My Dropbox is running out of space

My Dropbox is running out of space.

What's the least intrusive alternative? I don't trust google and microsoft with loli content...

Kim's botnet

Unironically your own. Hard drive space is so cheap. There are turn key solutions for diy cloud storage. I am probably not helpful.

There is a Japanese version of Dropbox called

>what botnet is the least intrusive


USB stick

iCloud :D

It's owned by the NZ govt since quite a while.

Store it in a bullet in your brain you pedo shit

use your own server, or use google and encrypt the data first via rclone

You can get a 1TB western digital blue drive for like $60. 3TB for only like $100.

Site doesn't loads....

SpiderOak is the less intrusive alternative but it's expensive.

What are you going to use it for: documents, music, a whole drive? Do you need backups or to transfer files? Backblaze offers unlimited backup for 50$/year, is it what you need? Or can you just go with a free ProtonMail account and drafts?

>not intrusive

>actually believed it

fucking pedophine

Make a new Dropbox account...

Heh heh heh

Mega, kind ugly and slow, but does what its meant to do

>loli content
eat shit pedo

Loli is just drawings, nothing wrong with that.

You don't want to trust Google or Microsoft and yet you're fine with Dropbox?

Just pay for more DropBox, I've tried them all it's the best.

Feels good man

>loli content
So that's why Sup Forums always complain about MUH BOTNET and MUH FREEDOMS.

that's me!

nextcloud or nas4free

dont be a cuk

fucking KEK

>guize I have so much loli pr0n pls believe me
>im such a hardcore anime girl lover
Fucking kill yourself

>least intrusive alternative?

tahoe-lafs. There are some public clouds you can join (including at least one that runs over i2p) where you can share space, but have no idea what anyone else is storing on your system,

>I don't trust companies with my data
>still uses cloud
you must be special kind of retard

Encrypt it and then put it wherever.

>uses dropbox
>wants least intrusive alternative
kys nigger

>mfw grandfathered unlimited spideroak account for $119/year

>paying $119 a year for fucking cloud storage that will disappear when the company goes bankrupt
>not just buying a couple of HDDs every year for $119

>not just buying a couple of HDDs every year for $119
Yeah because that'll work great for 20TB
>no off-site backup
>no file history
>no normie friendly file shares

Can they be trusted?

That would have been funny as heck. But unfortunately not true

kys for being a pedo

>I don't trust google and microsoft with loli content...
Yet you trusted kekebox with it.
Try MEGA or rend a VPS for $5 a month and set up ownCloud.

Set up ownCloud on an old computer running Ubuntu 16.04.3 Server.
Open NAT on your router for port 80 and 443, get a cheap Domainname on namecheap. If not enough space on that harddrive, get a 1tb ext HDD for 50 bucks and set up ownCloud on that.
Literally the cheapest way to have good cloud storage.

Buy a rasberrypi and a harddrive, install linux server, profit

They're effectively Australia with regards to content storage, so no, loli imagery counts as CP

>>no normie friendly file shares
>doesn't have a simple http server running

someone buy this domain

You fucking amateur, it would be

A hard drive.

Dropbox is part of the PRISM project

op is already cucked lmao