treat you better mate.
>I don't get treated like trash
Well done user. Why should others that do get treated like trash pander to those that treat them like that then?
are you really being treated like trash?
I am sexist because mother nature is sexist and she has internalized misogyny. mother nature made women biologically inferior because women don't have sexual selection pressures. also nature likes to keep women safe because they are important to reproduction so why give them muscles and intelligence to hunt for a sabertooth or a mammoth.
Well girls don't like me rubbing their feet, and generally call me weirdo, etc. for doing such, so yes, I get treated like trash.
Stop hiring women who are more concerned about imagined slights than producing quality code/products.
No I am not that guy, I'm just playing devil's advocate. Why do you avoid the direct question? Again, why should someone who gets treated like trash pander to those responsible?
The contrary has been true for myself and most men I know.
>on Sup Forums
auto sage
creates a racial war, feminists are white middle class who seek to climb in positions of power, use feminism and quotas to promote, in this case feminists seek to use Asian women as labor, so even Asian women are over represented in technology, white feminists want to empower white women as administrators and directives, while using the minorities of women workers, to add and promote foreign and nonwhite women in positions of power and to give white man treatment to white women.
generate campaigns that seek the influence of minorities in technology and use that women as kloss are privileged white women who only see as cheap labor to minorities.
>generate campaigns that seek the influence of minorities in technology and use that women as kloss are privileged white women who only see as cheap labor to minorities.
Can you reword that? I think I get what you're saying, and if I do, it's brilliant.
>he actually believes this.
>actually believing the contrary
You're brainwashed, dude.
If you're getting treated badly by enough people, (half of the population in this case) then maybe the problem is with you and not them.
bullshit. see the infographic. men are now the minority in the industry.
>more males face language-related barriers
can't make this shit up
white feminism seeks to put minorities as workers and white women as administrators, the discourse of more women in technology is for more white women in high positions and minorities as workers.
kloss is a privileged white model, which creates the figure that white women must command, and considers minorities unattractive.
women who must start up companies
women who must work from software developers
show that the minorities demand white women the position of power, instead they just keep them, generate the idea of the club of white girls lulu, who seek the oppression of minorities as a work force, they note the number of white women in positions of power and their role in the oppression of women in minorities.
How come women aren't complaining to work in my rubbish dump
This. Underwater welding pays fuck loads of cash. You don't hear women complain about how the scarcity of women there. You hear about women complaining about STEM jobs because those pay well and are white collar.
Projection at maximum
You never had a girlfriend. In general, women are incomprehensibly irrational. Most women don't seem so irrational when you first meet them, but after an hour or two of talking to a woman about whatever the fuck, the pieces come together.
My roommate and I literally call it "women logic".
Women should be on homes breeding and taking care of children, not this shit, also, OP is baiting, i saw this thread multiple times, SAGE
> 3%
> 48%
> 49%
How nice of them to count hermaphrodites as more than one person.
They aren't irrational, they just think with emotions instead of logic... Yes, it's shit, but it's not impossible to understand them.
>TC:It was my first job out of school, so I didn’t know what was normal or not. There was also a lot of gaslighting going on, where I had one of the cofounders and some of the other people in the company tell me that perhaps I was just an unhappy person, and it didn’t matter where I worked, I would just be unhappy. It wasn’t the company. It was me. And if I wanted to believe that there was sexism, I would see it around me, and so I was projecting it where it didn’t exist.
Somebody spoke some sense to her and she also projected sexism onto that.
What a copout
They treat you like trash because you deserve it!
Women get raped because they deserve it!
What a fucking imbecile this guy is
Logic comes out of reason doesn't it?
How can emotional thinking NOT be irrational?
It is irrational, but maybe being irrational isn't a bad thing.
>aren't irrational
>they just think with emotions instead of logic
>emotions instead of logic
Lemme see, lemmer see, oh yeah, here it is:
Rational - Adjective
1. Based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
2. Able to think sensibly or logically.
3. Endowed with the capacity to reason.
I should try other approach - their thinking is internally consistent, but only if you absolutely don't care about reality and everything is focused on justifying whatever mood a woman's in currently. If she's happy nothing is her fault, if she's sad everything's her fault, if she's feeling empowered she's going to be an insufferable bitch and actually men hold her back. There's no consistent logic, yes, but there are consistent (not changing due to external circumstances) emotions which are important to a woman.
Mood is a creation of evolution. Why would evolution reward and encourage 'irrational' behaviour?
It's probably because it's actually rational - you just can't see the underlying reason and logic that makes it so.
Evolution doesn't "reward and encourage" anything, it just chooses against badly suited traits.
Btw, that post is explaining their """logic"""...
Achievements are not given. Achievements are made.
Surviving to reproduce is a reward
Being more successful at reproduction is a reward
You are merely playing semantics like a pedant
I'm going to assume everything you said is true and show you why it doesn't matter if what you said really is true or not.
If everything you said is true, then 10000 years ago, before we became farmers, there would be a utility to emotion causing irrational behavior, which is rewarded by evolution, aka, passing on your genes. I'm assuming everything you said is true, so that means I can't see the underlying reason and logic that made such behavior rational(At this point I could argue about using the word "rational" instead of "useful" but I won't). That's great, but, society today is definitely not what evolution intended. Whatever the "underlying reason and logic" was, it's not the same anymore.
Because there are also neutral traits that just drift along and evolution neither rewards nor chooses against them
You didn't answer the question.
muslims ⊆ terrorists
It does? What kind of training do you need for that? I have a recreational scuba cert but I've never done any welding.
No you moron. This is a great idea if you want to strengthen their resolve, but if you want to weaken it you want to do the opposite. You need to heavily push women in welding, mining, lumberjacking and other men-only jobs.
Propaganda that pushes this causes into nonsenseland is the only way to actually break them since they'll absorb it, ignoring the contradictions, and these contradictions will pull apart their movement.
Read the story of the sun and the wind and the guy with the coat.
I work at a 97% female non-profit and most of them are complainers of one sort or another. They all want easy jobs.
>get women to speak about sexism in tech industry
>none of them work in tech, they're either a 'diversity chief' or founded a meme organization
These were both me xD
>women need learn code
> but we don't code because is stupid and boring.
Women 101
> "Google's sexist memo".
It wasn't sexist for fuck's sake. Your angry feminist friend / favourite blog just told you so.
And since reading is for nerds, you didn't go to primary sources.
You need to be a welder retard.
not a direct answer, but how about treating people like fucking individuals?
a person (A) treated you like utter trash, so you have no reason to treat them with decency. That doesn't mean you have any moral right to treat the next person (B) you encounter that shares some arbitrary attribute with person A like shit.
it's not really easy money, remember that you'd be welding things that for one reason or another isn't possible or feasable to take out of the water, such as large ships
Nothing. Women can actually start their own company and produce products that people want to use, instead of jumping on board an established company, and expecting them to bend over backwards to accommodate them.
One of the most dangerous jobs in the world.
It pays well, but you have a not so insignificant chance of dying.
but but but they can't get VC becuzzz VC is a boyz club reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>"i feel..."
>"that resonates..."
>"i think..."
>"i've been told..."
>constant harrasement claims without just saying what happened
i /feel/ like i'm learning nothing while reading this
What is VC?
venture capital aka funding aka "give me a million dollars so I can build my stupid idea".
Move to a better country, retard.
and you will almost certainly not get a single dollar of funding if you come to your investors with an all female team.
Plenty of women have gotten venture capital. They just have stupid ideas.
>Women-led private technology companies are more capital-efficient, achieve 35 percent higher return on investment, and, when venture-backed, bring in 12 percent higher revenue than male-owned tech companies. That’s according to new research presented at a recent conference in San Francisco organized by Women 2.0, a media company devoted to women founders in the tech industry.
And lets not forget that crowd funding is a thing, as well.
Not an argument, beta faggot.
>making accounts
>for reading the twisted mindfarts of some speed or coke addict
As soon as the company you are working at gets big enough to have more than 1 woman working as HR then its time to leave. Everything from that point on will be diversity hires and ass kissing.