Do you guys use custom themes in your Windows...

Do you guys use custom themes in your Windows? I want to use some but the ones I liked are from deviantart saying it was deleted

I want to, but I never feel the need
7's default look always appealed to me enough

I don't use winshit.

Windows 7 and Vista have nice appearance. Makes you wonder what happened with 10


Why would I want to theme it? It's the only version of Windows that looks nice out of the box. Pic related is called Tiny7, which is a stripped down and pre-activated version of Windows 7 Ultimate for older machines. Just installed it last night.

no, I'm not a teenager anymore

I use GNU+Linux as my operating system

>Do you guys use custom themes in your Windows?

So do I. I still keep around a couple of machines running Windows and OS X because using VMs is shitty and WINE just doesn't work for a lot of stuff.

Is Tiny7 any good? Might install it on some old dual core laptop i have around

There just aren't that many good themes for 8.1 and 10 like there are for 7.

Yeah, it's pretty great.

The laptop I'm using was pretty high end in 2006 when I got it. It has 3GB of RAM, a T2300 at 1.6GHz, and an ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with something like 1GB of vRAM plus another 128MB in the Intel graphics, so it runs Windows 7 plenty comfortably and can play pretty much every XP-era game I have at medium to high settings. Tiny7 boots faster than stock Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit and is just more responsive. Performance in games is also slightly better with it.

Sweet. This laptop is dual core at 1.6ghz if i recall correctly and 2gb ram. It came with 7 starter, but if this tiny7 is a bit faster, then better.

Oh yeah, I highly recommend it. Tiny7 is 32-bit only by the way.

Into the trash it goes. What is Win7embedded?

Tiny7 is good for 32-bit machines. Use something else if you want 64-bit support.

Provide me with a legit audited download link then? This shit has wider holes than your mother.
Embedded supports 32-shit with no problems and up-to-date security patches.

It's an unofficial, modified version of Windows. If you're planing on using anything but GNU/Linux or OpenBSD to sign into accounts or handle sensitive data then you're doing it wrong. Do retards actually used cracked versions of Windows as their main OS? Please tell me otherwise. Please.


Thanks, and I don't mind 32bit. This laptop came with 32bit W7 and it's not going to have extra use other than web browsing, office and video/music playback

You should add more RAM. You could always install OpenBSD or something and use it as an email server or something like that. Lots of great possibilities for old laptops.

So that Tiny7 laptop is just for shit posting Sup Forums?
>GNU/Linux or OpenBSD
You don't use any of these kernels do you?

>invest money on it
Yeah no, I'm fine. I have a much better laptop anyways. I just want to resurrect this old one just in case (I live in a 3rd world shithole and I don't really trust those retards around if I use my good laptop). Also who knows, if my mother feels like wanting to use a laptop, I might give that one.

Fucking never.

This is 2017 everything has to be flat with solid block colours

>So that Tiny7 laptop is just for shit posting Sup Forums?
Yes, and for games. Though I do most of my shitposting from Fedora.

>GNU/Linux or OpenBSD
>You don't use any of these kernels do you?
I use Fedora as my main OS, Debian on my backup server, and OpenBSD on my mail server and router. So yes, I do use them. Gaming is just a hobby and I restrict Windows to machines I don't really care about.

>I live in a 3rd world shithole
That sucks. I live in the US and I can pull 2GB sticks of RAM out of the trash for free.

OpenBSD is great for server and embedded stuff, you fucking faggot. This is probably another case of "muh cuck license".

Space engine

My nigga

OpenBSD is fantastic if you are susceptible to shilling, I'll trust FreeBSD for my spinning rust server thanks all the same.

I used to use one based on the Zune UI back in windows 7, completely black with white text and pink/orange gradient accents but ultimately removed it because it was incomplete (some text elements were still black so it was impossible to read).

That was back in windows 7, in 10 I haven't felt the need to do so because I kinda like how it looks as it is and I constantly switch resolutions because my 4k tv is plugged to it (and when I switch it always fucks up some windows GUI elements so I imagine it would be worse with a theme).

>OpenBSD is fantastic if you are susceptible to shilling

>the Chad OpenBSD
>does what it says on the tin
>default install is extremely secure
>doesn't included non-free drivers in the kernel
>made by the devs for the devs

>the virgin FreeBSD
>tries to please everyone and ends up pleasing no one
>not as secure as the Chad OpenBSD
>includes non-free drivers in the kernel
>made by the devs for desktop users and big companies
>is only used by basement dweller NEETs and image boards like Sup Forums
>gets forked by Applel faggots


>restrict Windows to machines I don't really care about.
>too brainlet to manage his IOMMU groups.

I bet you "Windows can't even XXX"
Off yourself, child.

>Not as secure
[citation needed]

Why is this a debate, no one uses *BSD. Hence it's Sup Forums shilling.

I'll only fuck around with VMs for operating systems that I don't have the hardware for. I have so much old hardware collecting dust that I might as well put it to good use.

>I bet you "Windows can't even XXX"
What are you even talking about? Different operating systems have their upsides and downsides and I use whatever I need depending on the use case.

Only two remote holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!

Literally says that on the front page.

>two remote holes
Fuck me, is that a self portrait.