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Requesting purchase advice:
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Great OP
what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?
which headphones do you own?
I'm looking for the MOST COMFY headphones. Currently own M40s but they kill my ears.
>budget ~$200
>Comfy level is priority over sound
thanks in advance anons.
>ma900 distorting the image
just like what they do to your music
it's the ma900 but you missed the only two used ones for $200 that were bought a few days ago
>buying used headphones
well they are $400-800 new so good luck
oh god this itt thread is the fattest place on your mom fggt ehehehehe lol kek
>spending $100- 200 more for no reason
oh, and post your headphones
>$400-800 for headphones that sound worse than KSC75
top jej
Good goy!
oh, so are you the same user that things the koss can do subbass and that all headphones sound the same after EQ?
Not really headphone but the best place I guess.
What's the best portable speaker? Bluetooth for normie use.
just get that JBL Flip or some shit
>What's the best portable speaker?
pic related
>JBL Flip
>Doesn't support high-bitrate aptX Bluetooth codec
You're kidding right?
>caring about aptX in a portable speaker
It's going to be shit either way you have no room to be picky.
$300 for ER4XR, $50 discount.
Which headphone measures better?
Fuck off reddit
>Using something like SBC
>Supports 45 kHz sampling
>Bitrate at 328 kbps
Jesus you sure you belong here?
Could ask you the same when you're looking for a portable bluetooth speaker
I already have a stereo set up in my house and great headphones, so yea why not complete my set.
What are you a poorfag?
Post your setup
prove that your opinions and ability to interpret graphs are credible by posting a picture of your headphones with a timestamp
You mean his measurement rig
B60R Integrated Amplifier
Omega Speaker Systems Super 8xrs
DeepOmega 8 sub
Not that I need to justify my shit to the internet.
I just want portability
I own and like my X2's a lot.
How would the MA 900 compare?
Whats some good slightly dark sounding headphones?
any retard with half a brain can see that the ma900 measures like shit
Post a timestamped photo you dumbass, I can't laugh at a dumbass buying Bryston products if he hasn't actually done it.
>DeepOmega 8 sub
t. sublet
Why in the fuck would I go through the trouble? This is, again, not about my set up but about wanting a good bluetooth speaker I can throw down when my students are testing or something.
inferior to your X2, see the measurement here:
no sub-bass, muddy mid-bass, etch at 1khz, recessed upper midrange and peaky 4khz response followed by the treble veil
Dude, just get out of this thread, the autistic permavirgins who lurk here and pretend to be elitist audiofags are truly the worst.
Do your research elsewhere. They only care about their circlejerk opinions.
What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?
post your headphones
too late schlomo
I noticed. Was going out soon anyways. I'll just look around the audiophile sites
Don't let the door hit you on the way out retard
post your headphones with a timestamp
post your headphones with a timestamp
How's the bass impact on the dt1990?
who cares? they aren't fostex
kekeroni worthy of an upvote my good sir
Which fostex then?
literally any biodyna fostex is worth it over a beyer. biodyna lyf. th-x00, e-mu teak, th900, denon, lawton
Fostex T20/40/50RP MK III with Mr. Speakers lambskin pads and a suspension headband.
Comfiest headphones you'll ever wear I guarantee it. Should come in at right around your budget.
>T50RP MK3 $155
>Alpha Pads $60
>Comfort Strap $15
Alright, so it's $230 without shipping, meaning it's marginally over your budget. You did use a tilde though, which implies you're flexible. I promise you the most comfortable headphone experience of your life. Like putting a couch on your head. They also sound phenomenal stock (if you dig a mildly dark sound like the LCD-2) and can be further improved with easy mods.
>comes right around your budget
Assuming he has an amp to actually use the headphones
this one really activated my almonds
>I promise you the most comfortable headphone experience of your life. Like putting a couch on your head.
this is wrong user. shp9500, hd800, and the ma900 are all more comfortable to the point where you forget they are on your head constantly. it's okay for your headphones to feel comfy but you are objectively wrong. if they feel like a couch that means you can still feel them on your head and they are objectively not the comfiest
miney crafta
I forget mine are on too, but by couch I was referring to the way they feel when you first put them on. The big, thicc, soft lamb leather pads closing around your ears. My AKG K702 were actually really easy to forget I had on for the first couple of hours, but became less comfortable after long sessions. The Fostex with the mentioned upgrades I've worn for 8+ hours straight without any discomfort at all.
I haven't owned those others you're talking about, so I can't compare.
Post yours.
>>I haven't owned those others you're talking about, so I can't compare.
I have, pad swapped t50rp are comfortable but don't compare to the ma900
why are hd600 so perfect
anyone got a cable/adapter to switch left/right on a 1/4 stereo plug? I know it's odd but with my setup it would be much nicer to not have a cable crossing over my lap.
pls be bait
its already confirmed.
sennheiser is to mpv as beyerdynamic is to vlc
I know you are trying hard at english, but the way this type of analogy would works is more like "sennheiser is to beyerdynamic as mpv is to vlc"
You aren't comparing headphone manufacturers to video players, as your post would suggest. That doesn't make any sense at all. You're comparing headphone manufacturers to headphone manufacturers, and video players to video players.
I hope this helps.
are you on the spectrum
Sennshills aren't exactly the smartest bunch.
What should i get coming from hd598?
Aren't we all?
HD600 obviously.
Depends on budget, need for isolation and if you want something similar or not to your older headphones.
so where does nonbinary asexual fall in here? I'm not on this shitty spectrum.
>nonbinary asexual
commit seppuku for you add nothing to society
200-300 open
t. sennheiser fuckboy
Well, assuming you liked your HD598 than HD600.
I don't sennheiser
im not sexually attracted to you so stop replying
hella fucking epic
>>im not sexually attracted to you so stop replying
which headphone should I get so i can be a fuccboi like you?
get hd600
hd650 is veiled
shitposting intensifies
Latest audio-gd impression rolled in, pic related was the summary. When are they going to make a decent product?
post measurements of the audio-gd products you claim to be shit
Post your measurement rig, also I didn't make any claims stupid redditor.
They sound like curry?
you've made claims here before about audio-gd measuring like shit, post measurements. are you saying that they don't measure like shit? should be a great buy then
yeah, lots of samefagging is pretty epic...
Post your measurement rig so you can prove you are qualified to even comment on measurements.