Redpill me on leenux text editors


gui based

categories such as ease of use, eye candy,
features, performance, ought to be looked at.

you are not allowed to shitpost here under any circumstances, don't do it.

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Emacs GUI is the best. It's not easy to use for beginners but once you get that .emacs config just right you will never want another editor for as long as you live. The GUI version has nice features for rendering which is why I prefer it over the CLI version but for just programming the CLI version is fine.

i have heard it is too complicated, besides why would i want to use a test editor to browse? I mean sure if you can do it, do it, but I'd rather use firefox for it.

>why would i want to use a test editor to browse

nano - simpler yet bloated, has surprisingly many features with terrible keybindings. Usually preinstalled on GNU/Linux distros

vi - mostly symlink to vim on GNU/Linux distros. Old vi is combo of ex - line-oriented editor very similar to ed (the cmd line you get after pressing ':'); and vi - screen-oriented editor. Is capable to use shell commands and supply parts of buffer as input to them, and insert resulting output into buffer. Can make a big use of regexes. Has a Text Object grammar: - like "delete inside parenthesis" is shortcut "di(".

vim - more focus on interface, more motions for text object grammar, more features, more bloat. Has it's scripting language, plugins etc. The only real reason to use vim over vi is syntax highlighting.

neovim - trying to fix vim's terrible code, providing plugin bindings for external languages like python or lua

emacs - reimplements whole system and utilities. Codebase is GIANT (about 10x the size of GCC and that's also giant monster). It's Lisp engine/interpreter with editor-like interface. Parts of buffer can be interpreted as Lisp, the session is dynamic Lisp runtime, Lisp is configuration language. Some concepts are quite similar to TempleOS, except one uses terribly implemented meme language and the other is God's will made by divine intellect. It's does not play well with system that runs it. Emacs has it's own shell implementation, terminal emulator, window tiling and tabbing, has it's own clipboard/killring for copy-pasting, every thinkable shell utility is rather reimplemented in lisp, ... and it's all quite crappy. The selling feature are few good packages. Imho Org-mode is utterly overrated, Magit as git front-end is cool, RSS readers are usable, and more.

You wouldn't really use it to browse. It's complicated at first but once you've gotten used to it it's really hard to beat. You have to be willing to stick with it and get over the muscle memory hurdle.

C-h t will teach you enough to get addicted. Combine it with some packages from Melpa and you get a really nice system for doing all sorts.

A simple text editor which does one job and does it well. Key bindings feel like a natural continuation of bash ones.
>vi, vim
Ancient shit that hipsters like. It's meme keybindings are believed to increase your productivity 20x times (which is of course a lie) Also, POSIX.
used to be GNUs main selling point. Ancient shit which is used by neck-beards or hipsters who've found vim to be too mainstream. Also, if you don't used as your file menage, mail client, outline tool, etc. you are welcome in the Church of Emacs.
It's okay, I guess. Why anyone would want so much bloat in a text editor, though.

ed - always ed, man.

>Also, if you don't used as your file menage, mail client, outline tool, etc. you are welcome in the Church of Emacs

But you should use your favorite editor for everything.

Quit trolling guys.
Everybody knows vim is best.

Vim if you want to edit a little file, emacs (evil-mode) if you work on bigger projects and spacemacs if you want a good preconfigured emacs with sane defaults.


If you are doing Java, C or C++, use Eclipse instead. If you are doing Python, use PyCharm. There's no real reason to use Atom, unless you use macOS and don't mind bloat.

good post

Geany is the perfect text editor and all you're ever going to need.

Atom is nice for simple web shit, Ruby, Haskell, Scala scripts, and a few other things imo.

just use spacemacs bro

> nano
Painfully basic.
> vi/vim/neovim
The fastest basic text editing experience.
> Emacs
Much more than a text editor, it's a completely customizable and extendable Lisp environment. It takes time to learn, but it's the most rewarding of everything here.

No such thing as a viitor or an emacsitor. Ed is the standard editor

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as " text editor",
is in fact, the extensible, customizable display editor

But yeah, as
said, you should learn to use emacs. Emacs can even emulate vim, so you can get the best features from both.

see this video (series) to learn more about what emacs can do.

Emacs with the X (or whatever OS) GUI is pretty easy to use once you get used to it for a while. You can be editing documents in a couple minutes, pretty soon you're learning how the windowing system works and then by the end of the first day you're using SLIME to bang out some wicked LISP.

It even has a web browser and a psychologist built in.

nano is all you need in terminal and sublimetext is best gui

Acme is patrician tier, in fact all of Plan9 is really patrician as fuck. No CIA niggers either.

thanks for the (You), it's an addiction

Everything besides vim is bloated shit.

>vim: 1.8 MB binary, 948 KB freshly started
>emacs: 230 MB binary, 7.5 MB core usage freshly started
In the olden days this would have been a problem, the 'sticky bit' was often used in the old days to keep emacs from swapping so disks on multi-user machines wouldn't thrash.

These days it's not really a big deal but I get what your'e saying.

Vim is also bloated, sorry. 450k C loc, another 250k loc of vimscript. And the features are so well hidden that you won't probably touch most of the lines and duplicate them with plugin. Also classic vi is ~50k loc and Lua implementation ~25k, vim is big.

Ed is for immortals, that's why em or ed for mortals and later ex which was em to work better on other processors was made

Ed's the only tool which still works on an actual teletype, otherwise there is no advantage aside from size of the executable.

>org-mode is overrated
>elfeed is usable
eternal summer is indeed upon Sup Forums

yep, I meant if you DO use Emacs as your file manager, mail client, game console, etc.

It's worth it alone for magit and org-mode.

Ahh another one of those guys who conflates useful features people use everyday with "bloat"

I wish we could throw morons like you out of helicopters.

There is bloat, and then there is your moronic view of "bloat".

>doesnt list cat

Everything is autismo ancient garbage other than sublime, atom and vscode.

Use neovim. It's amazing.

You have gained a friend.

Take this, in vim performance is due to ease of use but it will only happen once you learn the proper syntax of its language. But for features, Emacs is unbeatable, so much of this is true you can literally have vim syntax in Emacs.

i suggest learning some basic vi/vim so you are always able to do quick terminal text editing on ANY linux box as they all come with at least vi installed.

i suggest geany for basic code editting such as html, it's my favorite

i suggest qt creator to use as an IDE, not only for Qt projects but also just plain C/C++ for the auto complete and project management

Kakoune is the true redpill of text editors. Well designed, well implemented, more powerful than vim


gui based

What's it got over regular vim anyway?

Everytime we start speaking about text editors autism runs rampant.

For light editing? Whatever, knowing some vim is necesary.

Coding? I discovered mscode and didn't look back.

Sublime text.

dude i just want a text editor

probably the same thing that neofetch has over screenfetch