So I fell to the KDE Neon meme. So far, it's fucking beautiful and fast (surprising from KDE)...

so I fell to the KDE Neon meme. So far, it's fucking beautiful and fast (surprising from KDE), desktop integration is great. Any user have some experiences to share about it? Also, why most DE are jumping out of GTK and getting being using Qt? LXDE and Budgie are doing the transition. Is Qt becoming the new standard?

Other urls found in this thread:

redhat has more pull than suse

Qt is nice, plasma is a buggy pile of crap though user

In the US. In Europe it's the complete opposite.

I uninstalled because the settings menus were fucking retarded, scrolling was glitched out in them, and the file picker was worse than GTK

I'm glad they got their shit together and dealt with the bugs Neon had at first. Since then it's been great. It's nice not feeling the urge to distro-hop anymore.

As far as complaints...there could be more themes, I guess. That's it.

>the file picker was worse than GTK
it's true. KDE fags can't even do this

why are the name and file format fields so damn far away?


the GTK one is not perfect, by any stretch. chromium uses the older GTK2 picker as well, I believe. still, at least it's feature complete


that's the GTK picker, hombre

and it's KDE


read the OP
>Also, why most DE are jumping out of GTK and getting being using Qt? LXDE and Budgie are doing the transition. Is Qt becoming the new standard?

i haven't messed with KDE in ages....but all you young fucks constantly shitting on it, at least understand it has history. back in the day we had two choices: KDE and gnome. none of this fancy shit and choices all you kids have nowadays. GET OFF MY LAWN YOU LITTLE SHITS.

Qt file chooser is not Qt

It's easy to find one things bad on qt and call after that is shit, you can do that to gtk too

>celery cpu

>LXDE and Budgie

>most DE


>settings menus were fucking retarded,


I gave KDE another try about two weeks ago and it still didn't get uninstalled.
Online account support + synchronization and Android sync are pretty disappointing, though.
No hangouts support in telepathy
No plebbook support in telepathy
Pretty wacky calendar/contact sync with NextCloud through Kontact
KDE Connect is actually better with non-native KDEConnect-indicator than in KDE directly (I can't even send SMS, only reply?)

Any tips? DId someone get telepathy-haze working?

Sure is buggy but it seems much better than before. I would say plasma (on Manjaro, at least) is starting to get... not stable, but day to day usable

*shits on ur lawn*

I've used for a few days on my Tumbleweed machine before removing it and installing GNOME.
I haven't really had any problems with it (except glitchy fonts and scroling), it's just that plasma feels kinda weird. It's not really ugly but there is something about it that makes it unpleasant to use.

>installing GNOME


>back in the day we had two choices: KDE and gnome

Xfce is older than both of them

>Any user have some experiences to share about it
Sometimes it wont reboot or shut down. Sometimes you wont be able too boot after updates until you reboot a bunch of times. Sometimes interface glitches and things crash.

I love KDick too!

reminder that last good version of KDE was 3.5


> Qt is nice, plasma is a buggy pile of crap though user
No, no, it's not buggy this week man. Go get it!

OpenSUSE/SUSE uses GNOME as the default desktop environment.

KDE Neon is based on Ubuntu which is bigger than Redhat and OpenSUSE in the US and Europe. Ubuntu dominates the majority of the server/cloud market right now.

>Ubuntu dominates the majority of the server/cloud market right now.

That's Centros

And sometimes you lies on the Internet


Qt is way better than GTK. I haven't used KDE since KDE3 so I have no fucking clue anymore.

not anymore, anything using CentOS is because of legacy RedHat bullshit and people not bothering to change.

>Any user have some experiences to share about it?
I used it, was buggy as fuck when ever I used it(maybe it has gotten better? who knows) Also their sysadmins are so incompetent that I will never touch it again.

CentOS is normally used by small businesses who can't afford paid support

>Is Qt becoming the new standard?
Yes. Qt has always been superior to Gtk and the only reason why Gtk got more popular and still haunts us in $current_year were licensing issues. Now that Qt is fully GPL'd, its development fluorishes and projects get ported to it like crazy. Can't wait to see the day of Gtk's long overdue death, desu.

Vid related:
A story about how Linus fucking Torvalds switched his Subsurface project from C/Gtk to C++/Qt after finding Gtk absolute pain in the balls to work with, its codebase a steaming pile of hacky shit, and its developers a bunch of sad cunts.

Still feels odd that this never happened during the times of the horrid GTK+2 and it's only happening now during the times of the fairly decent GTK+3.

Can someone please help me understand how to fix the scaling in Kubuntu? everything is huge on my 13.3" laptop, especially the title bars and fonts
The Wayland version is just really messed up, Xorg at least didn't look totally crap but is still too big

Are you retarded?

Stop using Wayland. It's not ready.

Okay but it's still got a similar issue on Xorg.

Lol, not only can KDE users do it - but they can do it using a dialog that doesn't look like it was designed by a fuckin' retard.

Seriously, WTF is up with the shittiness of the GTK one - having the filename at the top, and the filetype at the bottom?

I'm actually not much of a fan of how KDialog looks by default. Would like to know how got the small icons in the sidebar.

come on pajeet

when Ubuntu anounces they are leaving GTK and begin using a Qt DE or create from ground zero a new DE based on Qt, the GNOME project will be dead.

He asked for experience and i posted it. I gain nothing from lying. Can post screenfetch if you don't believe me.

try KDE Neon, it's better Kubuntu

>surprising for KDE
Why would that be surprising? Gnome uses more RAM than KDE, that KDE would be bloated is an outdated shitpost

sorry i dont understand illegal immigrants language

His grammar is still better than yours, in spite of him being an illegal immigrant, no wonder they're able to easily take jobs from fuckwits like you. Cry moar, racist subhuman cunt.

I sorry man, didn'twant to fuck you up. Perdon, Gohan Blanco rules.

It depends mostly. I haven't tried KDE in YEARS. Last time was like 7 years ago and it was Kubuntu. I used LXQT last year but it was an alpha build (maybe it's more stable right now).

>hurr immigrants take our jerbs!

Then the entirety of the US server infrastructure is "legacy". Nobody uses Ubuntu server. Nobody.

Not him and I'm not questioning if you're correct or not, but why is that the case? What's so good about Centos?

I saw a chart of server marketshare posted here on Sup Forums

Centos was biggest server linux OS, windows server had around 50% or more

That's just incorrect, the majority of US infrastructure is built on AWS and in turn Ubuntu OpenStack. I'm well aware that RHEL is used for small business.

Instead of relying on Sup Forums why don't you look at some verified statistics? You'll find that Windows holds the majority still and Ubuntu holds around 26% with Debian/CentOS/RHEL holding less than 10% each.

I don't have the source now but a quick Google search will provide you with the info you need, friend.

It wasn't made by Sup Forums if that's what you're impying

>when Ubuntu anounces they are leaving GTK and begin using a Qt DE or create from ground zero a new DE based on Qt, the GNOME project will be dead.
Ehm, they already did this years ago . And guess what?

>OpenSUSE/SUSE uses GNOME as the default desktop environment.

The default is KDE though

>Plasma Desktop from KDE is the default workspace on openSUSE

>Revision history of "KDE"
>12:32, 26 October 2013

>beautiful and fast (surprising from KDE)
KDE has always been very fast and responsive. It just used to use a shit ton of RAM.
I never understood why people recommend GNOME over KDE because >muh performance when GNOME is many times worse.

>getting this easily triggered

Gay & autistic party pooper

You just have to change the size of the window. It will automatically change it

do it in chromium

GTK is pretty awful but managed to gain some traction because Qt used to have weird non-free license

However the real deal with GNOME/GTK is that it's mostly developed by professional paid team from Red Hat, while KDE is more of a community project, hence the less cohesive design and more bugs

Yeah GTK is awful to develop for. Each update breaks a plethora of things and mutter is the worst compositor ever written.

This has nothing to do with KDE though, it's a bug in chromium

Google doesn't give much shit about Linux anyway, they still don't bother supporting HW accelerated video decoding properly

yes, and?

yeah, but I guess the popularity of KDE Neon and a stable release of LXQT will make a hard hit against GTK guys

It's RHEL but free


impressive, they want to fragment an already fragmented community being Linux.

kek, what a cunt

Nah it's not surprising at all

GNOME for a while has been developed as a corporate DE. Red Hat wants to ship a polished working desktop for workstations and they give zero shits about compatibility with anything outside of GNOME.

There haven't been any attempts to push anything GNOME related into a freedesktop standard, it's basically "fuck it, we're shipped by default in almost every distro so you'll have to support GNOME-specific interfaces"

the man is microsoft
the fire fart is windows 10
the wind is blowing the fire fart in the direction of KDE

passive aggressive corporate niggers are cancer

>using chromium

QT has a stable API compared to GTK which breaks compatibility with every minor version. I can understand why developers find QT appealing...

I try KDE once every year or so, it always has been slow and buggy, with the annoying little bouncing icon animation whenever you click something. Wtf is that? Show me the program I clicked, not some fucking animation. On top of that KDE always has convoluted menu's that make me click 5 times to get what I want, whereas gnome makes me click a maximum of 2 times. KDE is horrible, plain and simple. And I don't even like gnome either.

M8, if you want to use it as a desktop PC with graphical interface. It's either macOS or Windows.
Being freetard is pure autism.

Why does red hat focus on gnome? It's unintuitive and bloated piece of shit. Why don't they just make xfce a bit prettier and fix the tearing thing by default? Gnome is fucking cancer

>why most DE are jumping out of GTK and getting being using Qt?
Because GTK3 is a fucking abomination

pic related is triggering an urgue gag for me idk

What distro do you try? Kubuntu is a mess, DO NOT USE IT unless you aim to tweak the shit out of it to make it passable.

Try Manjaro, OpenSuse or KDE Neon. Also if you have problems with outdated software with KDE Neon, you have snaps and AppImages to partially solve that problem.

I do internet, videos, personal office stuff and hobby programming shit. Why should I install and pay for bloatware?

>Why does red hat focus on gnome?

Maybe because they pay people to work on it? That's not bad, they have a goal and they pay for it, open source is about that.

Which means redhat has more pull, because European's opinions are less important.

>On Linux
>Doesn't simply wget

>because European's opinions are less important.
In the US. In Europe it's the complete opposite.

Tried Plasma on Antergos. Have to say, I was very pleasantly surprised. I tried KDE 4 and early builds of 5 and hated it. It blows the shit out of GNOME. It and XFCE are going to be my go-to DEs now, depending on whether I want eyecandy or something lightweight.

RHEL is terrible

I didn't say anything about Ubuntu. Debian stable has been the direction of the industry for over half a decade. RHEL isn't worth it, it's actually pretty awful. CentOS is just free RHEL for legacy purposes. Ubuntu LTS as a Debian stable alternative is relatively new.

Only autistic neckbeards use Linux, goy.

I am not fat, I shave everyday and have a buzzcut. Am I a neckbeard?