It's not even funny anymore :(
Windows 10 search in start menu is broken
Great! Now you can delete the whole Program files/WindowsApps folder without losing any functionality
Just hide the search tab dude
It's empty..?
Reminder that you're clearly retarded if you managed to fuck up search in Windows.
Windows search is working, you dumb cuck
You have to turn background apps on, and reboot.
search in Windows ⊃ Windows search™
Works and looks better with Classic Shell anyway.
Did you deleted Cortana? The desktop search bar stops working once you delete Cortana. And it is usually on that WindowsApp folder
Done. It's still broken.
I did not delete anything.
Turn on cortana idiot
>Windows search™
>doesn't know what ⊃ means
Did you fail high school?
Only woman can be this stupid
Get out
It renders exactly as it should, what do you think the problem is?
Come on, this is a joke, right?
works on my machine sound like a pebkac
W10's search is complete garbage, I don't know how they fucked it up because 8's is great.
Idk 8, but it works fine in 7. Booted into W10 partition only to update it to .NET 4.7.1
review set theory
>Using Win10
I don't
Every since the first major service pack whatever the fuck they called it my search does the same thing, namely doesnt fucking work.
Tried all sorts of shit and nothing fixes it
Yeah, something I haven't used in more than a decade.. No, thanks. I guess can be useful to know, in your case it helps you seem cool on websites like Sup Forums.
This is a new clean install. Barely used at all.
I find windows search hit and miss, that's why I bound search everything to a keyboard shortcut
You managed to fuck up a Windows 10 installation in mere 4 hours.
Well done retard.
I only installed my drivers, .NET 3.5/4.7 and VC redists 2008-1017. Didn't even connect it to internet until everything was finished so I could image the partition in the cleanest state.
This stupid shit happens to me once in a blue moon. I end up deleting the whole index and letting it re-index from scratch. It's a similar case with the thumbnail cache magically not rendering for new files.
I rebuilt the index numerous times. It's small too, so I can do it pretty fast. Didn't help at all.
We both know that's not true.
That is all I've done.
works on my machine
This happened to me once, but it fixed itself within an hour or so and I haven't seen it again since.
>Using Sims
Seriously if you aren't using ltsb better neck yourself
At least ltsb don't have cortana.
It's pure concentrate cancer
I am.
Your taskbar is far from the default.
I believe web search is enabled by default in ltsb, which is not the case in your screenshot.
You're missing some of the default applications in the start menu such as "Contact Support"
God knows what other changes you've done.
Pinned stuff from my HDD. I have two SSDs and two HDDs in my PC.
Point is that this is absolutely not a "clean install with drivers, .net and vc redists installed"
You've done loads of changes and one of them fucked up your shit and since then you kept spamming Sup Forums with your retarded threads.
>You've done loads of changes
Right click > pin to taskbar is a change? Nonetheless, this was done tonight. On my backup image not even a third program was run, and start menu search is broken.
I listed other changes you've clearly done and did not mention. You've done other things too.
I pinned them tonight. Ther are not in my backup image which I just restored to update NET 4.7.1. On that clean state, search is broken.
I honestly don't know if you're retarded or just pretending.
You updated, didn't you?
Also, suits you right, lately you have been talking so much retarded shit about Windows.
I always restore that image to update it then re-image it back. THEN, what's left on my ssd I pin my stuff, which is what you see these gifs from. It's nothing but some pinned programs. When I need to update it again, I'll restore the clean image, again.
Changing locale causes this. Chinese lewd games, not even once.
Again you go an about pinning shit to the taskbar when you clearly messed with search settings and uninstalled some of the default applications.
Ltsb doesn't have cortana, store or even edge. With Blackbird it's the only bearable w10.
This, plus ltsb don't wish to upgrade to whatever new cancer Microsoft releases every semester. Since initial release, all further iteractions of w10 are cancer. Cortana is all over, all sort of shit preinstalled.
What do you mean?
Locale is set to Russian. I doubt this breaks it, would be very stupid since I need the RU locale but want Windows in English.
you have the biggest mouth about being a windows expert
yet you do dumb shit like that all the time like a underage
What default applications? I did not uninstall anything. Let alone modifying any search settings, if there are any..
uncheck hidden
I'm 24 (:
>I believe web search is enabled by default in ltsb
You believe wrong. There's a reason why people prefer LTSB.
Try using LTSB before posting silly crap like that.
It is.
>Ltsb doesn't have cortana, store or even edge. With Blackbird it's the only bearable w10.
>This, plus ltsb don't wish to upgrade to whatever new cancer Microsoft releases every semester.
This, it's no way as bad and actually usable.
>Since initial release, all further interactions of w10 are cancer. Cortana is all over, all sort of shit preinstalled.
>Since initial release, all further interactions of w10 are cancer
>all further interactions of w10 are cancer
I fail to see how people don't understand that.
>Windows 10
Found your problem
I said "like a underage", not being one make it's more true and painful
Should have sticked to LTSB 2015 and applied only security updates like a good girl (male)
LTSB 2015 doesn't work with Titan X Pascal
Ltsb is the way windows should be used, at least on enterprise. For customers I'm installing all ltsbs. It's a pity Microsoft keep ltsb on tight control because it gets a lot of money on those pre installed shit.
Install ClassicShell since it comes with a better start menu and its own search functionality
>Titan X Pascal
Yet all you do is play Darkplaces
why not just use classic shell
change it to english
What else could it be?
Dunno, I'm the latest drivers for 1080s.
I didn't have any issues beside store but that shit is basically useless
I don't do much gaming besides STALKER and sometimes SIMS 4
>install even more bloat and hacks on a bloated OS
i went to click my start button to see if mine was working but then i realized i'm on GNU/Linux with i3wm
That is another reason why you should always install any on in English. Also criptic and shitty messages you can't decipher on poor made localizations
LTSB is too "hard" for consumers (they imply) and does not provide Microsoft with the same data mining and advertising options or forced updated/remote control
Obviously they won't release that for a consumer market
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Not even kidding, I've seen start menu break like that and worked after reboot
that's the least of your problems.
It was like that for me when I used to use Spybot Anti-Beacon and CCleaner, after removing those now it just works™
so did you install those games in that OS or are they from another drive?
Femanon, is it true you posted your tits one on Sup Forums (or was it Sup Forums)?
I'll tell you the answer if you tell me.
I never used that, and I'm against using such programs to begin with.
They are installed from SSD1 (W7) to HDD2 (non media files). W10 from SSD2 can see / open them just fine since all dependencies are installed, like NET frameworks and VC redists..
then the issue is that the games are not in the W10 registry.
No. I tried installing Office 2016 and same issue, start menu can't find it.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the absolute state of the winshill in this thread berating OP for somehow fucking up something which should be unfuckupable?
None of this stupidity happened, or even could happen, when the start menu was just a fucking folder. A third party app like Everything does better at desktop search.
Fuck microsoft, and double fuck this faggot
They shouldn't be for them to open in the start menu if the shortcuts are there
But I have no fucking idea what retarded shit MS could have done recently to Win10 though
>Works for a non-tech illiterate who knows how to use shitty software
Go back to your Loonix containment shithole.
ah, well the only other thing that seems apparent is that some anons have said in this thread that the start menu search functionality is somehow tied to cortana and cortana is not present in LTSB.
If you want an unfuckable operating system then go use Android or some other locked down system.
Start menu is still just a fucking folder.
Often times apps, programs, and files on another drive will not show up in search.
>None of this stupidity happened, or even could happen, when the start menu was just a fucking folder.
>What is C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
The problem you utter nigger, is unnecessary complexity. The goddamn start menu was perfectly sufficient for launching programs AS A FOLDER. It doesn't need background search indexing or whatever this problem is.
OP may or may not have fucked it up, but that's not the point.
Brain damage?
I can add shortcuts to the start menu folder and they show up instantly without indexing.
Heres how you get ot the sims:
Open up cmd prompt (Shift+Right-click on desktop)
type "dir", which will show directory
use "cd [directory]" to change directory to appropriate folder
navigate untill you found the sims executable, and then type "start [.exe file]" which in this case would be something like "start sims.exe".
Now you can feel like a l337 haxor and play vidya. Congradulations on learning how to circumnavigate your problem.
If you want to go a step further, you could type "tree" to look at the directory tree and then just navigate from the cmd prompt purely.
Get to it OP, tell me how you did or if you encounter any problems.
Yes, AS A FOLDER. Remember when the start menu was literally just the contents of C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu and C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Start Menu?
All this search bullshit is just that. Bullshit.
How about this?
Classic Shell.
Also stop using Windows 10. It's hot garbage.
But I don't use Winblows 10 (:
damn right, worse yet is MS doesn't even support basic shit like Fuzzy Searching, meanwhile ClassicShell does so I use that instead. OP's an ape and so are the shitlords defending the built in startmenu which was clearly coded by shitskins.
It's still just folders user, at least for OP's purposes.
The only new thing is that store applications also get their icon in there.