what does Sup Forums think about this guy?
What does Sup Forums think about this guy?
cancer cuck who went back to systemd
He use a lot terminal programs because xorg broken frequently.
Didn't know Trevor Philips had a son
Sup Forumstard
he looks like someone who's about to off himself
he's cool
I downloaded his dotfiles. His i3 config is actually nice.
Holy shit
I like his videos.
>Uses Sup Forums as a boogeyman to defend his husbando from criticism
and his videos have too many memes
>watches and endorses know murderer, luddite and general loon varg vikernes
I like him
Thumbnails are cancer but videos are actually alright. I'm subscribed.
Only good tech tuber, 10/10
Looks like maktone.
>He takes autistic Norwegian black metal musicians seriously, others of whom were murderous Luddites who weren't exactly there
I can give you at least three reasons why you should just ignore Varg if you just don't like him; he's not exactly one of a kind:
Varg is entertaining in the sense that all the shit he says will undoubtedly be something stupid, like how Southern Europeans aren't white. Plus, he's also funny for literally being a fucking Snow nigger, so there's that.
He's just trying to appeal to the "Sup Forums audience", he does it on purpose
>like how Southern Europeans aren't white.
Yes and no. Southern Europeans are more mixed with North-African (Roman slaves) than any other ethnicity in Europe.
Much pagan wizard hacker wow.
who is he
shampoo my crotch and tell me who he is
meme reviewer