Is Android supposed to be a joke? I wanted to switch to my backup Nexus 5 Android phone after my Iphone cable is broken again but now I get all these botnet memes.
+ The phone is constantly listening to my voice without any physical interaction with it. It just listens by default.
Siri is better, it only listens when I activate it.
+ Lol I have to give the SMS app permissions to view and send SMS, even make phone calls? Sounds fishy as hell what the?!!? It still doesnt appear to sync my SMS messages from the SIM card, totally broken piece of shit.
+ Weird little vibration on every screen press
+ How the hell do I search for anything here on the phone? The google search on top is an internet search. I need to find a settings dialog, an app blabla. I still cant find where to put in internet connection settings. Instead the settings menu has a bunch of bullcrap options like "google assistant", "offline search", "your feed", "widget" on the very top. The hell lol, who gives a flying rat's ass about any of that crap?! I need to find battery settings, wireless settings, carrier settings
+ The default apps are the absolute worst, who cares about some weird "Play Books", "Play", "Play Store", "Create". What the HELL is that shit, where are the normal apps like i dont know. When I click on the "" it opens some weirdo hangout google service, I JUST WANT TO VIEW MY SMS WTH. I guess 'Play Store' = 'App Store'? What is this, a gaming device for kids? Android is a joke
+ There is nothing to explore on this phone, I swipe right and it just shows the white blank animation and to the left there is the google search. Wth, this is how Android uses a major screenspace? For the google homepage?!!? I already have the browser on my quickdial on the bottom, what the hELL do I need it for again on the left?
This is the worst space wasting design I've ever seen.
+ What if no Google account? I dont want Google to know everything about me and my life and my voice and my data