Which colors do you use in your terminal?
Which colors do you use in your terminal?
Everything white.
Tango is the only answer.
Black. Coloured terminals are useless rice. I'm fine with making a system look nice if its functional but what's gained from this?
Solarized-dark is the only REAL answer.
XTerm*reverseVideo: on
Standard colors that is.
Monokai. Easy on the eyes and available for most software
Base16 Pop
Hackerman green like the edgy little kid I am
>this is the state of Sup Forums
Wut. Post screenshot?
>not using wal
>what is google
It's literally the most downloaded theme on gnome-look. It's basically Arc with the dumb traffic lights of OSX.
I just wanted to talk. I'm lonely.
hello fren :)
I've setted a simple macro on i3 for when I press the Thinkvantage button on my Thinkpad, it executes pywal which picks a random wallpaper and extracts the more common colours from it.
hey buddddd
Thank you.
>this is the state of Sup Forums
Default because individuality is not a factor in my belief system
wheres that logo from?
show bobs and vegana
I really want to know what kind of person you are irl.
Dark pastels. Werks for me.
im just a normal girl desu
> All his code is black
You must be fast at reading your code....
Unfortunately I don't remember the anime :( .
Always make mine out of colors from the wallpaper.
>6 GHz
noice, what temps are you running? air cooled?
>that lewded Illya
D O N ' T
its cute not lewd
i meant to ask if theres a website or something where this flat anime linux logos are from but ty anyway :)
Some shit that was default, haven't cared enough to change.
Whatever colors wal decides are gud.
I apparently don't care enough to include the pic either
Use the bright range and you'll be able to see the black square on the left end of the neofetch color bar against black background.
neofetch --block_range 8 15
I'm not racist.
How do you change these btw?
>this is the state of Sup Forums
Don't worry, you will be one of the first in the gulag
roast me
I hate Monokai but damn, availability is important. Thank god the Base16 colors are available on most software as well.
dark pastels with a changed background
never thought much about it lol
Your girlfriend is a SLUT
delet this right now
No need to, you're suffering enough already
ur the one who posted those SLUTTY pictures desu
their not sl*tty their cute
you know the thing that reads in your pape and generates a perfect colour scheme using its colours?
these guys get it
post feet
go back
cuz they're cute and i like them
Normal ones.
These feet are from a girl on /soc/ btw.
always grey. bought this thinkpad on ebay for $20. I tried to use debian on this but it didn't work so well so I just put ubuntu on it
whoops forgot pic
solarized dark
Whatever pywal sets them to. I'm in i3 user and it's an easy way for me to set the wallpaper and it gets my terminals to match it every time. Despite this, I can spend so much time in my web browser I sometimes forget what my wallpaper and terminals look like.
>not using wpgtk
I know those aren't your's but they're pretty nice...
all of them :)
that image should not arouse me this much.
umm no their not...
then why do you keep posting the same pic?
finally a reason to switch to linux
I'm pretty sure it works on BSD too user
How do I rice my NeoFetch? Teach me Sup Forums
I just use black with white font. The default basically.
pacman -Rnsu neofetch
is this the new screenfetch thread
xterm*background: rgb:1a/1a/1a
xterm*foreground: rgb:d6/d6/d6
xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00
xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28
xterm*color2: rgb:00/88/00
xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38
xterm*color4: rgb:41/41/71
xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59
xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79
xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be
xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66
xterm*color9: rgb:cf/61/71
xterm*color10: rgb:7c/bc/8c
xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f7/96
xterm*color12: rgb:41/86/be
xterm*color13: rgb:cf/9e/be
xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be
xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff
xterm*cursorColor: #d6d6d6
this hurts me
no bully please
idk how to change colors on this
*.foreground: #988DA5
*.background: #8C8192
*.cursorColor: #FFE2FF
! black
*.color0: #1b181b
*.color8: #776977
! red
*.color1: #ea4e4e
*.color9: #ea4e4e
! green
*.color2: #54FF54
*.color10: #54FF54
! yellow
*.color3: #eaea4f
*.color11: #eaea4f
! blue
*.color4: #516aec
*.color12: #516aec
! magenta
*.color5: #7b59c0
*.color13: #7b59c0
! cyan
*.color6: #159393
*.color14: #159393
! white
*.color7: #ab9bab
*.color15: #f7f3f7
purple for variables, green for the cursor
what are you using to output the color line?
It is Sonora Kashima from Stella Women's Academy.
Wow. A combined iq of over 1800 in that picture.
I'm astounded if that's actually stable. That's a 182% overclock. Most struggle for 120%
it's a glitch dummies, screenfetch does it all the time with 2500Ks for some reason
post some cool vim colorschemes
I've always wondered, what is this and how do you do it? Is it possible on other os's?